Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Coerces an object to a 'smet-class' object
as.smetR Documentation

Coerces an object to a smet-class object


The method as.smet coerces an object or a charachter string to a SMET. If the object is







as.smet(object, ...)

as.smet(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character'
as.smet(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
as.smet(object, mult = NA, offset = NA,
  date.field = "timestamp", station.field = "station_id",
  header.fields = c("longitude", "latitude", "station_id", "altitude",
  "location"), variables = NULL, force.multistation = FALSE,
  metaparam = attr(object, "metaparam"), file = NA, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
as.smet(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'smet'
as.smet(object, ...)



the object to be coerced


further arguments

mult, offset

numeric vectors of unit multiplier and offset respectivaly


field name used for date and time. Default is "timestamp", as used for SMET format.


field name used for station ID. Default is "station_id", as used for SMET format.


names used for the SMET header. Defaults are c("longitude","latitude","station_id" ,"altitude","location")


(optional) selection of variables hich can be exported to SMET formats. It is used only in case of two or more stations.


logical value. If it is TRUE the method is forced to return a list of SMET objects even in case of only one station


metedata optional data frame containig meta info on variables. It can be entered as an attribute of object. See the structure of metaparam of meteofrance.It must contains SMET_ID,SMET_UNIT_MULTIPLIER,SMET_UNIT_OFFSET columns/fields.


full filename of the reference SMET filename (not considered when object is character .



## Choose a particular station 
station_id <-  unique(meteofrance$station_id)[3]

variables <- c("timestamp","DW","VW","TA","TD","RH","MFR_rr24",
header <- c("longitude","latitude","station_id" ,"altitude","location")
names(header) <- header

data <- meteofrance[meteofrance$station_id==station_id,c(header,variables)]
metaparam <- attr(meteofrance,"metaparam")
metaparam <- metaparam[metaparam$SMET_ID %in% names(data),]
header <- lapply(X=header,FUN=function(x,data) {data[1,x]},data=data)
data <- data[,variables]
attr(data,"header") <- header
attr(data,"metaparam") <- metaparam

sm <- as.smet(data)

# In case of multiple station, it return a list of SMET-class objects: 

sm_multi <- as.smet(meteofrance,variables=variables)



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> library(RSMET)
Loading required package: stringr
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RSMET/as.smet.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: as.smet
> ### Title: Coerces an object to a 'smet-class' object
> ### Aliases: as.smet as.smet,character-method as.smet,data.frame-method
> ###   as.smet,list-method as.smet,smet-method
> ### ** Examples
> data(meteofrance)
> ## Choose a particular station 
> station_id <-  unique(meteofrance$station_id)[3]
> variables <- c("timestamp","DW","VW","TA","TD","RH","MFR_rr24",
+       "MFR_tn12","MFR_tn24","MFR_tx12","MFR_tx24","HS","HS_fresh")
> header <- c("longitude","latitude","station_id" ,"altitude","location")
> names(header) <- header
> data <- meteofrance[meteofrance$station_id==station_id,c(header,variables)]
> metaparam <- attr(meteofrance,"metaparam")
> metaparam <- metaparam[metaparam$SMET_ID %in% names(data),]
> header <- lapply(X=header,FUN=function(x,data) {data[1,x]},data=data)
> data <- data[,variables]
> attr(data,"header") <- header
> attr(data,"metaparam") <- metaparam
> sm <- as.smet(data)
> # In case of multiple station, it return a list of SMET-class objects: 
> sm_multi <- as.smet(meteofrance,variables=variables)
null device 