Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Computes a distance between two partitions of the same data
clScoreR Documentation

Computes a distance between two partitions of the same data


The function takes as input two partitions of a dataset into clusters, and returns a number which is small if the two partitions are close, large otherwise.


clScore(c1, c2)



A vector giving the assignment of the samples to cluster for the first partition


A vector giving the assignment of the samples to cluster for the second partition


A number corresponding to the distance between c1 and c2


    ## Load the data
    data('gender', package='RUVnormalizeData')
    Y <- t(exprs(gender))
    X <- as.numeric(phenoData(gender)$gender == 'M')
    X <- X - mean(X)
    X <- cbind(X/(sqrt(sum(X^2))))
    chip <- annotation(gender)
    ## Extract regions and labs for plotting purposes
    lregions <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][2])
    llabs <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][3])
    ## Dimension of the factors
    m <- nrow(Y)
    n <- ncol(Y)
    p <- ncol(X)
    Y <- scale(Y, scale=FALSE) # Center gene expressions
    cIdx <- which(featureData(gender)$isNegativeControl) # Negative control genes
    ## Prepare plots
    annot <- cbind(as.character(sign(X)))
    colnames(annot) <- 'gender'
    plAnnots <- list('gender'='categorical')
    lab.and.region <- apply(rbind(lregions, llabs),2,FUN=function(v) paste(v,collapse='_'))
    gender.col <- c('-1' = "deeppink3", '1' = "blue")
    ## Remove platform effect by centering.
    Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',], scale=FALSE)
    Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',], scale=FALSE)
    ## Number of genes kept for clustering, based on their variance
    nKeep <- 1260
    ## Naive RUV-2 no shrinkage
    k <- 20
    nu <- 0
    ## Correction
    nsY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=0, k=k)
    ## Clustering of the corrected data
    sdY <- apply(nsY, 2, sd)
    ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
    kmres2ns <- kmeans(nsY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
    vclust2ns <- kmres2ns$cluster
    nsScore <- clScore(vclust2ns, X)
    ## Plot of the corrected data
    svdRes2ns <- NULL
    svdRes2ns <- svdPlot(nsY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
                         kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   
    ## Naive RUV-2 + shrinkage
    k <- m
    nu.coeff <- 1e-2
    ## Correction
    nY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=nu.coeff, k=k)
    ## Clustering of the corrected data
    sdY <- apply(nY, 2, sd)
    ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
    kmres2 <- kmeans(nY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
    vclust2 <- kmres2$cluster
    nScore <- clScore(vclust2,X)
    ## Plot of the corrected data
    svdRes2 <- NULL
    svdRes2 <- svdPlot(nY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
                       kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(RUVnormalize)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RUVnormalize/clScore.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: clScore
> ### Title: Computes a distance between two partitions of the same data
> ### Aliases: clScore
> ### ** Examples
> if(require('RUVnormalizeData')){
+     ## Load the data
+     data('gender', package='RUVnormalizeData')
+     Y <- t(exprs(gender))
+     X <- as.numeric(phenoData(gender)$gender == 'M')
+     X <- X - mean(X)
+     X <- cbind(X/(sqrt(sum(X^2))))
+     chip <- annotation(gender)
+     ## Extract regions and labs for plotting purposes
+     lregions <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][2])
+     llabs <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][3])
+     ## Dimension of the factors
+     m <- nrow(Y)
+     n <- ncol(Y)
+     p <- ncol(X)
+     Y <- scale(Y, scale=FALSE) # Center gene expressions
+     cIdx <- which(featureData(gender)$isNegativeControl) # Negative control genes
+     ## Prepare plots
+     annot <- cbind(as.character(sign(X)))
+     colnames(annot) <- 'gender'
+     plAnnots <- list('gender'='categorical')
+     lab.and.region <- apply(rbind(lregions, llabs),2,FUN=function(v) paste(v,collapse='_'))
+     gender.col <- c('-1' = "deeppink3", '1' = "blue")
+     ## Remove platform effect by centering.
+     Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',], scale=FALSE)
+     Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',], scale=FALSE)
+     ## Number of genes kept for clustering, based on their variance
+     nKeep <- 1260
+     ##--------------------------
+     ## Naive RUV-2 no shrinkage
+     ##--------------------------
+     k <- 20
+     nu <- 0
+     ## Correction
+     nsY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=0, k=k)
+     ## Clustering of the corrected data
+     sdY <- apply(nsY, 2, sd)
+     ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
+     kmres2ns <- kmeans(nsY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
+     vclust2ns <- kmres2ns$cluster
+     nsScore <- clScore(vclust2ns, X)
+     ## Plot of the corrected data
+     svdRes2ns <- NULL
+     svdRes2ns <- svdPlot(nsY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
+                          annot=annot,
+                          labels=lab.and.region,
+                          svdRes=svdRes2ns,
+                          plAnnots=plAnnots,                    
+                          kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   
+     ##--------------------------
+     ## Naive RUV-2 + shrinkage
+     ##--------------------------
+     k <- m
+     nu.coeff <- 1e-2
+     ## Correction
+     nY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=nu.coeff, k=k)
+     ## Clustering of the corrected data
+     sdY <- apply(nY, 2, sd)
+     ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
+     kmres2 <- kmeans(nY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
+     vclust2 <- kmres2$cluster
+     nScore <- clScore(vclust2,X)
+     ## Plot of the corrected data
+     svdRes2 <- NULL
+     svdRes2 <- svdPlot(nY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
+                        annot=annot,
+                        labels=lab.and.region,
+                        svdRes=svdRes2,
+                        plAnnots=plAnnots,                    
+                        kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   
+ }
Loading required package: RUVnormalizeData
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

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    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

Warning message:
In naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff = nu.coeff, k = k) :
  k larger than the rank of Y[, cIdx]. Using k=82 instead
null device 