Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: PC-correlated SNPs in principal component analysis
snpgdsPCACorrR Documentation

PC-correlated SNPs in principal component analysis


To calculate the SNP correlations between eigenvactors and SNP genotypes


snpgdsPCACorr(pcaobj, gdsobj,, eig.which=NULL, num.thread=1L,



the snpgdsPCAClass object returned from the function snpgdsPCA


an object of class SNPGDSFileClass, a SNP GDS file

a vector of snp id specifying selected SNPs; if NULL, all SNPs are used


a vector of integers, to specify which eigenvectors to be used


the number of (CPU) cores used; if NA, detect the number of cores automatically


if TRUE, show information


Return a list:

the sample ids used in the analysis

the SNP ids used in the analysis


a matrix of correlation coefficients, "# of eigenvectors" x "# of SNPs"


Xiuwen Zheng


Patterson N, Price AL, Reich D (2006) Population structure and eigenanalysis. PLoS Genetics 2:e190.

See Also

snpgdsPCA, snpgdsPCASampLoading, snpgdsPCASNPLoading


# open an example dataset (HapMap)
genofile <- snpgdsOpen(snpgdsExampleFileName())
# get chromosome index
chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome"))

pca <- snpgdsPCA(genofile)
CORR <- snpgdsPCACorr(pca, genofile, eig.which=1:4)
plot(abs(CORR$snpcorr[3,]), xlab="SNP Index", ylab="PC 3", col=chr)

# close the file


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> library(SNPRelate)
Loading required package: gdsfmt
SNPRelate -- supported by Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/SNPRelate/snpgdsPCACorr.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: snpgdsPCACorr
> ### Title: PC-correlated SNPs in principal component analysis
> ### Aliases: snpgdsPCACorr
> ### Keywords: PCA GDS GWAS
> ### ** Examples
> # open an example dataset (HapMap)
> genofile <- snpgdsOpen(snpgdsExampleFileName())
> # get chromosome index
> chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome"))
> pca <- snpgdsPCA(genofile)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on SNP genotypes:
Excluding 365 SNPs on non-autosomes
Excluding 1 SNP (monomorphic: TRUE, < MAF: NaN, or > missing rate: NaN)
Working space: 279 samples, 8722 SNPs
	using 1 (CPU) core
PCA:	the sum of all selected genotypes (0, 1 and 2) = 2446510
Wed Jul  6 05:34:47 2016    (internal increment: 1744)
 [>.................................................]  0%, ETC: NA     [==========>.......................................] 20%, ETC: 0s   [====================>.............................] 40%, ETC: 0s   [==============================>...................] 60%, ETC: 0s   [========================================>.........] 80%, ETC: 0s   [==================================================] 100%, ETC: 0s   [==================================================] 100%, completed  
Wed Jul  6 05:34:47 2016    Begin (eigenvalues and eigenvectors)
Wed Jul  6 05:34:47 2016    Done.
> CORR <- snpgdsPCACorr(pca, genofile, eig.which=1:4)
SNP correlation:
Working space: 279 samples, 9088 SNPs
	Using 1 (CPU) core.
	Using the top 32 eigenvectors.
SNP Correlation:	the sum of all selected genotypes (0, 1 and 2) = 2553065
Wed Jul  6 05:34:47 2016    (internal increment: 13976)
 [>.................................................]  0%, ETC: NA     [==================================================] 100%, completed  
Wed Jul  6 05:34:47 2016    Done.
> plot(abs(CORR$snpcorr[3,]), xlab="SNP Index", ylab="PC 3", col=chr)
> # close the file
> snpgdsClose(genofile)
null device 