Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Coerces a 'smet-class' object to a data frame
collapse.smetR Documentation

Coerces a smet-class object to a data frame


Coerces a smet-class object to a data frame


collapse.smet(x, y, headers = NULL, date.field = "timestamp")



first smet-class object


second smet-class object


header attributes to check before collapsing


field name used for date and time. Default is "timestamp", as used for SMET format.


a collapsed smet-class object


smet1 <- as.smet(system.file("examples/zugspitze1.smet",package="RSMET"))
smet2 <- as.smet(system.file("examples/zugspitze2.smet",package="RSMET"))

newsmet <- collapse.smet(x=smet1,y=smet2)

newsmet_ <- collapse.smet(x=smet2,y=smet1)

x <- smet(system.file('examples/PIEM001114.smet',package="RSMET"))
y <- smet(system.file('examples/PIEM001114_20160308.smet',package="RSMET"))

xy <-  collapse.smet(x,y) 


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> library(RSMET)
Loading required package: stringr
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RSMET/collapse.smet.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: collapse.smet
> ### Title: Coerces a 'smet-class' object to a data frame
> ### Aliases: collapse.smet
> ### ** Examples
> smet1 <- as.smet(system.file("examples/zugspitze1.smet",package="RSMET"))
> smet2 <- as.smet(system.file("examples/zugspitze2.smet",package="RSMET"))
> newsmet <- collapse.smet(x=smet1,y=smet2)
> newsmet_ <- collapse.smet(x=smet2,y=smet1)
> x <- smet(system.file('examples/PIEM001114.smet',package="RSMET"))
> y <- smet(system.file('examples/PIEM001114_20160308.smet',package="RSMET"))
> xy <-  collapse.smet(x,y) 
Warning message:
In collapse.smet(x, y) :
  Collapsing SMET : header mismatch!!!   fields: timestamp VW DW TA HS == timestamp TA HS   units_offset: 0 0 0 0 0 == 0 0 0   units_multiplier: 1 1 1 1 1 == 1 1 1   station_id: PIEM001114 == PIEM001114
null device 