Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Perform k-Nearest Neighbors Lookup Using a Search Tree
knnLookupR Documentation

Perform k-Nearest Neighbors Lookup Using a Search Tree


This function performs fast k-Nearest Neighbors lookup on a SearchTree object


knnLookup(tree, newx, newy, newdat, columns = 1:2, k = 5)



An object which inherits from the SearchTree S4 class.


Numeric. Vector of x values for the points to look up neighbors for.


Numeric. Vector of x values for the points to look up neighbors for.


Matrix or data.frame. Data containing x and y values of the points to look up neighbors for. Ignored if x and y are specified.


Numeric. Columns x and y values can be found in within newdat.


Numeric. Number of neighbors to find for each point.


The return value is an integer matrix indicating the indices in the original data used to create treE where the nearest neighbors were found. Row indicates the indice of the new point, while column indicates the order of the k neighbors.


No defined order is specified for exact ties in distance.


Gabriel Becker

See Also

createTree rectLookup


x = rnorm(100)
y = rnorm(100)
tree = createTree(cbind(x,y))
newx = c(0, .5)
newy = c(.5, 0)
inds = knnLookup(tree, newx, newy, k=7)

ch = rep(1, times=100)
ch[inds[1:7]] = 3
ch[inds[8:14]] = 5
cls = rep("black", times=100)
cls[inds[1:7]] = "red"
cls[inds[8:14]] ="blue"

plot(x,y, pch=ch, col = cls)
abline(v=newx[1], h = newy[1] , col="red")
abline(v=newx[2], h = newy[2], col = "blue")


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> library(SearchTrees)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SearchTrees/knnLookup.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: knnLookup
> ### Title: Perform k-Nearest Neighbors Lookup Using a Search Tree
> ### Aliases: knnLookup 'knnLookup, QuadTree-method'
> ### Keywords: knn lookup neighbors
> ### ** Examples
> x = rnorm(100)
> y = rnorm(100)
> tree = createTree(cbind(x,y))
> newx = c(0, .5)
> newy = c(.5, 0)
> inds = knnLookup(tree, newx, newy, k=7)
> ch = rep(1, times=100)
> ch[inds[1:7]] = 3
> ch[inds[8:14]] = 5
> cls = rep("black", times=100)
> cls[inds[1:7]] = "red"
> cls[inds[8:14]] ="blue"
> plot(x,y, pch=ch, col = cls)
> abline(v=newx[1], h = newy[1] , col="red")
> abline(v=newx[2], h = newy[2], col = "blue")
null device 