Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Summary of a ROTS object
summary.ROTSR Documentation

Summary of a ROTS object


Summarizes the differential testing results from ROTS package.


  ## S3 method for class 'ROTS'
summary(object, fdr=NULL, num.genes=NULL, verbose=TRUE, ...)



a ROTS object created from differential expression testing run by ROTS.


selected cutoff for FDR value.


selected cutoff number for number of differentially detected features.


If TRUE (default), summary function will print out 10 first detections which fulfill the cutoff criteria.


other arguments passed to the summary function.


This function returns the summary information (including row number, test-statistic, pvalue and FDR value) for the selected features.


Returns a matrix where the rows are the selected features and columns are the Row number, ROTS-statistic, pvalue and FDR.


Fatemeh Seyednasrollah, Tomi Suomi, Laura L. Elo

Maintainer: Fatemeh Seyednasrollah <>


L. L. Elo, S. Filen, R. Lahesmaa and T. Aittokallio: Reproducibility-optimized test statistic for ranking genes in microarray studies. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 5: 423–431, 2008.

See Also



  ## ROTS-statistic for the Affymetrix spike-in data. 
  rots.out <- ROTS(data = affySpikeIn, groups = c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5)),
      B = 100, K = 500 , seed = 1234)
  ## Summary of the ROTS results.
  rots.summary <- summary(rots.out, fdr = 0.05)


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> library(ROTS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/ROTS/summary.ROTS.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: summary.ROTS
> ### Title: Summary of a ROTS object
> ### Aliases: summary.ROTS
> ### Keywords: math
> ### ** Examples
>   ## ROTS-statistic for the Affymetrix spike-in data. 
>   rots.out <- ROTS(data = affySpikeIn, groups = c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5)),
+       B = 100, K = 500 , seed = 1234)
Bootstrapping samples
Optimizing parameters
Calculating p-values
Calculating FDR
>   ## Summary of the ROTS results.
>   rots.summary <- summary(rots.out, fdr = 0.05)
ROTS results: 

Number of resamplings:  100 

a1:                     1.6 
a2:                     1 
Top list size:          10 
Reproducibility value:  0.908 
Z-score:                23.32576 

5 rows satisfy the condition.
         Row ROTS-statistic  pvalue FDR
684_at   315     -4.3078654 0.00002   0
36202_at 555      0.4830924 0.00023   0
36085_at 710      0.4443196 0.00025   0
1024_at  833      0.3993879 0.00027   0
36311_at 303      0.3805451 0.00030   0
null device 