Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot the data projected into the space spanned by their first...
svdPlotR Documentation

Plot the data projected into the space spanned by their first two principal components


The function takes as input a gene expression matrix and plots the data projected into the space spanned by their first two principal components.


svdPlot(Y, annot=NULL, labels=NULL, svdRes=NULL, plAnnots=NULL, kColors=NULL, file=NULL)



Expression matrix where the rows are the samples and the columns are the genes.


A matrix containing the annotation to be plotted. Each row must correspond to a sample (row) of argument Y, each column must be a categorical or continuous descriptor for the sample. Optional.


A vector with one element per sample (row) of argument Y. If this argument is specified, each sample is represented by its label. Otherwise, it is represented by a dot (if no annotation is provided) or by the value of the annotation. Optional.


A list containing the result of svd(Y), possibly restricted to the first few singular values. Optional: if not provided, the function computes the SVD.


A list specifiying whether each column of the annot argument corresponds to a categorical or continuous factor. Each element of the list is named after a column of annot, and contains a string 'categorical' or 'continuous'. For each element of this list, a plot is produced where the samples are represented by colors corresponding to their annotation. Optional.


A vector of colors to be used to represent categorical factors. Optional: a default value is provided. If a categorical factors has more levels than the number of colors provided, colors are not used and the factor is represented in black.


A string giving the path to a pdf file for the plot. Optional.


A list containing the result of svd(Y, nu=2, nv=0).


    ## Load the data
    data('gender', package='RUVnormalizeData')
    Y <- t(exprs(gender))
    X <- as.numeric(phenoData(gender)$gender == 'M')
    X <- X - mean(X)
    X <- cbind(X/(sqrt(sum(X^2))))
    chip <- annotation(gender)
    ## Extract regions and labs for plotting purposes
    lregions <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][2])
    llabs <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][3])
    ## Dimension of the factors
    m <- nrow(Y)
    n <- ncol(Y)
    p <- ncol(X)
    Y <- scale(Y, scale=FALSE) # Center gene expressions
    cIdx <- which(featureData(gender)$isNegativeControl) # Negative control genes
    ## Prepare plots
    annot <- cbind(as.character(sign(X)))
    colnames(annot) <- 'gender'
    plAnnots <- list('gender'='categorical')
    lab.and.region <- apply(rbind(lregions, llabs),2,FUN=function(v) paste(v,collapse='_'))
    gender.col <- c('-1' = "deeppink3", '1' = "blue")
    ## Remove platform effect by centering.
    Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',], scale=FALSE)
    Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',], scale=FALSE)
    ## Number of genes kept for clustering, based on their variance
    nKeep <- 1260
    ## Naive RUV-2 no shrinkage
    k <- 20
    nu <- 0
    ## Correction
    nsY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=0, k=k)
    ## Clustering of the corrected data
    sdY <- apply(nsY, 2, sd)
    ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
    kmres2ns <- kmeans(nsY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
    vclust2ns <- kmres2ns$cluster
    nsScore <- clScore(vclust2ns, X)
    ## Plot of the corrected data
    svdRes2ns <- NULL
    svdRes2ns <- svdPlot(nsY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
                         kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   
    ## Naive RUV-2 + shrinkage
    k <- m
    nu.coeff <- 1e-2
    ## Correction
    nY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=nu.coeff, k=k)
    ## Clustering of the corrected data
    sdY <- apply(nY, 2, sd)
    ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
    kmres2 <- kmeans(nY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
    vclust2 <- kmres2$cluster
    nScore <- clScore(vclust2,X)
    ## Plot of the corrected data
    svdRes2 <- NULL
    svdRes2 <- svdPlot(nY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
                       kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(RUVnormalize)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RUVnormalize/svdPlot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: svdPlot
> ### Title: Plot the data projected into the space spanned by their first
> ###   two principal components
> ### Aliases: svdPlot
> ### ** Examples
> if(require('RUVnormalizeData')){
+     ## Load the data
+     data('gender', package='RUVnormalizeData')
+     Y <- t(exprs(gender))
+     X <- as.numeric(phenoData(gender)$gender == 'M')
+     X <- X - mean(X)
+     X <- cbind(X/(sqrt(sum(X^2))))
+     chip <- annotation(gender)
+     ## Extract regions and labs for plotting purposes
+     lregions <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][2])
+     llabs <- sapply(rownames(Y),FUN=function(s) strsplit(s,'_')[[1]][3])
+     ## Dimension of the factors
+     m <- nrow(Y)
+     n <- ncol(Y)
+     p <- ncol(X)
+     Y <- scale(Y, scale=FALSE) # Center gene expressions
+     cIdx <- which(featureData(gender)$isNegativeControl) # Negative control genes
+     ## Prepare plots
+     annot <- cbind(as.character(sign(X)))
+     colnames(annot) <- 'gender'
+     plAnnots <- list('gender'='categorical')
+     lab.and.region <- apply(rbind(lregions, llabs),2,FUN=function(v) paste(v,collapse='_'))
+     gender.col <- c('-1' = "deeppink3", '1' = "blue")
+     ## Remove platform effect by centering.
+     Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95a.db',], scale=FALSE)
+     Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',] <- scale(Y[chip=='hgu95av2.db',], scale=FALSE)
+     ## Number of genes kept for clustering, based on their variance
+     nKeep <- 1260
+     ##--------------------------
+     ## Naive RUV-2 no shrinkage
+     ##--------------------------
+     k <- 20
+     nu <- 0
+     ## Correction
+     nsY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=0, k=k)
+     ## Clustering of the corrected data
+     sdY <- apply(nsY, 2, sd)
+     ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
+     kmres2ns <- kmeans(nsY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
+     vclust2ns <- kmres2ns$cluster
+     nsScore <- clScore(vclust2ns, X)
+     ## Plot of the corrected data
+     svdRes2ns <- NULL
+     svdRes2ns <- svdPlot(nsY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
+                          annot=annot,
+                          labels=lab.and.region,
+                          svdRes=svdRes2ns,
+                          plAnnots=plAnnots,                    
+                          kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   
+     ##--------------------------
+     ## Naive RUV-2 + shrinkage
+     ##--------------------------
+     k <- m
+     nu.coeff <- 1e-2
+     ## Correction
+     nY <- naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff=nu.coeff, k=k)
+     ## Clustering of the corrected data
+     sdY <- apply(nY, 2, sd)
+     ssd <- sort(sdY,decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix
+     kmres2 <- kmeans(nY[,ssd[1:nKeep],drop=FALSE],centers=2,nstart=200)
+     vclust2 <- kmres2$cluster
+     nScore <- clScore(vclust2,X)
+     ## Plot of the corrected data
+     svdRes2 <- NULL
+     svdRes2 <- svdPlot(nY[, ssd[1:nKeep], drop=FALSE],
+                        annot=annot,
+                        labels=lab.and.region,
+                        svdRes=svdRes2,
+                        plAnnots=plAnnots,                    
+                        kColors=gender.col, file=NULL)   
+ }
Loading required package: RUVnormalizeData
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

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    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

Warning message:
In naiveRandRUV(Y, cIdx, nu.coeff = nu.coeff, k = k) :
  k larger than the rank of Y[, cIdx]. Using k=82 instead
null device 