Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Semiparametric Copula Bivariate Regression Models
SemiParBIVProbitR Documentation

Semiparametric Copula Bivariate Regression Models


SemiParBIVProbit can be used to fit bivariate binary models where the linear predictors of the two main equations can be flexibly specified using parametric and regression spline components. Several bivariate copula distributions are supported. During the model fitting process, the possible presence of associated error equations, endogeneity, non-random sample selection or partial observability is accounted for. Regression spline bases are extracted from the package mgcv. Multi-dimensional smooths are available via the use of penalized thin plate regression splines. Note that, if it makes sense, the dependence parameter of the employed bivariate distribution can be specified as a function of covariates.

SemiParBIVProbit can also be used to fit bivariate models in which one response is binary and the other is continuous. This case is relevant for estimating, for instance, the effect that a binary endogenous variable has on a continuous response or viceversa or when interest is in modelling jointly binary and continuous responses.

There are many continuous distributions and copula functions that can be employed when using SemiParBIVProbit and we plan to include more options. Other bivariate models can/will be implemented.


SemiParBIVProbit(formula, data = list(), weights = NULL, subset = NULL,  
                 Model = "B", BivD = "N", 
                 margins = c("probit","probit"), gamlssfit = FALSE,
                 fp = FALSE, hess = TRUE, infl.fac = 1, 
                 rinit = 1, rmax = 100, 
                 iterlimsp = 50, tolsp = 1e-07,
                 gc.l = FALSE, parscale, extra.regI = "t")



In the basic setup this will be a list of two formulas, one for equation 1 and the other for equation 2. s terms are used to specify smooth smooth functions of predictors. SemiParBIVProbit supports the use shrinkage smoothers for variable selection purposes and more. See the examples below and the documentation of mgcv for further details on formula specifications. Note that if Model = "BSS" then the first formula MUST refer to the selection equation. Furthermore, if it makes sense, a third equation for the dependence parameter can be specified (see Example 1 below). When one outcome is binary and the other continuous then the first equation must refer to the binary outcome whereas the second to the continuous one. For binary-continuous bivariate models, a maximum of three more equations can be specified, one modelling the scale parameter, the other the shape parameter (this would be the case for "DAGUM" and "SM") and the last for the dependence parameter. The order matters. Examples are provided below.


An optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which SemiParBIVProbit is called.


Optional vector of prior weights to be used in fitting.


Optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


It indicates the type of model to be used in the analysis. Possible values are "B" (bivariate model), "BSS" (bivariate model with non-random sample selection), "BPO" (bivariate model with partial observability) and "BPO0" (bivariate model with partial observability and zero correlation).


It indicates the distributions used for the two margins. The first is one of "probit", "logit", "cloglog" which refer to the link function of the first equation whose response is always assumed to be binary. The response for the second equation can be binary ("probit"), normal ("N"), log-normal ("LN"), Gumbel ("GU"), reverse Gumbel ("rGU"), logistic ("LO"), Weibull ("WEI"), inverse Gaussian ("iG"), gamma ("GA"), gamma with identity link for the location parameter ("GAi"), Dagum ("DAGUM"), Singh-Maddala ("SM"), beta ("BE"), Fisk ("FISK", also known as log-logistic distribution).


In the case of continuous margin for the outcome equation, if gamlssfit = TRUE then a gamlss if fitted for the outcome equation. This is useful to calculate, for instance, the average treatment effect from the model which does not account for endogeneity/associated equation errors. This may also be used for obtaining better calibrated starting values, for instance.


Type of bivariate error distribution employed. Possible choices are "N", "C0", "C90", "C180", "C270", "J0", "J90", "J180", "J270", "G0", "G90", "G180", "G270", "F", "AMH", "FGM" which stand for bivariate normal, Clayton, rotated Clayton (90 degrees), survival Clayton, rotated Clayton (270 degrees), Joe, rotated Joe (90 degrees), survival Joe, rotated Joe (270 degrees), Gumbel, rotated Gumbel (90 degrees), survival Gumbel, rotated Gumbel (270 degrees), Frank, Ali-Mikhail-Haq and Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern. Note that Clayton, Joe and Gumbel are somewhat similar. Also, there might be situations in which the use of a specific copula may result in more stable computations.


If TRUE then a fully parametric model with unpenalised regression splines if fitted. See the example below.


If FALSE then the expected/Fisher (rather than observed) information matrix is employed. The Fisher information matrix is not available for cases different from binary treatment and binary outcome.


Inflation factor for the model degrees of freedom in the approximate AIC. Smoother models can be obtained setting this parameter to a value greater than 1.


Starting trust region radius. The trust region radius is adjusted as the algorithm proceeds. See the documentation of trust for further details.


Maximum allowed trust region radius. This may be set very large. If set small, the algorithm traces a steepest descent path.


A positive integer specifying the maximum number of loops to be performed before the smoothing parameter estimation step is terminated.


Tolerance to use in judging convergence of the algorithm when automatic smoothing parameter estimation is used.


This is relevant when working with big datasets. If TRUE then the garbage collector is called more often than it is usually done. This keeps the memory footprint down but it will slow down the routine.


The algorithm will operate as if optimizing objfun(x / parscale, ...) where parscale is a scalar. If missing then no rescaling is done. See the documentation of trust for more details.


If "t" then regularization as from trust is applied to the information matrix if needed. If different from "t" then extra regularization is applied via the options "pC" (pivoted Choleski - this will only work when the information matrix is semi-positive or positive definite) and "sED" (symmetric eigen-decomposition).


The bivariate models considered in this package consist of two model equations which depend on flexible linear predictors and whose association between the responses is modelled through parameter θ of a standardised bivariate normal distribution or that of a bivariate copula distribution. The linear predictors of the two equations are flexibly specified using parametric components and smooth functions of covariates. The same can be done for the dependence parameter if it makes sense. Estimation is achieved within a penalized likelihood framework with integrated automatic multiple smoothing parameter selection. The use of penalty matrices allows for the suppression of that part of smooth term complexity which has no support from the data. The trade-off between smoothness and fitness is controlled by smoothing parameters associated with the penalty matrices. Smoothing parameters are chosen to minimise an approximate AIC.

Details of the underlying fitting methods are given in Radice, Marra and Wojtys (in press). Releases previous to 3.2-7 were based on the algorithms detailed in Marra and Radice (2011, 2013).

For sample selection models, if there are factors in the model, before fitting, the user has to ensure that the numbers of factor variables' levels in the selected sample are the same as those in the complete dataset. Even if a model could be fitted in such a situation, the model may produce fits which are not coherent with the nature of the correction sought. As an example consider the situation in which the complete dataset contains a factor variable with five levels and that only three of them appear in the selected sample. For the outcome equation (which is the one of interest) only three levels of such variable exist in the population, but their effects will be corrected for non-random selection using a selection equation in which five levels exist instead. Having differing numbers of factors' levels between complete and selected samples will also make prediction not feasible (an aspect which may be particularly important for selection models); clearly it is not possible to predict the response of interest for the missing entries using a dataset that contains all levels of a factor variable but using an outcome model estimated using a subset of these levels.


The function returns an object of class SemiParBIVProbit as described in SemiParBIVProbitObject.


Convergence failure may sometimes occur. Convergence can be checked using conv.check which provides some information about the score and information matrix associated with the fitted model. The former should be 0 and the latter positive definite. SemiParBIVProbit() will produce some warnings if there is a convergence issue.

In such a situation, the user may use some extra regularisation (see extra.regI) and/or rescaling (see parscale). Using gamlssfit = TRUE (this is relevant when one outcome is not binary) is typically more effective than the first two options as this will provide better calibrated starting values as compared to those obtained from the default starting value procedure. The default option is, however, gamlssfit = FALSE only because it tends to be computationally cheaper and because the default starting value procedure has typically been found to do a satisfactory job in most cases. (The results obtained when using gamlssfit = FALSE and gamlssfit = TRUE could also be compared to check if starting values make any difference.)

The above suggestions may help, especially the latter option. However, the user should also consider re-specifying the model and/or using a diferrent dependence structure and/or checking that the chosen marginal distribution fit the responses well. In our experience, we found that convergence failure typically occurs when the model has been misspecified and/or the sample size (and/or number of selected observations in selection models) is low compared to the complexity of the model. Examples of misspecification include using a Clayton copula rotated by 90 degrees when a positive association between the margins is present instead, using marginal distributions that do not fit the responses (again, this is a bit more relevant when one of the two responses is continuous), and employing a copula which does not accommodate the type and/or strength of the dependence between the margins (e.g., using AMH when the association between the margins is strong). It is also worth bearing in mind that the use of a three parameter marginal distribution requires the data to be more informative than a situation in which a two parameter distribution is used instead.

When comparing competing models (for instance, by keeping the linear predictor specifications fixed and changing the copula), if the computing time for a set of alternatives is considerably higher than that of another set then it may mean that the more computationally demanding models are not able to fit the data very well (as a higher number of iterations is required to reach convergence). As a practical check, this may be verified by fitting all competing models and, provided convergence is achieved, comparing their respective AIC and BICs, for instance.

In the contexts of endogeneity and non-random sample selection, extra attention is required when specifying the dependence parameter as a function of covariates. This is because in these situations the dependence parameter mainly models the association between the unobserved confounders in the two equations. Therefore, this option would make sense when it is believed that the strength of the association between the unobservables in the two equations varies based on some grouping factor or across geographical areas, for instance.


Maintainer: Giampiero Marra


Marra G. and Radice R. (2011), Estimation of a Semiparametric Recursive Bivariate Probit in the Presence of Endogeneity. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 39(2), 259-279.

Marra G. and Radice R. (2013), A Penalized Likelihood Estimation Approach to Semiparametric Sample Selection Binary Response Modeling. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7, 1432-1455.

Marra G., Radice R. and Missiroli S. (2014), Testing the Hypothesis of Absence of Unobserved Confounding in Semiparametric Bivariate Probit Models. Computational Statistics, 29(3-4), 715-741.

Marra G., Radice R. and Filippou P. (in press), Regression Spline Bivariate Probit Models: A Practical Approach to Testing for Exogeneity. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.

Marra G., Radice R., Barnighausen T., Wood S.N. and McGovern M.E. (submitted). A Simultaneous Equation Approach to Estimating HIV Prevalence with Non-Ignorable Missing Responses.

McGovern M.E., Barnighausen T., Marra G. and Radice R. (2015), On the Assumption of Joint Normality in Selection Models: A Copula Approach Applied to Estimating HIV Prevalence. Epidemiology, 26(2), 229-237.

Radice R., Marra G. and M. Wojtys (in press), Copula Regression Spline Models for Binary Outcomes. Statistics and Computing.

Marra G. and Wood S.N. (2011), Practical Variable Selection for Generalized Additive Models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55(7), 2372-2387.

Marra G. and Wood S.N. (2012), Coverage Properties of Confidence Intervals for Generalized Additive Model Components. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39(1), 53-74.

Poirier D.J. (1980), Partial Observability in Bivariate Probit Models. Journal of Econometrics, 12, 209-217.

Wood S.N. (2004), Stable and efficient multiple smoothing parameter estimation for generalized additive models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(467), 673-686.

See Also

copulaReg, copulaSampleSel, AT, OR, RR, adjCov, prev, gt.bpm, LM.bpm, VuongClarke, plot.SemiParBIVProbit, SemiParBIVProbit-package, SemiParBIVProbitObject, conv.check, summary.SemiParBIVProbit, predict.SemiParBIVProbit



## Generate data
## Correlation between the two equations 0.5 - Sample size 400 


n <- 400

Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)

x1 <- round(runif(n)); x2 <- runif(n); x3 <- runif(n)

f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2)   

y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1    + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
y2 <- ifelse(-0.25 - 1.25*x1 + f2(x2) + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)

dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2, x3)



out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + x2 + x3, 
                              y2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3), 
                         data = dataSim)


## "cr" cubic regression spline basis      - "cs" shrinkage version of "cr"
## "tp" thin plate regression spline basis - "ts" shrinkage version of "tp"
## for smooths of one variable, "cr/cs" and "tp/ts" achieve similar results 
## k is the basis dimension - default is 10
## m is the order of the penalty for the specific term - default is 2
## For COPULA models use BivD argument 

out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "tp", k = 10, m = 2) + s(x3), 
                              y2 ~ x1 + s(x2) + s(x3)),  
                         data = dataSim)
summary(out, cm.plot = TRUE)

## estimated smooth function plots - red lines are true curves

x2 <- sort(x2)
f1.x2 <- f1(x2)[order(x2)] - mean(f1(x2))
f2.x2 <- f2(x2)[order(x2)] - mean(f2(x2))
f3.x3 <- rep(0, length(x3))

plot(out, eq = 1, select = 1, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
lines(x2, f1.x2, col = "red")
plot(out, eq = 1, select = 2, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
lines(x3, f3.x3, col = "red")
plot(out, eq = 2, select = 1, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
lines(x2, f2.x2, col = "red")
plot(out, eq = 2, select = 2, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
lines(x3, f3.x3, col = "red")

## p-values suggest to drop x3 from both equations, with a stronger 
## evidence for eq. 2. This can be also achieved using shrinkage smoothers

outSS <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "ts") + s(x3, bs = "cs"), 
                               y2 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "cs") + s(x3, bs = "ts")), 
                          data = dataSim)

plot(outSS, eq = 1, select = 1, scale = 0, shade = TRUE)
plot(outSS, eq = 1, select = 2, ylim = c(-0.1,0.1))
plot(outSS, eq = 2, select = 1, scale = 0, shade = TRUE)
plot(outSS, eq = 2, select = 2, ylim = c(-0.1,0.1))

## Not run:  

## SEMIPARAMETRIC BIVARIATE PROBIT with association parameter 
## depending on covariates as well  <- y1 ~ x1 + s(x2)  <- y2 ~ x1 + s(x2)
eq.theta <-    ~ x1 + s(x2)

fl <- list(,, eq.theta)

outD <- SemiParBIVProbit(fl, data = dataSim)

plot(outD, eq = 1, seWithMean = TRUE)
plot(outD, eq = 2, seWithMean = TRUE)
plot(outD, eq = 3, seWithMean = TRUE)


## Generate data with one endogenous variable 
## and exclusion restriction


n <- 400

Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)

cov   <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
cov   <- pnorm(cov)
x1 <- round(cov[,1]); x2 <- cov[,2]

f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2)   

y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1    + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
y2 <- ifelse(-0.25 - 1.25*y1 + f2(x2) + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)

dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2)


## Testing the hypothesis of absence of endogeneity... 

LM.bpm(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), dataSim, Model = "B")

# p-value suggests presence of endogeneity, hence fit a bivariate model


out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + x2, 
                             y2 ~ y1 + x2), 
                        data = dataSim)
AIC(out); BIC(out)


out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), 
                             y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), 
                        data = dataSim)
AIC(out); BIC(out)


## Testing the hypothesis of absence of endogeneity post estimation... 


## reatment effect, risk ratio and odds ratio with CIs

mb(y1, y2, Model = "B")
AT(out, nm.end = "y1", hd.plot = TRUE) 
RR(out, nm.end = "y1") 
OR(out, nm.end = "y1") 
AT(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate") 

## try a Clayton copula model... 

outC <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), 
                              y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), 
                         data = dataSim, BivD = "C0")
AT(outC, nm.end = "y1") 

## try a Joe copula model... 

outJ <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), 
                              y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), 
                         data = dataSim, BivD = "J0")
summary(outJ, cm.plot = TRUE)
AT(outJ, "y1") 

VuongClarke(out, outJ)

## recursive bivariate probit modelling with unpenalized splines 
## can be achieved as follows

outFP <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "cr", k = 5), 
                               y2 ~ y1 + s(x2, bs = "cr", k = 6)), 
                          fp = TRUE, data = dataSim)

# in the above examples a third equation could be introduced
# as illustrated in Example 1

## See also ?meps

## Generate data with a non-random sample selection mechanism 
## and exclusion restriction


n <- 2000

Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)

SigmaC <- matrix(0.5, 3, 3); diag(SigmaC) <- 1
cov    <- rMVN(n, rep(0,3), SigmaC)
cov    <- pnorm(cov)
bi <- round(cov[,1]); x1 <- cov[,2]; x2 <- cov[,3]
f11 <- function(x) -0.7*(4*x + 2.5*x^2 + 0.7*sin(5*x) + cos(7.5*x))
f12 <- function(x) -0.4*( -0.3 - 1.6*x + sin(5*x))  
f21 <- function(x) 0.6*(exp(x) + sin(2.9*x)) 

ys <-  0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + u[, 1] > 0
y  <- -0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1) +         + u[, 2] > 0
yo <- y*(ys > 0)
dataSim <- data.frame(y, ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)

## Testing the hypothesis of absence of non-random sample selection... 

LM.bpm(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), yo ~ bi + s(x1)), dataSim, Model = "BSS")

# p-value suggests presence of sample selection, hence fit a bivariate model

## the first equation MUST be the selection equation

out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
                             yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
                        data = dataSim, Model = "BSS")

## compare the two summary outputs
## the second output produces a summary of the results obtained when
## selection bias is not accounted for


## corrected predicted probability that 'yo' is equal to 1

mb(ys, yo, Model = "BSS")
prev(out, hd.plot = TRUE)
prev(out, type = "univariate", hd.plot = TRUE)

## estimated smooth function plots
## the red line is the true curve
## the blue line is the univariate model curve not accounting for selection bias

x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)]-mean(f21(x1.s))

plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1.65,0.95)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col="red")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1.65,0.95), 
     ylab = "", rug = FALSE)

## try a Clayton copula model... 

outC <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
                              yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
                         data = dataSim, Model = "BSS", BivD = "C0")
summary(outC, cm.plot = TRUE)

# in the above examples a third equation could be introduced
# as illustrated in Example 1

## See also ?hiv

## Generate data with partial observability


n <- 10000

Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)

x1 <- round(runif(n)); x2 <- runif(n); x3 <- runif(n)

y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1 + x2 + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
y2 <- ifelse( 0.45 - x3        + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)
y  <- y1*y2

dataSim <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3)

## BIVARIATE PROBIT with Partial Observability

out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y ~ x1 + x2, 
                              y ~ x3), 
                         data = dataSim, Model = "BPO")

# first ten estimated probabilities for the four events from object out

cbind(out$p11, out$p10, out$p00, out$p01)[1:10,]

# case with smooth function 
# (more computationally intensive)  

f1 <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)

y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1 + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
y2 <- ifelse( 0.45 - x3            + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)
y  <- y1*y2

dataSim <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3)

out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y ~ x1 + s(x2), 
                              y ~ x3), 
                         data = dataSim, Model = "BPO")

summary(out, cm.plot = TRUE)

# plot estimated and true functions

x2 <- sort(x2); f1.x2 <- f1(x2)[order(x2)] - mean(f1(x2))
plot(out, eq = 1, scale = 0); lines(x2, f1.x2, col = "red")

## See also ?war

## Generate data with one endogenous binary variable 
## and continuous outcome


n <- 1000

Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)

cov   <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
cov   <- pnorm(cov)
x1 <- round(cov[,1]); x2 <- cov[,2]

f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2)   

y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1    + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
y2 <-        -0.25 - 1.25*y1 + f2(x2) + u[,2] 

dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2)


rc <- resp.check(y2, margin = "N", print.par = TRUE, loglik = TRUE)
AIC(rc); BIC(rc)

out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + x2, 
                             y2 ~ y1 + x2), 
                        data = dataSim, margins = c("probit","N"))

## SEMIPARAMETRIC RECURSIVE Model   <- y1 ~ x1 + s(x2)   <- y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)
eq.sigma2 <-    ~ 1
eq.theta  <-    ~ 1

fl <- list(,, eq.sigma2, eq.theta)

out <- SemiParBIVProbit(fl, data = dataSim, 
                        margins = c("probit","N"), gamlssfit = TRUE)
jc.probs(out, 1, 1.5, intervals = TRUE)[1:4,]
AT(out, nm.end = "y1")
AT(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")


## Generate data with one endogenous continuous exposure 
## and binary outcome


n <- 1000

Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)

cov   <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
cov   <- pnorm(cov)
x1 <- round(cov[,1]); x2 <- cov[,2]

f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2) 

y1 <-        -0.25 - 2*x1    + f2(x2) + u[,2] 
y2 <- ifelse(-0.25 - 0.25*y1 + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)

dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2)   <- y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)   <- y1 ~ x1 + s(x2)
eq.sigma2 <-    ~ 1
eq.theta  <-    ~ 1

fl <- list(,, eq.sigma2, eq.theta)

out <- SemiParBIVProbit(fl, data = dataSim, 
                        margins = c("probit","N"))
AT(out, nm.end = "y1")
AT(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")
RR(out, nm.end = "y1", rr.plot = TRUE)
RR(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")
OR(out, nm.end = "y1", or.plot = TRUE)
OR(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")

## End(Not run)


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> library(SemiParBIVProbit)
Loading required package: mgcv
Loading required package: nlme
This is mgcv 1.8-12. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.

This is SemiParBIVProbit 3.7-1.
For overview type 'help("SemiParBIVProbit-package")'.

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SemiParBIVProbit/SemiParBIVProbit.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: SemiParBIVProbit
> ### Title: Semiparametric Copula Bivariate Regression Models
> ### Aliases: SemiParBIVProbit
> ### Keywords: non-random sample selection semiparametric bivariate
> ###   modelling partial observability endogeneity smooth regression spline
> ###   shrinkage smoother variable selection
> ### ** Examples
> library(SemiParBIVProbit)
> ############
> ## EXAMPLE 1
> ############
> ## Generate data
> ## Correlation between the two equations 0.5 - Sample size 400 
> set.seed(0)
> n <- 400
> Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
> u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> x1 <- round(runif(n)); x2 <- runif(n); x3 <- runif(n)
> f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
> f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2)   
> y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1    + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
> y2 <- ifelse(-0.25 - 1.25*x1 + f2(x2) + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)
> dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2, x3)
> #
> #
> out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + x2 + x3, 
+                               y2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3), 
+                          data = dataSim)
> conv.check(out)

Largest absolute gradient value: 9.321016e-14
Observed information matrix is positive definite
Eigenvalue range: [9.528687,419.9106]

Trust region iterations: 3 

> summary(out)

COPULA:   Gaussian
MARGIN 1: Bernoulli
MARGIN 2: Bernoulli

Link function for mu.1: probit 
Formula: y1 ~ x1 + x2 + x3

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -0.94936    0.20532  -4.624 3.77e-06 ***
x1           1.97383    0.15150  13.028  < 2e-16 ***
x2           0.20574    0.25474   0.808    0.419    
x3          -0.06393    0.25939  -0.246    0.805    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Link function for mu.2: probit 
Formula: y2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  0.04474    0.17736   0.252  0.80084    
x1          -1.07918    0.13393  -8.058 7.76e-16 ***
x2           0.66869    0.23016   2.905  0.00367 ** 
x3           0.08599    0.23228   0.370  0.71124    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

n = 400  theta = 0.282(0.062,0.458)  tau = 0.182(0.0395,0.303)
total edf = 9

> AIC(out)
[1] 840.3036
> BIC(out)
[1] 876.2268
> ## "cr" cubic regression spline basis      - "cs" shrinkage version of "cr"
> ## "tp" thin plate regression spline basis - "ts" shrinkage version of "tp"
> ## for smooths of one variable, "cr/cs" and "tp/ts" achieve similar results 
> ## k is the basis dimension - default is 10
> ## m is the order of the penalty for the specific term - default is 2
> ## For COPULA models use BivD argument 
> out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "tp", k = 10, m = 2) + s(x3), 
+                               y2 ~ x1 + s(x2) + s(x3)),  
+                          data = dataSim)
> conv.check(out)

Largest absolute gradient value: 1.485398e-09
Observed information matrix is positive definite
Eigenvalue range: [0.2372136,5.216988e+13]

Trust region iterations before smoothing parameter estimation: 4
Loops for smoothing parameter estimation: 3
Trust region iterations within smoothing loops: 4 

> summary(out, cm.plot = TRUE)

COPULA:   Gaussian
MARGIN 1: Bernoulli
MARGIN 2: Bernoulli

Link function for mu.1: probit 
Formula: y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "tp", k = 10, m = 2) + s(x3)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -0.9852     0.1094  -9.005   <2e-16 ***
x1            2.1885     0.1691  12.940   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Smooth components' approximate significance:
        edf Ref.df Chi.sq  p-value    
s(x2) 2.805  3.499 31.721 1.87e-06 ***
s(x3) 1.000  1.000  0.134    0.714    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Link function for mu.2: probit 
Formula: y2 ~ x1 + s(x2) + s(x3)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  0.43374    0.09316   4.656 3.22e-06 ***
x1          -1.14477    0.13880  -8.248  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Smooth components' approximate significance:
        edf Ref.df Chi.sq  p-value    
s(x2) 4.728  5.784 33.810 6.81e-06 ***
s(x3) 1.000  1.000  0.189    0.664    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

n = 400  theta = 0.484(0.324,0.646)  tau = 0.322(0.21,0.447)
total edf = 14.5

> AIC(out)
[1] 774.3511
> ## estimated smooth function plots - red lines are true curves
> x2 <- sort(x2)
> f1.x2 <- f1(x2)[order(x2)] - mean(f1(x2))
> f2.x2 <- f2(x2)[order(x2)] - mean(f2(x2))
> f3.x3 <- rep(0, length(x3))
> par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(4.5,4.5,2,2))
> plot(out, eq = 1, select = 1, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
> lines(x2, f1.x2, col = "red")
> plot(out, eq = 1, select = 2, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
> lines(x3, f3.x3, col = "red")
> plot(out, eq = 2, select = 1, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
> lines(x2, f2.x2, col = "red")
> plot(out, eq = 2, select = 2, seWithMean = TRUE, scale = 0)
> lines(x3, f3.x3, col = "red")
> ## p-values suggest to drop x3 from both equations, with a stronger 
> ## evidence for eq. 2. This can be also achieved using shrinkage smoothers
> outSS <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "ts") + s(x3, bs = "cs"), 
+                                y2 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "cs") + s(x3, bs = "ts")), 
+                           data = dataSim)
Warning message:
Largest absolute gradient value is not close to 0. 
 Read the WARNINGS section in ?SemiParBIVProbit. 
> conv.check(outSS)                          

Largest absolute gradient value: 1.747239
Observed information matrix is positive definite
Eigenvalue range: [5.711081e-129,449317]

Trust region iterations before smoothing parameter estimation: 4
Loops for smoothing parameter estimation: 4
Trust region iterations within smoothing loops: 174 

> plot(outSS, eq = 1, select = 1, scale = 0, shade = TRUE)
> plot(outSS, eq = 1, select = 2, ylim = c(-0.1,0.1))
> plot(outSS, eq = 2, select = 1, scale = 0, shade = TRUE)
> plot(outSS, eq = 2, select = 2, ylim = c(-0.1,0.1))
> ## Not run: 
> ##D  
> ##D 
> ##D ## SEMIPARAMETRIC BIVARIATE PROBIT with association parameter 
> ##D ## depending on covariates as well
> ##D 
> ##D  <- y1 ~ x1 + s(x2)
> ##D  <- y2 ~ x1 + s(x2)
> ##D eq.theta <-    ~ x1 + s(x2)
> ##D 
> ##D fl <- list(,, eq.theta)
> ##D 
> ##D outD <- SemiParBIVProbit(fl, data = dataSim)
> ##D conv.check(outD)  
> ##D summary(outD)
> ##D outD$theta
> ##D 
> ##D plot(outD, eq = 1, seWithMean = TRUE)
> ##D plot(outD, eq = 2, seWithMean = TRUE)
> ##D plot(outD, eq = 3, seWithMean = TRUE)
> ##D
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D ############
> ##D ## EXAMPLE 2
> ##D ############
> ##D ## Generate data with one endogenous variable 
> ##D ## and exclusion restriction
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D n <- 400
> ##D 
> ##D Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
> ##D u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D 
> ##D cov   <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D cov   <- pnorm(cov)
> ##D x1 <- round(cov[,1]); x2 <- cov[,2]
> ##D 
> ##D f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
> ##D f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2)   
> ##D 
> ##D y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1    + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D y2 <- ifelse(-0.25 - 1.25*y1 + f2(x2) + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D ## Testing the hypothesis of absence of endogeneity... 
> ##D 
> ##D LM.bpm(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), dataSim, Model = "B")
> ##D 
> ##D # p-value suggests presence of endogeneity, hence fit a bivariate model
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + x2, 
> ##D                              y2 ~ y1 + x2), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim)
> ##D conv.check(out)                        
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D AIC(out); BIC(out)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), 
> ##D                              y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim)
> ##D conv.check(out)                        
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D AIC(out); BIC(out)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D ## Testing the hypothesis of absence of endogeneity post estimation... 
> ##D 
> ##D gt.bpm(out)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D ## reatment effect, risk ratio and odds ratio with CIs
> ##D 
> ##D mb(y1, y2, Model = "B")
> ##D AT(out, nm.end = "y1", hd.plot = TRUE) 
> ##D RR(out, nm.end = "y1") 
> ##D OR(out, nm.end = "y1") 
> ##D AT(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate") 
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D ## try a Clayton copula model... 
> ##D 
> ##D outC <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), 
> ##D                               y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), 
> ##D                          data = dataSim, BivD = "C0")
> ##D conv.check(outC)                         
> ##D summary(outC)
> ##D AT(outC, nm.end = "y1") 
> ##D 
> ##D ## try a Joe copula model... 
> ##D 
> ##D outJ <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2), 
> ##D                               y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)), 
> ##D                          data = dataSim, BivD = "J0")
> ##D conv.check(outJ)
> ##D summary(outJ, cm.plot = TRUE)
> ##D AT(outJ, "y1") 
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D VuongClarke(out, outJ)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D ## recursive bivariate probit modelling with unpenalized splines 
> ##D ## can be achieved as follows
> ##D 
> ##D outFP <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2, bs = "cr", k = 5), 
> ##D                                y2 ~ y1 + s(x2, bs = "cr", k = 6)), 
> ##D                           fp = TRUE, data = dataSim)
> ##D conv.check(outFP)                            
> ##D summary(outFP)
> ##D 
> ##D # in the above examples a third equation could be introduced
> ##D # as illustrated in Example 1
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #################
> ##D ## See also ?meps
> ##D #################
> ##D 
> ##D ############
> ##D ## EXAMPLE 3
> ##D ############
> ##D ## Generate data with a non-random sample selection mechanism 
> ##D ## and exclusion restriction
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D n <- 2000
> ##D 
> ##D Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
> ##D u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D 
> ##D SigmaC <- matrix(0.5, 3, 3); diag(SigmaC) <- 1
> ##D cov    <- rMVN(n, rep(0,3), SigmaC)
> ##D cov    <- pnorm(cov)
> ##D bi <- round(cov[,1]); x1 <- cov[,2]; x2 <- cov[,3]
> ##D   
> ##D f11 <- function(x) -0.7*(4*x + 2.5*x^2 + 0.7*sin(5*x) + cos(7.5*x))
> ##D f12 <- function(x) -0.4*( -0.3 - 1.6*x + sin(5*x))  
> ##D f21 <- function(x) 0.6*(exp(x) + sin(2.9*x)) 
> ##D 
> ##D ys <-  0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + u[, 1] > 0
> ##D y  <- -0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1) +         + u[, 2] > 0
> ##D yo <- y*(ys > 0)
> ##D   
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(y, ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)
> ##D 
> ##D ## Testing the hypothesis of absence of non-random sample selection... 
> ##D 
> ##D LM.bpm(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), yo ~ bi + s(x1)), dataSim, Model = "BSS")
> ##D 
> ##D # p-value suggests presence of sample selection, hence fit a bivariate model
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D ## the first equation MUST be the selection equation
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
> ##D                              yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim, Model = "BSS")
> ##D conv.check(out)                          
> ##D gt.bpm(out)                        
> ##D 
> ##D ## compare the two summary outputs
> ##D ## the second output produces a summary of the results obtained when
> ##D ## selection bias is not accounted for
> ##D 
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D summary(out$gam2)
> ##D 
> ##D ## corrected predicted probability that 'yo' is equal to 1
> ##D 
> ##D mb(ys, yo, Model = "BSS")
> ##D prev(out, hd.plot = TRUE)
> ##D prev(out, type = "univariate", hd.plot = TRUE)
> ##D 
> ##D ## estimated smooth function plots
> ##D ## the red line is the true curve
> ##D ## the blue line is the univariate model curve not accounting for selection bias
> ##D 
> ##D x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
> ##D f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)]-mean(f21(x1.s))
> ##D 
> ##D plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1.65,0.95)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col="red")
> ##D par(new = TRUE)
> ##D plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1.65,0.95), 
> ##D      ylab = "", rug = FALSE)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D ## try a Clayton copula model... 
> ##D 
> ##D outC <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
> ##D                               yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
> ##D                          data = dataSim, Model = "BSS", BivD = "C0")
> ##D conv.check(outC)
> ##D summary(outC, cm.plot = TRUE)
> ##D prev(outC)
> ##D 
> ##D # in the above examples a third equation could be introduced
> ##D # as illustrated in Example 1
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D ################
> ##D ## See also ?hiv
> ##D ################
> ##D 
> ##D ############
> ##D ## EXAMPLE 4
> ##D ############
> ##D ## Generate data with partial observability
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D n <- 10000
> ##D 
> ##D Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
> ##D u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D 
> ##D x1 <- round(runif(n)); x2 <- runif(n); x3 <- runif(n)
> ##D 
> ##D y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1 + x2 + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D y2 <- ifelse( 0.45 - x3        + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D y  <- y1*y2
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D ## BIVARIATE PROBIT with Partial Observability
> ##D 
> ##D out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y ~ x1 + x2, 
> ##D                               y ~ x3), 
> ##D                          data = dataSim, Model = "BPO")
> ##D conv.check(out)
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D 
> ##D # first ten estimated probabilities for the four events from object out
> ##D 
> ##D cbind(out$p11, out$p10, out$p00, out$p01)[1:10,]
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # case with smooth function 
> ##D # (more computationally intensive)  
> ##D 
> ##D f1 <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
> ##D 
> ##D y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1 + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D y2 <- ifelse( 0.45 - x3            + u[,2] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D y  <- y1*y2
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3)
> ##D 
> ##D out  <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y ~ x1 + s(x2), 
> ##D                               y ~ x3), 
> ##D                          data = dataSim, Model = "BPO")
> ##D 
> ##D conv.check(out)
> ##D summary(out, cm.plot = TRUE)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # plot estimated and true functions
> ##D 
> ##D x2 <- sort(x2); f1.x2 <- f1(x2)[order(x2)] - mean(f1(x2))
> ##D plot(out, eq = 1, scale = 0); lines(x2, f1.x2, col = "red")
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D ################
> ##D ## See also ?war
> ##D ################
> ##D 
> ##D ############
> ##D ## EXAMPLE 5
> ##D ############
> ##D ## Generate data with one endogenous binary variable 
> ##D ## and continuous outcome
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D n <- 1000
> ##D 
> ##D Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
> ##D u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D 
> ##D cov   <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D cov   <- pnorm(cov)
> ##D x1 <- round(cov[,1]); x2 <- cov[,2]
> ##D 
> ##D f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
> ##D f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2)   
> ##D 
> ##D y1 <- ifelse(-1.55 + 2*x1    + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D y2 <-        -0.25 - 1.25*y1 + f2(x2) + u[,2] 
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D ## RECURSIVE Model
> ##D 
> ##D rc <- resp.check(y2, margin = "N", print.par = TRUE, loglik = TRUE)
> ##D AIC(rc); BIC(rc)
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParBIVProbit(list(y1 ~ x1 + x2, 
> ##D                              y2 ~ y1 + x2), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim, margins = c("probit","N"))
> ##D conv.check(out)                        
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D post.check(out)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D   <- y1 ~ x1 + s(x2) 
> ##D   <- y2 ~ y1 + s(x2)
> ##D eq.sigma2 <-    ~ 1
> ##D eq.theta  <-    ~ 1
> ##D 
> ##D fl <- list(,, eq.sigma2, eq.theta)
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParBIVProbit(fl, data = dataSim, 
> ##D                         margins = c("probit","N"), gamlssfit = TRUE)
> ##D conv.check(out)                        
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D post.check(out)
> ##D jc.probs(out, 1, 1.5, intervals = TRUE)[1:4,]
> ##D AT(out, nm.end = "y1")
> ##D AT(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D ############
> ##D ## EXAMPLE 6
> ##D ############
> ##D ## Generate data with one endogenous continuous exposure 
> ##D ## and binary outcome
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D n <- 1000
> ##D 
> ##D Sigma <- matrix(0.5, 2, 2); diag(Sigma) <- 1
> ##D u     <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D 
> ##D cov   <- rMVN(n, rep(0,2), Sigma)
> ##D cov   <- pnorm(cov)
> ##D x1 <- round(cov[,1]); x2 <- cov[,2]
> ##D 
> ##D f1   <- function(x) cos(pi*2*x) + sin(pi*x)
> ##D f2   <- function(x) x+exp(-30*(x-0.5)^2) 
> ##D 
> ##D y1 <-        -0.25 - 2*x1    + f2(x2) + u[,2] 
> ##D y2 <- ifelse(-0.25 - 0.25*y1 + f1(x2) + u[,1] > 0, 1, 0)
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(y1, y2, x1, x2)
> ##D 
> ##D   <- y2 ~ y1 + s(x2) 
> ##D   <- y1 ~ x1 + s(x2)
> ##D eq.sigma2 <-    ~ 1
> ##D eq.theta  <-    ~ 1
> ##D 
> ##D fl <- list(,, eq.sigma2, eq.theta)
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParBIVProbit(fl, data = dataSim, 
> ##D                         margins = c("probit","N"))
> ##D conv.check(out)                        
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D post.check(out)
> ##D AT(out, nm.end = "y1")
> ##D AT(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")
> ##D RR(out, nm.end = "y1", rr.plot = TRUE)
> ##D RR(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")
> ##D OR(out, nm.end = "y1", or.plot = TRUE)
> ##D OR(out, nm.end = "y1", type = "univariate")
> ##D 
> ## End(Not run)
null device 