Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculation of Standardized Precipitation Index, using the...
Drought IndexR Documentation

Calculation of Standardized Precipitation Index, using the Genetic Algorithm Method (SPIGA) and Maximum Likelihood (SPIML)


Calculate the standardized precipitation index (SPI) for monitoring drought using the technique of Genetic Algorithm (SPIGA) and Maximum Likelihood (SPIML) of a series of monthly rainfall for different time scales.


SPIGA(Pmon, scale = 3, population = 500, maxIter = 50, plotGA = FALSE, plotCDF = FALSE)

SPIML(Pmon, scale =3)



monthly precipitation series ordered according to time. It is a data frame with columns: year, month, station 1, station 2, etc.


an integer value representing the time scale of analysis. The most common are 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 48, etc.


an integer value that sets the number of population for the use of the technique of Genetic Algorithm.


an integer value that sets the maximum number of iterations also called cycles within the concept of Genetic Algorithm.


optional, value Boolean default false. Shows the performance versus the number of cycles in the Genetic Algorithm.


optional, value Boolean default false. Shows the cumulative distribution function of each station. The graphics are monthly.


The SPIGA and SPIML, are functions to calculate the SPI using Artificial Intelligence techniques - Genetic Algorithms (GA) and numerical method - Maximum Likelihood (ML) and both provide quantitative results for monitoring DROUGHT. The GA optimize the parameters alpha and beta of the probability function Gamma given by McKee.

The population parameter must be an integer and balanced value, large values can generate higher time run, ie, high computational effort and small values can influence the accuracy of the results. By plotGA option and its corresponding graph, you can see the number of cycles to obtain a proper balance of the accuracy of the results and the computational effort.

Input data

similar to Pm_Pisco.

Year Mon st_1 st_2 st_3 st_4
1981 1 120.25 125.25 90.55 150.25
1981 2 145.25 140.25 120.70 145.50
1981 3 120.80 150.28 90.50 130.40
1981 4 90.25 80.25 70.52 120.40
1981 5 50.25 58.25 60.50 80.50
1981 6 40.25 38.45 80.25 50.40
1981 7 20.25 30.69 50.40 40.40
1981 8 1.25 8.85 10.40 25.80
1981 9 25.25 14.25 5.80 20.80
1981 10 13.25 10.23 10.50 30.45
1981 11 50.25 40.25 30.50 80.50
1981 12 80.25 90.52 80.70 90.40
1982 1 145.80 110.25 105.40 120.25
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .


Functions SPIGA and SPIML return values saved in .txt formats (Tabular) and .pdf (graphics). They are located in the working folder of R [getwd()].


Dependencies: the SPIGA function, depend on the library GA.


Iv<c3><83><c2><a1>n Arturo Ayala Bizarro <>

Jessica Z<c3><83><c2><ba><c3><83><c2><b1>iga Mendoza <>


McKee, Thomas B. and Doesken, Nolan J. and Kleist, John. 1993. The relationship of Drought Frequency and Duration to Time Scales. Eighth Conference on Applied Climatology

A. Belauneh and J. Adamowski. Standard Precipitation Index Drought Forecasting Using Neural Networks, Wavelet Neural Networks, and Support Vector Regression. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing,

See Also

SPIFromParameters to calculate the standardized precipitation index, from alpha and beta parameter of the Gamma function.


#### Load data
Pmon<-Pm_Pisco      # dataframe Precipitation
summary(Pm_Pisco)   # view summary

#### Computing SPI with Genetic Algorithms
pob     <-50        # Define population number
iMax    <-10        # Define Max iteration

# Total stations calculation. It may take some time.
#SPIGA(Pmon, scale=3, population=pob, maxIter = iMax, plotGA=TRUE, plotCDF=TRUE)

# station 1 computing
Pmon1<-data.frame(Pmon[,1:2], Pmon$Pm_St1)
SPIGA(Pmon1, scale=3, population=pob, maxIter = iMax)

# station 2 computing
Pmon2<-data.frame(Pmon[,1:2], Pmon$Pm_St2)
SPIGA(Pmon2, scale=3, population=pob, maxIter = iMax)

#### Computing SPI with Maximun Likelihood
SPIML(Pmon, scale=3)


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> library(SPIGA)
Loading required package: GA
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: iterators
Package 'GA' version 3.0.2
Type 'citation("GA")' for citing this R package in publications.
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SPIGA/SPIGA.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Drought Index
> ### Title: Calculation of Standardized Precipitation Index, using the
> ###   Genetic Algorithm Method (SPIGA) and Maximum Likelihood (SPIML)
> ### Aliases: SPIGA SPIML
> ### ** Examples
> #### Load data
> data(Pm_Pisco)
> Pmon<-Pm_Pisco      # dataframe Precipitation
> summary(Pm_Pisco)   # view summary
      year          month            Pm_St1             Pm_St2        
 Min.   :1981   Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :  0.5866   Min.   :  0.5362  
 1st Qu.:1989   1st Qu.: 3.250   1st Qu.: 16.5649   1st Qu.: 14.0321  
 Median :1998   Median : 6.000   Median : 46.8745   Median : 47.4559  
 Mean   :1998   Mean   : 6.476   Mean   : 62.0483   Mean   : 59.3716  
 3rd Qu.:2007   3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.: 98.8216   3rd Qu.: 96.8824  
 Max.   :2015   Max.   :12.000   Max.   :236.0222   Max.   :239.9725  
     Pm_St3             Pm_St4        
 Min.   :  0.4474   Min.   :  0.5104  
 1st Qu.: 13.4251   1st Qu.: 18.5945  
 Median : 43.8687   Median : 48.0113  
 Mean   : 57.3330   Mean   : 65.4650  
 3rd Qu.: 90.9596   3rd Qu.:100.2296  
 Max.   :236.6156   Max.   :244.5666  
> Pmon<-Pm_Pisco[,]
> #### Computing SPI with Genetic Algorithms
> pob     <-50        # Define population number
> iMax    <-10        # Define Max iteration
> # Total stations calculation. It may take some time.
> #SPIGA(Pmon, scale=3, population=pob, maxIter = iMax, plotGA=TRUE, plotCDF=TRUE)
> # station 1 computing
> Pmon1<-data.frame(Pmon[,1:2], Pmon$Pm_St1)
> SPIGA(Pmon1, scale=3, population=pob, maxIter = iMax)
********** Calculation Station Pmon.Pm_St1 

SPIGA: Successful Analysis
See the results:  /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target 
> # station 2 computing
> Pmon2<-data.frame(Pmon[,1:2], Pmon$Pm_St2)
> SPIGA(Pmon2, scale=3, population=pob, maxIter = iMax)
********** Calculation Station Pmon.Pm_St2 

SPIGA: Successful Analysis
See the results:  /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target 
> #### Computing SPI with Maximun Likelihood
> SPIML(Pmon, scale=3)
********** Calculation Station Pm_St1 
********** Calculation Station Pm_St2 
********** Calculation Station Pm_St3 
********** Calculation Station Pm_St4 

SPIML: Successful Analysis
See the results:  /home/ddbj/DataUpdator-rgm3/target 
null device 