Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculation of standardized precipitation index from alpha...
Drought Index from ParametersR Documentation

Calculation of standardized precipitation index from alpha and beta parameter of the Gamma function.


calculate the standardized precipitation index, from alpha and beta parameter of the Gamma function.


SPIFromParameters(Pmon, scale =3, Param_Alpha, Param_Beta)



monthly precipitation series ordered according to time. It is a data frame with columns: year, month, station 1, station 2, etc.


an integer value representing the time scale of analysis. The most common are 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 48, etc.


data frame monthly data values corresponding to the alpha parameter to the function Gamma.


data frame monthly data values corresponding to the alpha parameter to the function Gamma.


Analysis stations are in the columns of dataframe. the apha and beta parameters, are monthly and are in the rows of dataframe.

Input data

similar to Pm_Pisco.

Mon st_1 st_1 st_2 st_3
Jan 9.584860915 9.227918987 10.35269003 8.433823824
Feb 13.76378505 15.02620223 12.1021093 10.85133914
Mar 26.09112343 17.41749632 21.10924889 23.53649421
Apr 17.34996675 17.4451073 13.00894394 16.66595319
May 9.943259493 9.46815537 9.164645239 9.455850664
Jun 5.103175852 5.041710686 4.080851346 5.790986084
Jul 2.85804336 3.042484994 2.797962575 2.645188236
Aug 3.033862506 3.183267843 3.435303986 2.631287947
Sep 3.815308513 2.627317533 3.550365645 3.66482456
Oct 7.430925356 3.956716609 7.023105167 7.540706878
Nov 6.303310502 5.339943557 6.358902249 5.556660824
Dec 5.84110559 5.899534971 6.581657735 4.889599504


return values of standardized precipitation index in .txt formats.


Iv<c3><83><c2><a1>n Arturo Ayala Bizarro <>

Jessica Z<c3><83><c2><ba><c3><83><c2><b1>iga Mendoza <>


McKee, Thomas B. and Doesken, Nolan J. and Kleist, John. 1993. The relationship of Drought Frecuency and Duration to Time Scales. Eighth Conference on Applied Climatology

A. Belauneh and J. Adamowski. Standard Precipitation Index Drought Forecasting Using Neural Networks, Wavelet Neural Networks, and Support Vector Regression. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing,


#### Load data

#### Computing SPI with Genetic Algorithms
Param_Alpha <- alphaGA_SPI3
Param_Beta <- betaGA_SPI3
SPIFromParameters(Pmon, scale =3, Param_Alpha, Param_Beta)


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> library(SPIGA)
Loading required package: GA
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: iterators
Package 'GA' version 3.0.2
Type 'citation("GA")' for citing this R package in publications.
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SPIGA/SPIFromParameters.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Drought Index from Parameters
> ### Title: Calculation of standardized precipitation index from alpha and
> ###   beta parameter of the Gamma function.
> ### Aliases: SPIFromParameters
> ### ** Examples
> #### Load data
> data(Pm_Pisco)
> data(alphaGA_SPI3)
> data(betaGA_SPI3)
> #### Computing SPI with Genetic Algorithms
> Pmon<-Pm_Pisco
> Param_Alpha <- alphaGA_SPI3
> Param_Beta <- betaGA_SPI3
> SPIFromParameters(Pmon, scale =3, Param_Alpha, Param_Beta)
********** Calculation Station Pm_St1 
********** Calculation Station Pm_St2 
********** Calculation Station Pm_St3 
********** Calculation Station Pm_St4 

SPIFromParameters: Successful Analysis
See the results:  /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target 
null device 