Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot vectors inside a unit circle (PCA loadings or...
vectorplotR Documentation

Plot vectors inside a unit circle (PCA loadings or correlations plots)


Plots vectors with 0<norms<1 inside a circle. These plots are mainly designed to represent variables in principal components space for PCAs.


vectorplot(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
vectorplot(x, y, col = par("col"), circle.col = "gray",
    ar.length = 0.1, pos = NULL, cex = par("cex"), labels = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'loadings'
vectorplot(x, choices = 1L:2L, col = par("col"),
    circle.col = "gray", ar.length = 0.1, pos = NULL, cex = par("cex"),
    labels = rownames(x), main = deparse(substitute(x)), ...)
## S3 method for class 'correlation'
vectorplot(x, choices = 1L:2L, col = par("col"),
    circle.col = "gray", ar.length = 0.1, pos = NULL, cex = par("cex"),
    labels = rownames(x), main = deparse(substitute(x)), ...)



an object that has a vectorplot() method, like 'loadings' or 'correlation', or a numeric vector with 0<values<1.


a numeric vector with 0<values<1 of same length as x.


a vector of two integers indicating the axes to plot.


color of the arrows and labels.


the color for the circle around the vector plot.


the length of the arrows.


the position of text relative to arrows. If NULL, a suitable position is calculated according to the direction where the arrows are pointing.


the factor of expansion for labels in the graph.


the labels to write.


the title of the graph.


further arguments passed to plot functions.


The object 'x' is returned invisibly. These functions are called for their side-effect of drawing a vector plot.


Philippe Grosjean <>.

See Also

pcomp, loadings, correlation


## Create a PCA and plot loadings and correlations
iris.pca <- pcomp(iris[, -5])
## Note: on screen devices, change aspect ratio of the graph by resizing
## the window to reveal cropped labels...


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> library(SciViews)
Loading required package: MASS
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SciViews/vectorplot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: vectorplot
> ### Title: Plot vectors inside a unit circle (PCA loadings or correlations
> ###   plots)
> ### Aliases: vectorplot vectorplot.default vectorplot.loadings
> ###   vectorplot.correlation
> ### Keywords: aplot
> ### ** Examples
> ## Create a PCA and plot loadings and correlations
> iris.pca <- pcomp(iris[, -5])
> vectorplot(loadings(iris.pca))
> vectorplot(correlation(iris.pca))
> ## Note: on screen devices, change aspect ratio of the graph by resizing
> ## the window to reveal cropped labels...
null device 