Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Make a table for mutation rate of each gene in the cohort
getMutationRateR Documentation

Make a table for mutation rate of each gene in the cohort


Make a table for mutation rate of each gene in the cohort





This must be FirehoseData object.


Returns a data table


mutRate = getMutationRate(dataObject=RTCGASample)
mutRate <- mutRate[order(mutRate[,2],decreasing = TRUE),]
## Not run: 


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> library(RTCGAToolbox)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RTCGAToolbox/getMutationRate.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: getMutationRate
> ### Title: Make a table for mutation rate of each gene in the cohort
> ### Aliases: getMutationRate
> ### ** Examples
> data(RTCGASample)
RTCGASample dataset is artificially created for function test.
It isn't biologically meaninful and it has no relation with any cancer type.
For real datasets, please use client function to get data from data portal.
> mutRate = getMutationRate(dataObject=RTCGASample)
> mutRate <- mutRate[order(mutRate[,2],decreasing = TRUE),]
> head(mutRate)
      Genes MutationRatio
FCGBP FCGBP          0.46
NF1     NF1          0.31
ASTN1 ASTN1          0.24
ODZ4   ODZ4          0.22
BRWD1 BRWD1          0.22
SYNE2 SYNE2          0.22
> ## Not run: 
null device 