Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Fitting Contamination Model
ml.estR Documentation

Fitting Contamination Model


Provides ML estimates of a Gaussian contamination model.


    ml.est (y, x=NULL, model = "LN", lambda=3,  w=0.05,
            lambda.fix=FALSE, w.fix=FALSE, eps=1e-7,  
            max.iter=500, t.outl=0.5, graph=FALSE)



matrix or data frame containing the response variables


optional matrix or data frame containing the error free covariates


data distribution: LN = lognormal(default), N=normal


starting value for the variance inflation factor (default=3)


starting value for the proportion of contaminated data (default=0.05)


logical. TRUE if lambda is known


logical. TRUE if w is known


epsilon : tolerance parameter for the log-likelihood convergence (default=1e-7)


maximum number of EM iterations (default=500)


threshold value for posterior probabilities of identifying outliers (default=0.5)


logical. TRUE to display graphics (default=FALSE)


This function provides the parameter estimates of a contamination model where a set of y variables is assumed to depend on a (possibly empty) set of covariates (x variables) through a mixture of two linear regressions with Gaussian residuals. The covariance matrices of the two mixture components are assumed to be proportional (the proportionality constant being lambda). In case of no x variables a mixture of two Gaussian distribution is estimated. BIC and AIC scores (bic.aic) are returned corresponding to both standard Gaussian model and contamination model in order to help the user to avoid possible over-parametrisation.

According to the estimated model parameters, a matrix of predictions of ‘true’ y values (ypred) is computed. To each unit in the dataset, a flag (outlier) is assigned taking value 0 or 1 depending on whether the posterior probability of being erroneous (tau) is greater than the user specified threshold (t.outl).

The model is estimated using complete observations. Missing values in the x variables are not allowed. However, y variables can be partly observed. Robust predictions of y variables are provided even when they are not observed. A vector of missing pattern (pattern) indicates which item is observed and which is missing.

In case the option ‘model = LN’ is specified, each zero value is changed in 1e-7 and a warning is returned.

In order to graphically monitor EM algorithm, a scatter plot is showed where outliers are depicted as long as they are identified. The trajectory of the lambda parameter is also showed until convergence.


ml.est returns a list containing the following components:


matrix of predicted values for y variables


matrix of estimated regression coefficients


estimated covariance matrix


estimated variance inflation factor


estimated proportion of erroneous data


vector of posterior probabilities of being contaminated


1 if the observation is classified as an outlier, 0 otherwise


vector of non-response patterns for y variables: 0 = missing, 1 = present value


logical value: TRUE if the EM algorithm has converged


number of iterations of EM algorithm


Bayesian Information Criterion and Akaike Information Criterion for contaminated and non contaminated Gaussian models


M. Teresa Buglielli <>, Ugo Guarnera <>


Di Zio, M., Guarnera, U. (2013) "A Contamination Model for Selective Editing", Journal of Official Statistics. Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 539-555 (

Buglielli, M.T., Di Zio, M., Guarnera, U. (2010) "Use of Contamination Models for Selective Editing", European Conference on Quality in Survey Statistics Q2010, Helsinki, 4-6 May 2010


# Parameter estimation with one contaminated variable and one covariate
        ml.par <- ml.est([,"Y1"],[,"X1"], graph=TRUE) 
        sum(ml.par$outlier)  # number of outliers
# Parameter estimation with two contaminated variables and no covariates
        par.joint <- ml.est(, x=NULL, graph=TRUE)  
        sum(par.joint$outlier)  # number of outliers           


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> library(SeleMix)
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: Ecdat
Loading required package: Ecfun

Attaching package: 'Ecfun'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Attaching package: 'Ecdat'

The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':


Loading required package: xtable
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SeleMix/ml.est.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ml.est
> ### Title: Fitting Contamination Model
> ### Aliases: ml.est
> ### ** Examples
> # Parameter estimation with one contaminated variable and one covariate
>         data(
>         ml.par <- ml.est([,"Y1"],[,"X1"], graph=TRUE) 
>         str(ml.par)
List of 11
 $ ypred  : num [1:500, 1] 1.45 45.62 15.61 41.7 1.04 ...
 $ B      : num [1:2, 1] -0.152 1.215
 $ sigma  : num [1, 1] 1.25
 $ lambda : num 15.5
 $ w      : num 0.0479
 $ tau    : num [1:500] 0.0127 0.0301 0.0122 0.032 0.0234 ...
 $ outlier: num [1:500] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ pattern: Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ is.conv: logi TRUE
 $ n.iter : num 26
 $ bic.aic: Named num [1:4] 1828 1709 911 849
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "BIC.norm" "BIC.mix" "AIC.norm" "AIC.mix"
 - attr(*, "model")= chr "LN"
 - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "list" "mlest"
>         sum(ml.par$outlier)  # number of outliers
[1] 11
> # Parameter estimation with two contaminated variables and no covariates
>         data(
>         par.joint <- ml.est(, x=NULL, graph=TRUE)  
>         sum(par.joint$outlier)  # number of outliers           
[1] 15
null device 