Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Compare Axially-Defined Three-Dimensional Structures
compareStructuresR Documentation

Compare Axially-Defined Three-Dimensional Structures


Three-dimensional structural comparison of a structure.list composed of two or more structure3D objects.


compareStructures(structures, method = NULL,
	hausdorff.method = NULL, verbose = TRUE, plot = TRUE, pixels = 100)



An object of class structure.list containing two or more structure3D objects.


One of "axial", "surface", "hausdorff", or "DSC" specifying the comparison between structures. For the "axial" method (default), the volumetric region of comparison is divided into discrete evenly-spaced voxels and the degree of overlap is measured across each voxel in axial cross-sections. For the "surface" method, overlap is calculated for each point on each structure's surface. For the "hausdorff" method, Hausdorff distances are calculated for each pairwise combination of structures as the distance between two point clouds.


One of "mean", "median", or "absolute", specifying the method to use for Hausdorff distance measurement when method = "hausdorff". The "absolute" Hausdorff distance yields the maximum distance required to connect any point from one point cloud to its closest neighbor in the other. This metric is highly subject to outliers, thus an aggregate metric is implemented by selecting the average ("mean") or median ("median") distance required to connect all points in one point cloud to their closest neighboring points in the other. Note that the Hausdorff distance between two completely superimposable point clouds is zero. This parameter is ignored for other values of method.


Logical value (default is TRUE) indicating whether or not to print status updates to the active command line interface or workspace.


Logical value (default is TRUE) indicating whether or not to display graphical comparison of structures. This parameter is only relevant when method = "axial", as it is otherwise ignored.


Integer value (default is 100) specifying the number of pixels in the x- and y-directions used for comparative calculations when method = "axial".


When method = "hausdorff", the function returns a NxN matrix of pairwise Hausdorff distances, where N is the number of structures in structures. When method = "axial" or method = "surface", the function returns a Mx(N+3) dimensional matrix representing a list of M points in three-dimensional space and a table of values denoting whether each point is internal or external to each structure (note that the first three columns in the matrix represent the xyz coordinates for each point and values of 1 and 0 represent internal and external points, respectively).


Reid F. Thompson (

See Also

structure.list, structure3D


compareStructures(teeth, method="DSC")
# <- compareStructures(teeth, method="axial", plot=TRUE)
# compareStructures(teeth, method="hausdorff", hausdorff.method="mean")


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> library(RadOnc)
Loading required package: rgl
Loading required package: geometry
Loading required package: magic
Loading required package: abind
Loading required package: oro.dicom

oro.dicom: Rigorous - DICOM Input / Output (version = 0.5.0)

Loading required package: ptinpoly
Loading required package: misc3d
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RadOnc/compareStructures.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: compareStructures
> ### Title: Compare Axially-Defined Three-Dimensional Structures
> ### Aliases: compareStructures compareStructures.axial
> ###   compareStructures.hausdorff compareStructures.grid
> ###   compareStructures.surface
> ### Keywords: hplot manip
> ### ** Examples
> data("RadOnc")
> compareStructures(teeth, method="DSC")
          Tooth #1  Tooth #2  Tooth #3
Tooth #1 1.0000000 0.8977074 0.8830091
Tooth #2 0.8977074 1.0000000 0.8786020
Tooth #3 0.8830091 0.8786020 1.0000000
> # <- compareStructures(teeth, method="axial", plot=TRUE)
> # compareStructures(teeth, method="hausdorff", hausdorff.method="mean")
null device 