Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Information about cohorts from TCGA project
infoTCGAR Documentation

Information about cohorts from TCGA project


Function restores codes and counts for each cohort from TCGA project.




A list with a tabular information from


If you have any problems, issues or think that something is missing or is not clear please post an issue on


Marcin Kosinski,

See Also

RTCGA website

Other RTCGA: RTCGA-package, boxplotTCGA, checkTCGA, convertTCGA, datasetsTCGA, downloadTCGA, expressionsTCGA, heatmapTCGA, installTCGA, kmTCGA, mutationsTCGA, pcaTCGA, readTCGA, survivalTCGA, theme_RTCGA


(cohorts <- infoTCGA() %>% 
rownames() %>% 
   sub('-counts', '', x=.))
# in knitr chunk -> results='asis'   


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> library(RTCGA)
Welcome to the RTCGA (version: 1.2.2).
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RTCGA/infoTCGA.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: infoTCGA
> ### Title: Information about cohorts from TCGA project
> ### Aliases: infoTCGA
> ### ** Examples
> infoTCGA()
                  Cohort  BCR Clinical   CN LowP Methylation mRNA mRNASeq miR
ACC-counts           ACC   92       92   90    0          80    0      79   0
BLCA-counts         BLCA  412      412  410  112         412    0     408   0
BRCA-counts         BRCA 1098     1097 1089   19        1097  526    1093   0
CESC-counts         CESC  307      307  295   50         307    0     304   0
CHOL-counts         CHOL   51       45   36    0          36    0      36   0
COAD-counts         COAD  460      458  451   69         457  153     457   0
COADREAD-counts COADREAD  631      629  616  104         622  222     623   0
DLBC-counts         DLBC   58       48   48    0          48    0      48   0
ESCA-counts         ESCA  185      185  184   51         185    0     184   0
FPPP-counts         FPPP   38       38    0    0           0    0       0   0
GBM-counts           GBM  613      595  577    0         420  540     160 565
GBMLGG-counts     GBMLGG 1129     1110 1090   52         936  567     676 565
HNSC-counts         HNSC  528      528  522  108         528    0     520   0
KICH-counts         KICH  113      113   66    0          66    0      66   0
KIPAN-counts       KIPAN  973      941  883    0         892   88     889   0
KIRC-counts         KIRC  537      537  528    0         535   72     533   0
KIRP-counts         KIRP  323      291  289    0         291   16     290   0
LAML-counts         LAML  200      200  197    0         194    0     179   0
LGG-counts           LGG  516      515  513   52         516   27     516   0
LIHC-counts         LIHC  377      377  370    0         377    0     371   0
LUAD-counts         LUAD  585      522  516  120         578   32     515   0
LUSC-counts         LUSC  504      504  501    0         503  154     501   0
MESO-counts         MESO   87       87   87    0          87    0      87   0
OV-counts             OV  602      591  586    0         594  574     304 570
PAAD-counts         PAAD  185      185  184    0         184    0     178   0
PCPG-counts         PCPG  179      179  175    0         179    0     179   0
PRAD-counts         PRAD  499      499  492  115         498    0     497   0
READ-counts         READ  171      171  165   35         165   69     166   0
SARC-counts         SARC  261      261  257    0         261    0     259   0
SKCM-counts         SKCM  470      470  469  118         470    0     469   0
STAD-counts         STAD  443      443  442  107         443    0     415   0
STES-counts         STES  628      628  626  158         628    0     599   0
TGCT-counts         TGCT  150      134  150    0         150    0     150   0
THCA-counts         THCA  503      503  499   98         503    0     501   0
THYM-counts         THYM  124      124  123    0         124    0     120   0
UCEC-counts         UCEC  560      548  540  106         547   54     545   0
UCS-counts           UCS   57       57   56    0          57    0      57   0
UVM-counts           UVM   80       80   80   51          80    0      80   0
                miRSeq RPPA MAF rawMAF
ACC-counts          80   46  90      0
BLCA-counts        409  344 130    395
BRCA-counts       1078  887 977      0
CESC-counts        307  173 194      0
CHOL-counts         36   30  35      0
COAD-counts        406  360 154    367
COADREAD-counts    549  491 223    489
DLBC-counts         47   33  48      0
ESCA-counts        184  126 185      0
FPPP-counts         23    0   0      0
GBM-counts           0  238 290    290
GBMLGG-counts      512  668 576    806
HNSC-counts        523  212 279    510
KICH-counts         66   63  66     66
KIPAN-counts       873  756 644    799
KIRC-counts        516  478 417    451
KIRP-counts        291  215 161    282
LAML-counts        188    0 197      0
LGG-counts         512  430 286    516
LIHC-counts        372   63 198    373
LUAD-counts        513  365 230    542
LUSC-counts        478  328 178      0
MESO-counts         87   63   0      0
OV-counts          453  426 316    469
PAAD-counts        178  123 150    184
PCPG-counts        179   80 179      0
PRAD-counts        494  352 332    498
READ-counts        143  131  69    122
SARC-counts        259  223 247      0
SKCM-counts        448  353 343    366
STAD-counts        436  357 289    395
STES-counts        620  483 474    395
TGCT-counts        150  118 149      0
THCA-counts        502  222 402    496
THYM-counts        124   90 123      0
UCEC-counts        538  440 248      0
UCS-counts          56   48  57      0
UVM-counts          80   12  80      0
> library(magrittr)
> (cohorts <- infoTCGA() %>% 
+ rownames() %>% 
+    sub('-counts', '', x=.))
 [1] "ACC"      "BLCA"     "BRCA"     "CESC"     "CHOL"     "COAD"    
 [7] "COADREAD" "DLBC"     "ESCA"     "FPPP"     "GBM"      "GBMLGG"  
[13] "HNSC"     "KICH"     "KIPAN"    "KIRC"     "KIRP"     "LAML"    
[19] "LGG"      "LIHC"     "LUAD"     "LUSC"     "MESO"     "OV"      
[25] "PAAD"     "PCPG"     "PRAD"     "READ"     "SARC"     "SKCM"    
[31] "STAD"     "STES"     "TGCT"     "THCA"     "THYM"     "UCEC"    
[37] "UCS"      "UVM"     
> # in knitr chunk -> results='asis'   
> knitr::kable(infoTCGA())

|                |Cohort   |BCR  |Clinical |CN   |LowP |Methylation |mRNA |mRNASeq |miR |miRSeq |RPPA |MAF |rawMAF |
|ACC-counts      |ACC      |92   |92       |90   |0    |80          |0    |79      |0   |80     |46   |90  |0      |
|BLCA-counts     |BLCA     |412  |412      |410  |112  |412         |0    |408     |0   |409    |344  |130 |395    |
|BRCA-counts     |BRCA     |1098 |1097     |1089 |19   |1097        |526  |1093    |0   |1078   |887  |977 |0      |
|CESC-counts     |CESC     |307  |307      |295  |50   |307         |0    |304     |0   |307    |173  |194 |0      |
|CHOL-counts     |CHOL     |51   |45       |36   |0    |36          |0    |36      |0   |36     |30   |35  |0      |
|COAD-counts     |COAD     |460  |458      |451  |69   |457         |153  |457     |0   |406    |360  |154 |367    |
|COADREAD-counts |COADREAD |631  |629      |616  |104  |622         |222  |623     |0   |549    |491  |223 |489    |
|DLBC-counts     |DLBC     |58   |48       |48   |0    |48          |0    |48      |0   |47     |33   |48  |0      |
|ESCA-counts     |ESCA     |185  |185      |184  |51   |185         |0    |184     |0   |184    |126  |185 |0      |
|FPPP-counts     |FPPP     |38   |38       |0    |0    |0           |0    |0       |0   |23     |0    |0   |0      |
|GBM-counts      |GBM      |613  |595      |577  |0    |420         |540  |160     |565 |0      |238  |290 |290    |
|GBMLGG-counts   |GBMLGG   |1129 |1110     |1090 |52   |936         |567  |676     |565 |512    |668  |576 |806    |
|HNSC-counts     |HNSC     |528  |528      |522  |108  |528         |0    |520     |0   |523    |212  |279 |510    |
|KICH-counts     |KICH     |113  |113      |66   |0    |66          |0    |66      |0   |66     |63   |66  |66     |
|KIPAN-counts    |KIPAN    |973  |941      |883  |0    |892         |88   |889     |0   |873    |756  |644 |799    |
|KIRC-counts     |KIRC     |537  |537      |528  |0    |535         |72   |533     |0   |516    |478  |417 |451    |
|KIRP-counts     |KIRP     |323  |291      |289  |0    |291         |16   |290     |0   |291    |215  |161 |282    |
|LAML-counts     |LAML     |200  |200      |197  |0    |194         |0    |179     |0   |188    |0    |197 |0      |
|LGG-counts      |LGG      |516  |515      |513  |52   |516         |27   |516     |0   |512    |430  |286 |516    |
|LIHC-counts     |LIHC     |377  |377      |370  |0    |377         |0    |371     |0   |372    |63   |198 |373    |
|LUAD-counts     |LUAD     |585  |522      |516  |120  |578         |32   |515     |0   |513    |365  |230 |542    |
|LUSC-counts     |LUSC     |504  |504      |501  |0    |503         |154  |501     |0   |478    |328  |178 |0      |
|MESO-counts     |MESO     |87   |87       |87   |0    |87          |0    |87      |0   |87     |63   |0   |0      |
|OV-counts       |OV       |602  |591      |586  |0    |594         |574  |304     |570 |453    |426  |316 |469    |
|PAAD-counts     |PAAD     |185  |185      |184  |0    |184         |0    |178     |0   |178    |123  |150 |184    |
|PCPG-counts     |PCPG     |179  |179      |175  |0    |179         |0    |179     |0   |179    |80   |179 |0      |
|PRAD-counts     |PRAD     |499  |499      |492  |115  |498         |0    |497     |0   |494    |352  |332 |498    |
|READ-counts     |READ     |171  |171      |165  |35   |165         |69   |166     |0   |143    |131  |69  |122    |
|SARC-counts     |SARC     |261  |261      |257  |0    |261         |0    |259     |0   |259    |223  |247 |0      |
|SKCM-counts     |SKCM     |470  |470      |469  |118  |470         |0    |469     |0   |448    |353  |343 |366    |
|STAD-counts     |STAD     |443  |443      |442  |107  |443         |0    |415     |0   |436    |357  |289 |395    |
|STES-counts     |STES     |628  |628      |626  |158  |628         |0    |599     |0   |620    |483  |474 |395    |
|TGCT-counts     |TGCT     |150  |134      |150  |0    |150         |0    |150     |0   |150    |118  |149 |0      |
|THCA-counts     |THCA     |503  |503      |499  |98   |503         |0    |501     |0   |502    |222  |402 |496    |
|THYM-counts     |THYM     |124  |124      |123  |0    |124         |0    |120     |0   |124    |90   |123 |0      |
|UCEC-counts     |UCEC     |560  |548      |540  |106  |547         |54   |545     |0   |538    |440  |248 |0      |
|UCS-counts      |UCS      |57   |57       |56   |0    |57          |0    |57      |0   |56     |48   |57  |0      |
|UVM-counts      |UVM      |80   |80       |80   |51   |80          |0    |80      |0   |80     |12   |80  |0      |
null device 