Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Perform survival analysis based on gene expression data
getSurvivalR Documentation

Perform survival analysis based on gene expression data


getSurvival draws a KM plot and show survival analysis results between groups that are defined by gene expression data


getSurvival(dataObject, numberofGroups = 2, geneSymbols, sampleTimeCensor)



This must be FirehoseData object.


Can be set as 2 or 3. (Default 2) Order and divide samples into n groups by using gene expression data.


Gene symbol that is going to be tested


a data frame that stores clinical data. First column should store sample IDs, second column should have time and third column should have event information. For more information please see vignette.


Draws a KM plot


## get data with  getFirehoseData() function and call survival analysis
## Always check clinical data file for structural changes
clinicData <- getData(RTCGASample,"Clinical")
clinicData = clinicData[,3:5]
clinicData[[,3]),3] = clinicData[[,3]),2]
survData <- data.frame(Samples=rownames(clinicData),Time=as.numeric(clinicData[,3]),


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> library(RTCGAToolbox)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RTCGAToolbox/getSurvival.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: getSurvival
> ### Title: Perform survival analysis based on gene expression data
> ### Aliases: getSurvival
> ### ** Examples
> ## get data with  getFirehoseData() function and call survival analysis
> ## Always check clinical data file for structural changes
> data(RTCGASample)
RTCGASample dataset is artificially created for function test.
It isn't biologically meaninful and it has no relation with any cancer type.
For real datasets, please use client function to get data from data portal.
> clinicData <- getData(RTCGASample,"Clinical")
TEST FirehoseData object
Available data types:
Clinical: A data frame, dim: 100	7
RNASeqGene: A matrix withraw read counts or normalized data, dim: 800	80
GISTIC: A FirehoseGISTIC object to store copy number data
Mutations: A data.frame, dim: 2685	30
To export data, you may use getData() function.
> clinicData = clinicData[,3:5]
> clinicData[[,3]),3] = clinicData[[,3]),2]
> survData <- data.frame(Samples=rownames(clinicData),Time=as.numeric(clinicData[,3]),
+ Censor=as.numeric(clinicData[,1]))
> getSurvival(dataObject=RTCGASample,geneSymbols=c("FCGBP"),sampleTimeCensor=survData)
null device 