Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Hierarchical Modeling and Frequency Method Checking on...
RgbpR Documentation

Hierarchical Modeling and Frequency Method Checking on Overdispersed Gaussian, Poisson, and Binomial Data


Bayesian-frequentist reconciliation via approximate Bayesian hierarchical modeling and frequency method checking for over-dispersed Gaussian, Binomial, and Poisson data.


Package: Rgbp
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2013-03-16
License: GPL-2
Main functions: gbp, coverage

Rgbp is an R package that utilizes approximate Bayesian machinery to provide a method of estimating two-level hierarchical models for Gaussian, Poisson, and Binomial data in a fast and computationally efficient manner. The main products of this package are point and interval estimates for the true parameters, whose good frequency properties can be validated via its repeated sampling procedure called frequency method checking. It is found that such Bayesian-frequentist reconciliation allows Rgbp to have attributes desirable from both perspectives, working well in small samples and yielding good coverage probabilities for its interval estimates.


Hyungsuk Tak, Joseph Kelly, and Carl Morris

Maintainer: Joseph Kelly <>


Morris, C. and Lysy, M. (2012). Shrinkage Estimation in Multilevel Normal Models. Statistical Science. 27. 115-134.


  # Loading datasets
  y <- schools$y
  se <- schools$se

  # Arbitrary covariate for schools data
  x2 <- rep(c(-1, 0, 1, 2), 2)
  # baseball data where z is Hits and n is AtBats
  z <- c(18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,  9,  8,  7)
  n <- c(45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45)

  # One covariate: 1 if a player is an outfielder and 0 otherwise
  x1 <- c(1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0)

  # Gaussian Regression Interactive Multilevel Modeling (GRIMM) #

    # If we do not have any covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution #

    g <- gbp(y, se, model = "gaussian")
    print(g, sort = FALSE)
    plot(g, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### gcv <- coverage(g, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage

    # If we have one covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution yet, #

    g <- gbp(y, se, x2, model = "gaussian")
    print(g, sort = FALSE)
    plot(g, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### gcv <- coverage(g, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage 

    # If we know a mean of the prior distribution, #

    g <- gbp(y, se, mean.PriorDist = 8, model = "gaussian")
    print(g, sort = FALSE)
    plot(g, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### gcv <- coverage(g, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage 

  # Binomial Regression Interactive Multilevel Modeling (BRIMM) #

    # If we do not have any covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution #

    b <- gbp(z, n, model = "binomial")
    print(b, sort = FALSE)
    plot(b, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### bcv <- coverage(b, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage 

    # If we have one covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution yet, #

    b <- gbp(z, n, x1, model = "binomial")
    print(b, sort = FALSE)
    plot(b, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### bcv <- coverage(b, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage 

    # If we know a mean of the prior distribution, #

    b <- gbp(z, n, mean.PriorDist = 0.265, model = "binomial")
    print(b, sort = FALSE)
    plot(b, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### bcv <- coverage(b, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage 

  # Poisson Regression Interactive Multilevel Modeling (PRIMM) #

    # If we know a mean of the prior distribution, #

    p <- gbp(z, n, mean.PriorDist = 0.265, model = "poisson")
    print(p, sort = FALSE)
    plot(p, sort = FALSE)

    ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
    ### as true ones.
    ### pcv <- coverage(p, nsim = 10)  
    ### more details in ?coverage 


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Rgbp)
Loading required package: sn
Loading required package: stats4

Attaching package: 'sn'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


Loading required package: mnormt
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Rgbp/Rgbp-package.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Rgbp
> ### Title: Hierarchical Modeling and Frequency Method Checking on
> ###   Overdispersed Gaussian, Poisson, and Binomial Data
> ### Aliases: Rgbp-package Rgbp
> ### Keywords: package
> ### ** Examples
>   # Loading datasets
>   data(schools)
>   y <- schools$y
>   se <- schools$se
>   # Arbitrary covariate for schools data
>   x2 <- rep(c(-1, 0, 1, 2), 2)
>   # baseball data where z is Hits and n is AtBats
>   z <- c(18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,  9,  8,  7)
>   n <- c(45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45)
>   # One covariate: 1 if a player is an outfielder and 0 otherwise
>   x1 <- c(1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0)
>   ################################################################
>   # Gaussian Regression Interactive Multilevel Modeling (GRIMM) #
>   ################################################################
>     ####################################################################################
>     # If we do not have any covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution #
>     ####################################################################################
>     g <- gbp(y, se, model = "gaussian")
>     g
Summary for each group (sorted by the descending order of se): 

     obs.mean   se prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
8       12.00 18.0       8.17     0.734   -10.21      9.19     29.9   10.23
3       -3.00 16.0       8.17     0.685   -17.13      4.65     22.5   10.10
1       28.00 15.0       8.17     0.657    -2.32     14.98     38.8   10.56
4        7.00 11.0       8.17     0.507    -8.78      7.59     23.6    8.26
6        1.00 11.0       8.17     0.507   -13.03      4.63     20.1    8.44
2        8.00 10.0       8.17     0.459    -7.25      8.08     23.4    7.81
7       18.00 10.0       8.17     0.459    -1.29     13.48     30.8    8.18
5       -1.00  9.0       8.17     0.408   -13.30      2.74     16.7    7.63
Mean          12.5       8.17     0.552    -9.16      8.17     25.7    8.90
>     print(g, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean   se prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       28.00 15.0       8.17     0.657    -2.32     14.98     38.8   10.56
2        8.00 10.0       8.17     0.459    -7.25      8.08     23.4    7.81
3       -3.00 16.0       8.17     0.685   -17.13      4.65     22.5   10.10
4        7.00 11.0       8.17     0.507    -8.78      7.59     23.6    8.26
5       -1.00  9.0       8.17     0.408   -13.30      2.74     16.7    7.63
6        1.00 11.0       8.17     0.507   -13.03      4.63     20.1    8.44
7       18.00 10.0       8.17     0.459    -1.29     13.48     30.8    8.18
8       12.00 18.0       8.17     0.734   -10.21      9.19     29.9   10.23
Mean          12.5       8.17     0.552    -9.16      8.17     25.7    8.90
>     summary(g)
Main summary:

                       obs.mean   se prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean
Group with min(se)        -1.00  9.0       8.17     0.408   -13.30      2.74
Group with median(se)1     1.00 11.0       8.17     0.507   -13.03      4.63
Group with median(se)2     7.00 11.0       8.17     0.507    -8.78      7.59
Group with max(se)        12.00 18.0       8.17     0.734   -10.21      9.19
Overall Mean                    12.5       8.17     0.552    -9.16      8.17
Group with min(se)         16.7    7.63
Group with median(se)1     20.1    8.44
Group with median(se)2     23.6    8.26
Group with max(se)         29.9   10.23
Overall Mean               25.7    8.90

Estimation summary for the second-level variance component:
alpha = log(A) for Gaussian or alpha =  log(1/r) for Binomial and Poisson data:

 post.mode.alpha post.mode.A
            4.77          1.14         118

Estimation summary for the regression coefficient :

      estimate   se z.val p.val
beta1    8.168 5.73 1.425 0.154
>     plot(g)
>     plot(g, sort = FALSE)
>     ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
>     ### as true ones.
>     ### gcv <- coverage(g, nsim = 10)  
>     ### more details in ?coverage
>     ##################################################################################
>     # If we have one covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution yet, #
>     ##################################################################################
>     g <- gbp(y, se, x2, model = "gaussian")
>     g
Summary for each group (sorted by the descending order of se): 

     obs.mean   se   X1 prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
8       12.00 18.0  2.0       8.45     0.666   -14.83      9.64     35.2
3       -3.00 16.0  1.0       8.32     0.612   -20.05      3.93     23.9
1       28.00 15.0 -1.0       8.07     0.581    -5.14     16.43     43.4
4        7.00 11.0  2.0       8.45     0.427   -11.30      7.62     26.2
6        1.00 11.0  0.0       8.20     0.427   -14.51      4.07     20.8
2        8.00 10.0  0.0       8.20     0.381    -8.15      8.08     24.3
7       18.00 10.0  1.0       8.32     0.381    -1.59     14.31     32.3
5       -1.00  9.0 -1.0       8.07     0.333   -15.14      2.02     17.7
Mean          12.5  0.5       8.26     0.476   -11.34      8.26     28.0
8      12.74
3      11.20
1      12.39
4       9.56
6       8.98
2       8.27
7       8.63
5       8.35
Mean   10.02
>     print(g, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean   se   X1 prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       28.00 15.0 -1.0       8.07     0.581    -5.14     16.43     43.4
2        8.00 10.0  0.0       8.20     0.381    -8.15      8.08     24.3
3       -3.00 16.0  1.0       8.32     0.612   -20.05      3.93     23.9
4        7.00 11.0  2.0       8.45     0.427   -11.30      7.62     26.2
5       -1.00  9.0 -1.0       8.07     0.333   -15.14      2.02     17.7
6        1.00 11.0  0.0       8.20     0.427   -14.51      4.07     20.8
7       18.00 10.0  1.0       8.32     0.381    -1.59     14.31     32.3
8       12.00 18.0  2.0       8.45     0.666   -14.83      9.64     35.2
Mean          12.5  0.5       8.26     0.476   -11.34      8.26     28.0
1      12.39
2       8.27
3      11.20
4       9.56
5       8.35
6       8.98
7       8.63
8      12.74
Mean   10.02
>     summary(g)
Main summary:

                       obs.mean   se   X1 prior.mean shrinkage low.intv
Group with min(se)        -1.00  9.0 -1.0       8.07     0.333    -15.1
Group with median(se)1     1.00 11.0  0.0       8.20     0.427    -14.5
Group with median(se)2     7.00 11.0  2.0       8.45     0.427    -11.3
Group with max(se)        12.00 18.0  2.0       8.45     0.666    -14.8
Overall Mean                    12.5  0.5       8.26     0.476    -11.3
                       post.mean upp.intv
Group with min(se)          2.02     17.7    8.35
Group with median(se)1      4.07     20.8    8.98
Group with median(se)2      7.62     26.2    9.56
Group with max(se)          9.64     35.2   12.74
Overall Mean                8.26     28.0   10.02

Estimation summary for the second-level variance component:
alpha = log(A) for Gaussian or alpha =  log(1/r) for Binomial and Poisson data:

 post.mode.alpha post.mode.A
            5.09          1.17         162

Estimation summary for the regression coefficient :

      estimate    se z.val p.val
beta1    8.198 6.656 1.232 0.218
beta2    0.126 5.698 0.022 0.982
>     plot(g)
>     plot(g, sort = FALSE)
>     ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
>     ### as true ones.
>     ### gcv <- coverage(g, nsim = 10)  
>     ### more details in ?coverage 
>     ################################################
>     # If we know a mean of the prior distribution, #
>     ################################################
>     g <- gbp(y, se, mean.PriorDist = 8, model = "gaussian")
>     g
Summary for each group (sorted by the descending order of se): 

     obs.mean   se prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
8       12.00 18.0          8     0.786   -6.767      8.86     26.1    8.36
3       -3.00 16.0          8     0.743  -13.448      5.18     19.3    8.38
1       28.00 15.0          8     0.718    0.595     13.64     34.6    8.95
4        7.00 11.0          8     0.578   -6.642      7.58     21.4    7.15
6        1.00 11.0          8     0.578  -10.701      5.04     18.1    7.34
2        8.00 10.0          8     0.531   -5.426      8.00     21.4    6.85
7       18.00 10.0          8     0.531    0.123     12.69     28.6    7.27
5       -1.00  9.0          8     0.478  -11.516      3.30     15.4    6.87
Mean          12.5          8     0.618   -6.723      8.04     23.1    7.65
>     print(g, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean   se prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       28.00 15.0          8     0.718    0.595     13.64     34.6    8.95
2        8.00 10.0          8     0.531   -5.426      8.00     21.4    6.85
3       -3.00 16.0          8     0.743  -13.448      5.18     19.3    8.38
4        7.00 11.0          8     0.578   -6.642      7.58     21.4    7.15
5       -1.00  9.0          8     0.478  -11.516      3.30     15.4    6.87
6        1.00 11.0          8     0.578  -10.701      5.04     18.1    7.34
7       18.00 10.0          8     0.531    0.123     12.69     28.6    7.27
8       12.00 18.0          8     0.786   -6.767      8.86     26.1    8.36
Mean          12.5          8     0.618   -6.723      8.04     23.1    7.65
>     summary(g)
Main summary:

                       obs.mean   se prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean
Group with min(se)        -1.00  9.0          8     0.478   -11.52      3.30
Group with median(se)1     1.00 11.0          8     0.578   -10.70      5.04
Group with median(se)2     7.00 11.0          8     0.578    -6.64      7.58
Group with max(se)        12.00 18.0          8     0.786    -6.77      8.86
Overall Mean                    12.5          8     0.618    -6.72      8.04
Group with min(se)         15.4    6.87
Group with median(se)1     18.1    7.34
Group with median(se)2     21.4    7.15
Group with max(se)         26.1    8.36
Overall Mean               23.1    7.65

Estimation summary for the second-level variance component:
alpha = log(A) for Gaussian or alpha = log(1/r) for Binomial and Poisson data:

 post.mode.alpha post.mode.A
            4.48          1.13        88.4
>     plot(g)
>     plot(g, sort = FALSE)
>     ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
>     ### as true ones.
>     ### gcv <- coverage(g, nsim = 10)  
>     ### more details in ?coverage 
>   ###############################################################
>   # Binomial Regression Interactive Multilevel Modeling (BRIMM) #
>   ###############################################################
>     ####################################################################################
>     # If we do not have any covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution #
>     ####################################################################################
>     b <- gbp(z, n, model = "binomial")
>     b
Summary for each group (sorted by  the ascending order of n): 

     obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45      0.267     0.622    0.222     0.317    0.421  0.0507
2       0.378 45      0.267     0.622    0.218     0.309    0.408  0.0487
3       0.356 45      0.267     0.622    0.213     0.300    0.396  0.0469
4       0.333 45      0.267     0.622    0.207     0.292    0.385  0.0453
5       0.311 45      0.267     0.622    0.202     0.284    0.374  0.0440
6       0.311 45      0.267     0.622    0.202     0.284    0.374  0.0440
7       0.289 45      0.267     0.622    0.195     0.275    0.363  0.0431
8       0.267 45      0.267     0.622    0.188     0.267    0.354  0.0424
9       0.244 45      0.267     0.622    0.180     0.258    0.345  0.0421
10      0.244 45      0.267     0.622    0.180     0.258    0.345  0.0421
11      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
12      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
13      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
14      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
15      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
16      0.200 45      0.267     0.622    0.163     0.242    0.330  0.0426
17      0.178 45      0.267     0.622    0.154     0.233    0.323  0.0433
18      0.156 45      0.267     0.622    0.144     0.225    0.318  0.0444
Mean          45      0.267     0.622    0.185     0.266    0.357  0.0439
>     print(b, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45      0.267     0.622    0.222     0.317    0.421  0.0507
2       0.378 45      0.267     0.622    0.218     0.309    0.408  0.0487
3       0.356 45      0.267     0.622    0.213     0.300    0.396  0.0469
4       0.333 45      0.267     0.622    0.207     0.292    0.385  0.0453
5       0.311 45      0.267     0.622    0.202     0.284    0.374  0.0440
6       0.311 45      0.267     0.622    0.202     0.284    0.374  0.0440
7       0.289 45      0.267     0.622    0.195     0.275    0.363  0.0431
8       0.267 45      0.267     0.622    0.188     0.267    0.354  0.0424
9       0.244 45      0.267     0.622    0.180     0.258    0.345  0.0421
10      0.244 45      0.267     0.622    0.180     0.258    0.345  0.0421
11      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
12      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
13      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
14      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
15      0.222 45      0.267     0.622    0.172     0.250    0.337  0.0422
16      0.200 45      0.267     0.622    0.163     0.242    0.330  0.0426
17      0.178 45      0.267     0.622    0.154     0.233    0.323  0.0433
18      0.156 45      0.267     0.622    0.144     0.225    0.318  0.0444
Mean          45      0.267     0.622    0.185     0.266    0.357  0.0439
>     summary(b)
Main summary:

                             obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv
Group with min(obs.mean)        0.156 45      0.267     0.622    0.144
Group with median(obs.mean)1    0.244 45      0.267     0.622    0.180
Group with median(obs.mean)2    0.244 45      0.267     0.622    0.180
Group with max(obs.mean)        0.400 45      0.267     0.622    0.222
Overall Mean                          45      0.267     0.622    0.185
                             post.mean upp.intv
Group with min(obs.mean)         0.225    0.318  0.0444
Group with median(obs.mean)1     0.258    0.345  0.0421
Group with median(obs.mean)2     0.258    0.345  0.0421
Group with max(obs.mean)         0.317    0.421  0.0507
Overall Mean                     0.266    0.357  0.0439

Estimation summary for the second-level variance component:
alpha = log(A) for Gaussian or alpha =  log(1/r) for Binomial and Poisson data:

 post.mode.alpha post.mode.r
           -4.31          0.82        74.1

Estimation summary for the regression coefficient :

      estimate  se   z.val p.val
beta1   -1.012 0.1 -10.153     0
>     plot(b)
>     plot(b, sort = FALSE)
>     ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
>     ### as true ones.
>     ### bcv <- coverage(b, nsim = 10)  
>     ### more details in ?coverage 
>     ##################################################################################
>     # If we have one covariate and do not know a mean of the prior distribution yet, #
>     ##################################################################################
>     b <- gbp(z, n, x1, model = "binomial")
>     b
Summary for each group (sorted by  the ascending order of n): 

     obs.mean  n   X1 prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.248     0.335    0.429  0.0462
2       0.378 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.244     0.329    0.420  0.0448
3       0.356 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.240     0.323    0.411  0.0437
4       0.333 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.236     0.316    0.403  0.0429
5       0.311 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.230     0.310    0.396  0.0424
6       0.311 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.179     0.256    0.341  0.0415
7       0.289 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.175     0.249    0.331  0.0400
8       0.267 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.171     0.243    0.323  0.0388
9       0.244 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.166     0.237    0.315  0.0380
10      0.244 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.210     0.291    0.379  0.0432
11      0.222 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.161     0.230    0.308  0.0377
12      0.222 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.161     0.230    0.308  0.0377
13      0.222 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.161     0.230    0.308  0.0377
14      0.222 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.202     0.285    0.375  0.0441
15      0.222 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.202     0.285    0.375  0.0441
16      0.200 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.155     0.224    0.302  0.0377
17      0.178 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.148     0.218    0.297  0.0381
18      0.156 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.140     0.211    0.292  0.0389
Mean          45 0.44      0.267     0.715    0.191     0.267    0.351  0.0410
>     print(b, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean  n   X1 prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.248     0.335    0.429  0.0462
2       0.378 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.244     0.329    0.420  0.0448
3       0.356 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.240     0.323    0.411  0.0437
4       0.333 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.236     0.316    0.403  0.0429
5       0.311 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.230     0.310    0.396  0.0424
6       0.311 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.179     0.256    0.341  0.0415
7       0.289 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.175     0.249    0.331  0.0400
8       0.267 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.171     0.243    0.323  0.0388
9       0.244 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.166     0.237    0.315  0.0380
10      0.244 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.210     0.291    0.379  0.0432
11      0.222 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.161     0.230    0.308  0.0377
12      0.222 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.161     0.230    0.308  0.0377
13      0.222 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.161     0.230    0.308  0.0377
14      0.222 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.202     0.285    0.375  0.0441
15      0.222 45 1.00      0.310     0.715    0.202     0.285    0.375  0.0441
16      0.200 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.155     0.224    0.302  0.0377
17      0.178 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.148     0.218    0.297  0.0381
18      0.156 45 0.00      0.233     0.715    0.140     0.211    0.292  0.0389
Mean          45 0.44      0.267     0.715    0.191     0.267    0.351  0.0410
>     summary(b)
Main summary:

                             obs.mean  n    X1 prior.mean shrinkage low.intv
Group with min(obs.mean)        0.156 45 0.000      0.233     0.715    0.140
Group with median(obs.mean)1    0.244 45 0.000      0.233     0.715    0.166
Group with median(obs.mean)2    0.244 45 1.000      0.310     0.715    0.210
Group with max(obs.mean)        0.400 45 1.000      0.310     0.715    0.248
Overall Mean                          45 0.444      0.267     0.715    0.191
                             post.mean upp.intv
Group with min(obs.mean)         0.211    0.292  0.0389
Group with median(obs.mean)1     0.237    0.315  0.0380
Group with median(obs.mean)2     0.291    0.379  0.0432
Group with max(obs.mean)         0.335    0.429  0.0462
Overall Mean                     0.267    0.351  0.0410

Estimation summary for the second-level variance component:
alpha = log(A) for Gaussian or alpha =  log(1/r) for Binomial and Poisson data:

 post.mode.alpha post.mode.r
           -4.73         0.957         113

Estimation summary for the regression coefficient :

      estimate    se  z.val p.val
beta1   -1.194 0.131 -9.129 0.000
beta2    0.389 0.187  2.074 0.038
>     plot(b)
>     plot(b, sort = FALSE)
>     ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
>     ### as true ones.
>     ### bcv <- coverage(b, nsim = 10)  
>     ### more details in ?coverage 
>     ################################################
>     # If we know a mean of the prior distribution, #
>     ################################################
>     b <- gbp(z, n, mean.PriorDist = 0.265, model = "binomial")
>     b
Summary for each group (sorted by  the ascending order of n): 

     obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45      0.265      0.65    0.230     0.312    0.401  0.0439
2       0.378 45      0.265      0.65    0.224     0.304    0.391  0.0428
3       0.356 45      0.265      0.65    0.218     0.297    0.382  0.0418
4       0.333 45      0.265      0.65    0.212     0.289    0.372  0.0409
5       0.311 45      0.265      0.65    0.206     0.281    0.363  0.0401
6       0.311 45      0.265      0.65    0.206     0.281    0.363  0.0401
7       0.289 45      0.265      0.65    0.200     0.273    0.354  0.0395
8       0.267 45      0.265      0.65    0.193     0.266    0.345  0.0390
9       0.244 45      0.265      0.65    0.186     0.258    0.337  0.0386
10      0.244 45      0.265      0.65    0.186     0.258    0.337  0.0386
11      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
12      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
13      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
14      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
15      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
16      0.200 45      0.265      0.65    0.172     0.242    0.321  0.0381
17      0.178 45      0.265      0.65    0.164     0.234    0.313  0.0381
18      0.156 45      0.265      0.65    0.156     0.227    0.306  0.0383
Mean          45      0.265      0.65    0.191     0.265    0.346  0.0395
>     print(b, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45      0.265      0.65    0.230     0.312    0.401  0.0439
2       0.378 45      0.265      0.65    0.224     0.304    0.391  0.0428
3       0.356 45      0.265      0.65    0.218     0.297    0.382  0.0418
4       0.333 45      0.265      0.65    0.212     0.289    0.372  0.0409
5       0.311 45      0.265      0.65    0.206     0.281    0.363  0.0401
6       0.311 45      0.265      0.65    0.206     0.281    0.363  0.0401
7       0.289 45      0.265      0.65    0.200     0.273    0.354  0.0395
8       0.267 45      0.265      0.65    0.193     0.266    0.345  0.0390
9       0.244 45      0.265      0.65    0.186     0.258    0.337  0.0386
10      0.244 45      0.265      0.65    0.186     0.258    0.337  0.0386
11      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
12      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
13      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
14      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
15      0.222 45      0.265      0.65    0.179     0.250    0.329  0.0383
16      0.200 45      0.265      0.65    0.172     0.242    0.321  0.0381
17      0.178 45      0.265      0.65    0.164     0.234    0.313  0.0381
18      0.156 45      0.265      0.65    0.156     0.227    0.306  0.0383
Mean          45      0.265      0.65    0.191     0.265    0.346  0.0395
>     summary(b)
Main summary:

                             obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv
Group with min(obs.mean)        0.156 45      0.265      0.65    0.156
Group with median(obs.mean)1    0.244 45      0.265      0.65    0.186
Group with median(obs.mean)2    0.244 45      0.265      0.65    0.186
Group with max(obs.mean)        0.400 45      0.265      0.65    0.230
Overall Mean                          45      0.265      0.65    0.191
                             post.mean upp.intv
Group with min(obs.mean)         0.227    0.306  0.0383
Group with median(obs.mean)1     0.258    0.337  0.0386
Group with median(obs.mean)2     0.258    0.337  0.0386
Group with max(obs.mean)         0.312    0.401  0.0439
Overall Mean                     0.265    0.346  0.0395

Estimation summary for the second-level variance component:
alpha = log(A) for Gaussian or alpha = log(1/r) for Binomial and Poisson data:

 post.mode.alpha post.mode.r
           -4.42         0.837        83.5
>     plot(b)
>     plot(b, sort = FALSE)
>     ### when we want to simulate pseudo datasets considering the estimated values 
>     ### as true ones.
>     ### bcv <- coverage(b, nsim = 10)  
>     ### more details in ?coverage 
>   ##############################################################
>   # Poisson Regression Interactive Multilevel Modeling (PRIMM) #
>   ##############################################################
>     ################################################
>     # If we know a mean of the prior distribution, #
>     ################################################
>     p <- gbp(z, n, mean.PriorDist = 0.265, model = "poisson")
>     p
Summary for each group (sorted by  the ascending order of n): 

     obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45      0.265     0.741    0.213     0.300    0.402  0.0483
2       0.378 45      0.265     0.741    0.211     0.294    0.391  0.0461
3       0.356 45      0.265     0.741    0.208     0.288    0.381  0.0442
4       0.333 45      0.265     0.741    0.206     0.283    0.372  0.0424
5       0.311 45      0.265     0.741    0.202     0.277    0.363  0.0410
6       0.311 45      0.265     0.741    0.202     0.277    0.363  0.0410
7       0.289 45      0.265     0.741    0.199     0.271    0.355  0.0399
8       0.267 45      0.265     0.741    0.194     0.265    0.347  0.0391
9       0.244 45      0.265     0.741    0.190     0.260    0.341  0.0386
10      0.244 45      0.265     0.741    0.190     0.260    0.341  0.0386
11      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
12      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
13      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
14      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
15      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
16      0.200 45      0.265     0.741    0.178     0.248    0.330  0.0388
17      0.178 45      0.265     0.741    0.171     0.242    0.326  0.0394
18      0.156 45      0.265     0.741    0.164     0.237    0.322  0.0404
Mean          45      0.265     0.741    0.192     0.265    0.350  0.0406
>     print(p, sort = FALSE)
Summary for each group: 

     obs.mean  n prior.mean shrinkage low.intv post.mean upp.intv
1       0.400 45      0.265     0.741    0.213     0.300    0.402  0.0483
2       0.378 45      0.265     0.741    0.211     0.294    0.391  0.0461
3       0.356 45      0.265     0.741    0.208     0.288    0.381  0.0442
4       0.333 45      0.265     0.741    0.206     0.283    0.372  0.0424
5       0.311 45      0.265     0.741    0.202     0.277    0.363  0.0410
6       0.311 45      0.265     0.741    0.202     0.277    0.363  0.0410
7       0.289 45      0.265     0.741    0.199     0.271    0.355  0.0399
8       0.267 45      0.265     0.741    0.194     0.265    0.347  0.0391
9       0.244 45      0.265     0.741    0.190     0.260    0.341  0.0386
10      0.244 45      0.265     0.741    0.190     0.260    0.341  0.0386
11      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
12      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
13      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
14      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
15      0.222 45      0.265     0.741    0.184     0.254    0.335  0.0385
16      0.200 45      0.265     0.741    0.178     0.248    0.330  0.0388
17      0.178 45      0.265     0.741    0.171     0.242    0.326  0.0394
18      0.156 45      0.265     0.741    0.164     0.237    0.322  0.0404
Mean          45      0.265     0.741    0.192     0.265    0.350  0.0406
>     summary(p)
Main summ