Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Row, Column, and Total Percentage Tables
colPercentsR Documentation

Row, Column, and Total Percentage Tables


Percentage a matrix or higher-dimensional array of frequency counts by rows, columns, or total frequency.


colPercents(tab, digits=1)
rowPercents(tab, digits=1)
totPercents(tab, digits=1)



a matrix or higher-dimensional array of frequency counts.


number of places to the right of the decimal place for percentages.


Returns an array of the same size and shape as tab percentaged by rows or columns, plus rows or columns of totals and counts, or by the table total.


John Fox


if (require(car)){
    data(Mroz) # from car package
    cat("\n\n column percents:\n")
    print(colPercents(xtabs(~ lfp + wc, data=Mroz)))
    cat("\n\n row percents:\n")
    print(rowPercents(xtabs(~ hc + lfp, data=Mroz)))
    cat("\n\n total percents:\n")
    print(totPercents(xtabs(~ hc + wc, data=Mroz)))
    cat("\n\n three-way table, column percents:\n")
    print(colPercents(xtabs(~ lfp + wc + hc, data=Mroz)))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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> library(RcmdrMisc)
Loading required package: car
Loading required package: sandwich
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RcmdrMisc/colPercents.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: colPercents
> ### Title: Row, Column, and Total Percentage Tables
> ### Aliases: colPercents rowPercents totPercents
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> if (require(car)){
+     data(Mroz) # from car package
+     cat("\n\n column percents:\n")
+     print(colPercents(xtabs(~ lfp + wc, data=Mroz)))
+     cat("\n\n row percents:\n")
+     print(rowPercents(xtabs(~ hc + lfp, data=Mroz)))
+     cat("\n\n total percents:\n")
+     print(totPercents(xtabs(~ hc + wc, data=Mroz)))
+     cat("\n\n three-way table, column percents:\n")
+     print(colPercents(xtabs(~ lfp + wc + hc, data=Mroz)))
+ }

 column percents:
lfp        no   yes
  no     47.5  32.1
  yes    52.5  67.9
  Total 100.0 100.0
  Count 541.0 212.0

 row percents:
hc      no  yes Total Count
  no  45.2 54.8   100   458
  yes 40.0 60.0   100   295

 total percents:
        no  yes Total
no    55.4  5.4  60.8
yes   16.5 22.7  39.2
Total 71.8 28.2 100.0

 three-way table, column percents:
, , hc = no

lfp        no yes
  no     47.5  22
  yes    52.5  78
  Total 100.0 100
  Count 417.0  41

, , hc = yes

lfp        no   yes
  no     47.6  34.5
  yes    52.4  65.5
  Total 100.0 100.0
  Count 124.0 171.0

null device 