Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Accessing the SNPs stored in SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38
getSNPlocsR Documentation

Accessing the SNPs stored in SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38


Functions for accessing the SNPs stored in the SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38 package.

WARNING: All the functions described in this man page are deprecated and will be removed at some point in the future. See ?snplocs in the BSgenome software package for the new preferred way to access the data stored in this package.


## Count and load all the SNPs for a given chromosome:
getSNPlocs(seqname, as.GRanges=FALSE, caching=TRUE)

## Extract SNP information for a set of rs ids:
rsid2loc(rsids, caching=TRUE)
rsid2alleles(rsids, caching=TRUE)
rsidsToGRanges(rsids, caching=TRUE)



The name of the sequence for which to get the SNP locations and alleles.

If as.GRanges is FALSE, only one sequence can be specified (i.e. seqname must be a single string). If as.GRanges is TRUE, an arbitrary number of sequences can be specified (i.e. seqname can be a character vector of arbitrary length).


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then the SNP locations and alleles are returned in a GRanges object. Otherwise (the default), they are returned in a data frame (see below).


Should the loaded SNPs be cached in memory for faster further retrieval but at the cost of increased memory usage?


A vector of rs ids. Can be integer or character vector, with or without the "rs" prefix. NAs are not allowed.


See SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38 for general information about this package.

The SNP data are split by chromosome (1-22, X, Y, MT) i.e. the package contains one data set per chromosome, each of them being a serialized data frame with 1 row per SNP and the 2 following columns:

  • loc: The 1-based location of the SNP relative to the first base at the 5' end of the plus strand of the reference sequence.

  • alleles: A raw vector with no NAs which can be converted into a character vector containing the alleles for each SNP represented by an IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity code (see ?IUPAC_CODE_MAP in the Biostrings package for more information).

Note that those data sets are not intended to be used directly but the user should instead use the getSNPcount and getSNPlocs convenience wrappers for loading the SNP data. When used with as.GRanges=FALSE (the default), getSNPlocs returns a data frame with 1 row per SNP and the 3 following columns:

  • RefSNP_id: RefSNP ID (aka "rs id") with "rs" prefix removed. Character vector with no NAs and no duplicates.

  • alleles_as_ambig: A character vector with no NAs containing the alleles for each SNP represented by an IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity code.

  • loc: Same as for the 2-col serialized data frame described previously.


getSNPcount returns a named integer vector containing the number of SNPs for each sequence in the reference genome.

By default (as.GRanges=FALSE), getSNPlocs returns the 3-col data frame described above containing the SNP data for the specified chromosome. Otherwise (as.GRanges=TRUE), it returns a GRanges object with extra columns "RefSNP_id" and "alleles_as_ambig". Note that all the elements (genomic ranges) in this GRanges object have their strand set to "+" and that all the sequence lengths are set to NA.

rsid2loc and rsid2alleles both return a named vector (integer vector for the former, character vector for the latter) where each (name, value) pair corresponds to a supplied rs id. For both functions the name in (name, value) is the chromosome of the rs id. The value in (name, value) is the position of the rs id on the chromosome for rsid2loc, and a single IUPAC code representing the associated alleles for rsid2alleles.

rsidsToGRanges returns a GRanges object similar to the one returned by getSNPlocs (when used with as.GRanges=TRUE) and where each element corresponds to a supplied rs id.


H. Pages

See Also

  • snplocs in the BSgenome software package for the new preferred way to access the data stored in this package.

  • SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP141.GRCh38
