Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: RcmdrPlugin.UCA: Some customization to Rcmdr made by R-UCA...
RcmdrPlugin.UCA-packageR Documentation

RcmdrPlugin.UCA: Some customization to Rcmdr made by R-UCA project


Some extension to Rcmdr (R Commander) made by R-UCA project and used in teaching statistics at University of Cadiz (UCA).

All the customizations provides by this package will be propouse to be part of the Rcmdr package. All the customization included in the Rcmdr package will be droped from here.


Package: RcmdrPlugin.UCA
Type: Package
Version: 2.0-5
Date: 2016-01-12
License: GPL version 3 or newer


Manuel Munoz-Marquez <>



See Also

For more information see Rcmdr-package.

Para ayuda en español, véase (For Spanish help see


# Example for two level factor
# Load data "AMSsurvey" selecting from Rcmdr menu:
# "Data" -> "Data in packages" -> "Read data set from an attached package..."
# then double-click on "car", click on "AMSsurvey" and "OK".
# To make randomness test on variable "yield", select from Rcmdr menu:
# "Statistics" -> "Nonparametric tests" -> "Randomness test for two level factor..."
# select "sex" and "OK"
with(AMSsurvey, tseries::runs.test(sex))
# Example for numeric variable
# Load data "sweetpotato" selecting from Rcmdr menu:
# "Data" -> "Data in packages" -> "Read data set from an attached package..."
# then double-click on "randtests", click on "sweetpotato" and "OK".
data(sweetpotato, package="randtests")
# To make randomness test on variable "yield", select from Rcmdr menu:
# "Statistics" -> "Nonparametric tests" -> "Randomness test for numeric variable..."
# select "yield" and "OK"
with(sweetpotato, randtests::runs.test(yield))


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> library(RcmdrPlugin.UCA)
Error in library(RcmdrPlugin.UCA) : 
  there is no package called 'RcmdrPlugin.UCA'
Execution halted