Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Semiparametric Sample Selection Modelling with Continuous or...
SemiParSampleSelR Documentation

Semiparametric Sample Selection Modelling with Continuous or Discrete Response


SemiParSampleSel can be used to fit continuous or discrete response sample selection models where the linear predictors are flexibly specified using parametric and regression spline components. The depedence between the selection and outcome equations is modelled through the use of copulas. Regression spline bases are extracted from the package mgcv. Multi-dimensional smooths are available via the use of penalized thin plate regression splines. If it makes sense, the dependence parameter of the chosen bivariate distribution as well as the shape and dispersion parameters of the outcome distribution can be specified as functions of semiparametric predictors.


SemiParSampleSel(formula, data = list(), weights = NULL, subset = NULL, 
                  start.v = NULL, start.theta = NULL,
                  BivD = "N", margins = c("probit","N"), fp = FALSE, infl.fac = 1,  
                  rinit = 1, rmax = 100, iterlimsp = 50, pr.tolsp = 1e-6, bd = NULL,



A list of two formulas, one for selection equation and the other for the outcome equation. s terms are used to specify smooth smooth functions of predictors. SemiParSampleSel supports the use shrinkage smoothers for variable selection purposes. See the examples below and the documentation of mgcv for further details on formula specifications. Note that the first formula MUST refer to the selection equation. Furthermore, if it makes sense, more equations can be specified for the other model parameters (see Example 1 below).


An optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which SemiParSampleSel is called.


Optional vector of prior weights to be used in fitting.


Optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


Starting values for all model parameters can be provided here. Otherwise, these are obtained using an adaptation of the two-stage Heckman sample selection correction approach.


A starting value for the association parameter of the copula given in BivD.


Type of bivariate error distribution employed. Possible choices are "N", "C0", "C90", "C180", "C270", "J0", "J90", "J180", "J270", "G0", "G90", "G180", "G270", "F", "FGM" and "AMH" which stand for bivariate normal, Clayton, rotated Clayton (90 degrees), survival Clayton, rotated Clayton (270 degrees), Joe, rotated Joe (90 degrees), survival Joe, rotated Joe (270 degrees), Gumbel, rotated Gumbel (90 degrees), survival Gumbel, rotated Gumbel (270 degrees), Frank, Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern, and Ali-Mikhail-Haq.


A two-dimensional vector which specifies the marginal distributions of the selection and outcome equations. The first margin currently admits only "probit" or equivalently "N". The second margin can be "N", "GA", "P", "NB", "D", "PIG", "S", "BB", "BI", "GEOM", "LG", "NBII", "WARING", "YULE", "ZIBB", "ZABB", "ZABI", "ZIBI", "ZALG", "ZANBI", "ZINBI", "ZAP", "ZIP", "ZIP2", "ZIPIG" which stand for normal, gamma, Poisson, negative binomial type I, Delaporte, Poisson inverse Gaussian, Sichel, beta binomial, binomial, geometric, logarithmic, negative binomial type II, Waring, Yule, zero inflated beta binomial, zero altered beta binomial, zero altered binomial, zero inflated binomial, zero altered logarithmic, zero altered negative binomial type I, zero inflated negative binomial type I, zero altered Poisson, zero inflated Poisson, zero inflated Poisson type II and zero inflated Poisson inverse Gaussian.


If TRUE, then a fully parametric model with regression splines if fitted.


Inflation factor for the model degrees of freedom in the UBRE score. Smoother models can be obtained setting this parameter to a value greater than 1.


Starting trust region radius. The trust region radius is adjusted as the algorithm proceeds. See the documentation of trust for further details.


Maximum allowed trust region radius. This may be set very large. If set small, the algorithm traces a steepest descent path.


A positive integer specifying the maximum number of loops to be performed before the smoothing parameter estimation step is terminated.


Tolerance to use in judging convergence of the algorithm when automatic smoothing parameter estimation is used.


Binomial denominator. To be used in the case of "BB", "BI", "ZIBB", "ZABB", "ZABI", "ZIBI".


The algorithm will operate as if optimizing objfun(x / parscale, ...). If missing then no rescaling is done. See the documentation of trust for more details.


The association between the responses is modelled by parameter ρ or θ. In a semiparametric bivariate sample selection model the linear predictors are flexibly specified using parametric components and smooth functions of covariates. Replacing the smooth components with their regression spline expressions yields a fully parametric bivariate sample selection model. In principle, classic maximum likelihood estimation can be employed. However, to avoid overfitting, penalized likelihood maximization is used instead. Here the use of penalty matrices allows for the suppression of that part of smooth term complexity which has no support from the data. The tradeoff between smoothness and fitness is controlled by smoothing parameters associated with the penalty matrices. Smoothing parameters are chosen to minimize the approximate Un-Biased Risk Estimator (UBRE) score, which can also be viewed as an approximate AIC.

The optimization problem is solved by a trust region algorithm. Automatic smoothing parameter selection is integrated using a performance-oriented iteration approach (Gu, 1992; Wood, 2004). Roughly speaking, at each iteration, (i) the penalized weighted least squares problem is solved, and (ii) the smoothing parameters of that problem estimated by approximate UBRE. Steps (i) and (ii) are iterated until convergence. Details of the underlying fitting methods are given in Marra and Radice (2013) and Wojtys et. al (in press).


The function returns an object of class SemiParSampleSel as described in SemiParSampleSelObject.


Convergence failure may occur when ρ or θ is very high, and/or the total number and selected number of observations are low, and/or there are important mistakes in the model specification (i.e., using C90 when the model equations are positively associated), and/or there are many smooth components in the model as compared to the number of observations. Convergence failure may also mean that an infinite cycling between steps (i) and (ii) occurs. In this case, the smoothing parameters are set to the values obtained from the non-converged algorithm (conv.check will give a warning). In such cases, we recommend re-specifying the model, and/or using some rescaling (see parscale).

In the context of non-random sample selection, it would not make much sense to specify the dependence parameter as function of covariates. This is because the assumption is that the dependence parameter models the association between the unobserved confounders in the two equations. However, this option does make sense when it is believed that the association coefficient varies across geographical areas, for instance.


Maintainer: Giampiero Marra


Gu C. (1992), Cross validating non-Gaussian data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 1(2), 169-179.

Marra G. and Radice R. (2013), Estimation of a Regression Spline Sample Selection Model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 61, 158-173.

Wojtys M., Marra G. and Radice R. (in press), Copula Regression Spline Sample Selection Models: The R Package SemiParSampleSel. Journal of Statistical Software.

Wood S.N. (2004), Stable and efficient multiple smoothing parameter estimation for generalized additive models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(467), 673-686.

See Also

aver, plot.SemiParSampleSel, SemiParSampleSel-package, SemiParSampleSelObject, conv.check, predict.SemiParSampleSel, summary.SemiParSampleSel



## Generate data
## Correlation between the two equations and covariate correlation 0.5 
## Sample size 2000 


n <- 2000

rhC <- rhU <- 0.5      

SigmaU <- matrix(c(1, rhU, rhU, 1), 2, 2)
U      <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0,2), SigmaU)

SigmaC <- matrix(rhC, 3, 3); diag(SigmaC) <- 1

cov    <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0,3), SigmaC, method = "svd")
cov    <- pnorm(cov)

bi <- round(cov[,1]); x1 <- cov[,2]; x2 <- cov[,3]
f11 <- function(x) -0.7*(4*x + 2.5*x^2 + 0.7*sin(5*x) + cos(7.5*x))
f12 <- function(x) -0.4*( -0.3 - 1.6*x + sin(5*x))  
f21 <- function(x) 0.6*(exp(x) + sin(2.9*x)) 

ys <-  0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + U[, 1] > 0
y  <- -0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1) +         + U[, 2]
yo <- y*(ys > 0)

dataSim <- data.frame(ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)

## the first equation MUST be the selection equation

out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + x1 + x2, 
                             yo ~ bi + x1), 
                        data = dataSim)



## "cr" cubic regression spline basis      - "cs" shrinkage version of "cr"
## "tp" thin plate regression spline basis - "ts" shrinkage version of "tp"
## for smooths of one variable, "cr/cs" and "tp/ts" achieve similar results 
## k is the basis dimension - default is 10
## m is the order of the penalty for the specific term - default is 2

out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1, bs = "tp", k = 10, m = 2) + s(x2), 
                             yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
                        data = dataSim)

## compare the two summary outputs
## the second output produces a summary of the results obtained when only 
## the outcome equation is fitted, i.e. selection bias is not accounted for


## estimated smooth function plots
## the red line is the true curve
## the blue line is the naive curve not accounting for selection bias

x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)] - mean(f21(x1.s))

plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1, 0.8)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col = "red")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 0.8), ylab = "", rug = FALSE)

## Not run:  

## SEMIPARAMETRIC SAMPLE SELECTION MODEL with association and dispersion parameters 
## depending on covariates as well

out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
                             yo ~ bi + s(x1),
                                ~ bi, 
                                ~ bi + x1), 
                        data = dataSim)


## example using Clayton copula with normal margins


theta <- 5
sig  <- 1.5

myCop <- archmCopula(family = "clayton", dim = 2, param = theta)

# other copula options are for instance: "amh", "frank", "gumbel", "joe"
# for FGM use the following code:
# myCop <- fgmCopula(theta, dim=2)

bivg  <- mvdc(copula = myCop, c("norm", "norm"), 
              list(list(mean = 0, sd = 1), 
              list(mean = 0, sd = sig)))
er    <- rMvdc(n, bivg)

ys <-  0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + er[, 1] > 0
y  <- -0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1) +         + er[, 2]
yo <- y*(ys > 0)
dataSim <- data.frame(ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)

out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
                             yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
                        data = dataSim, BivD = "C0")

x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)] - mean(f21(x1.s))

plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1.1, 1.6)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col = "red")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1.1, 1.6), ylab = "", rug = FALSE)


## example using Gumbel copula with normal-gamma margins


k <- 2                                # shape of gamma distribution
miu  <- exp(-0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1)) # mean values of y's (log m = Xb)
lambda <- k/miu	                      # rate of gamma distribution

theta <- 6

# Two-dimensional Gumbel copula with unif margins
gumbel.cop <- onacopula("Gumbel", C(theta, 1:2))

# Random sample from two-dimensional Gumbel copula with uniform margins
U <- rnacopula(n = n, gumbel.cop)		  

# Margins: normal and gamma
er <- cbind(qnorm(U[,1], 0, 1), qgamma(U[, 2], shape = k, rate = lambda))

ys <- 0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + er[, 1] > 0
y  <- er[, 2]
yo <- y*(ys > 0)

dataSim <- data.frame(ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)

out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
                             yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
                        data = dataSim, BivD = "G0", margins = c("N", "G"))

x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)] - mean(f21(x1.s))

plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1.1, 1)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col = "red")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1.1, 1), ylab = "", rug = FALSE)


## Example for discrete margins and normal copula

# Creating simulation function
bcds <- function(n, s.tau = 0.2, s.sigma = 1, = 0.5, 
                rhC = 0.2, outcome.margin = "PO", copula = "FGM")  {
# Generating covariates     
  SigmaC <- matrix( c(1,rhC,rhC,rhC,rhC,1,rhC,rhC,rhC,rhC,1,rhC,rhC,rhC,rhC,1), 4 , 4)
  covariates    <- rmvnorm(n,rep(0,4),SigmaC, method="svd")
  covariates    <- pnorm(covariates)
  x1 <- covariates[,1]
  x2 <- covariates[,2]
  x3 <- round(covariates[,3])
  x4 <- round(covariates[,4])
  # Establishing copula object
  if (copula == "FGM") {
      Cop <- fgmCopula(dim = 2, param = iTau(fgmCopula(), s.tau))
    } else if (copula == "N") {
      Cop <- ellipCopula(family = "normal", dim = 2, param = iTau(normalCopula(), s.tau))
    } else if (copula == "AMH") {
      Cop <- archmCopula(family = "amh", dim = 2, param = iTau(amhCopula(), s.tau))
    } else if (copula == "C0") {
      Cop <- archmCopula(family = "clayton", dim = 2, param = iTau(claytonCopula(), s.tau))
    } else if (copula == "F") {
      Cop <- archmCopula(family = "frank", dim = 2, param = iTau(frankCopula(), s.tau))
    } else if (copula == "G0") {
      Cop <- archmCopula(family = "gumbel", dim = 2, param = iTau(gumbelCopula(), s.tau))
    } else if (copula == "J0") {
      Cop <- archmCopula(family = "joe", dim = 2, param = iTau(joeCopula(), s.tau))
  # Setting up equations
  f1 <- function(x) 0.4*(-4 - (5.5*x-2.9) + 3*(4.5*x-2.3)^2 - (4.5*x-2.3)^3)
  f2 <- function(x) x*sin(8*x)
  mu_s  <- 1.0 + f1(x1) - 2.0*x2 + 3.1*x3 - 2.2*x4
  mu_o  <-  exp(1.3 + f2(x1) - 1.9*x2 + 2.4*x3 - 0.1*x4)
  # Creating margin dependent object
  if (outcome.margin == "P") {
        speclist <- list(mu = mu_o)
        outcome.margin2 <- "PO"
     } else if (outcome.margin == "NB") {
        speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma)
        outcome.margin2 <- "NBI"
     } else if (outcome.margin == "D") {
        speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma, nu =
        outcome.margin2 <- "DEL"
     } else if (outcome.margin == "PIG") {
        speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma)
        outcome.margin2 <- "PIG"
     } else if (outcome.margin == "S") {
        speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma, nu =
        outcome.margin2 <- "SICHEL"
  spec  <- mvdc(copula = Cop, c("norm", outcome.margin2), 
                list(list(mean = mu_s, sd = 1), speclist))  
  # Simulating data
  simGen <- rMvdc(n, spec)
  y <- ifelse(simGen[,1]>0, simGen[,2], -99)
  dataSim <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3, x4)  

# Creating plots of the true functional form of x1 in both equations
xt1  <- seq(0, 1, length.out=200)
xt2  <- seq(0,1, length.out=200)
f1t <- function(x) 0.4*(-4 - (5.5*x-2.9) + 3*(4.5*x-2.3)^2 - (4.5*x-2.3)^3)
f2t <- function(x) x*sin(8*x)
plot(xt1, f1t(xt1))
plot(xt2, f2t(xt2))

# Simulating 1000 deviates


dataSim<- bcds(1000, s.tau = 0.6, s.sigma = 0.1, = 0.5, 
                rhC = 0.5, outcome.margin = "NB", copula = "N")
dataSim$y.probit<-ifelse(dataSim$y >= 0, 1, 0)

# Estimating SemiParSampleSel

out1 <- SemiParSampleSel(list(y.probit ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4, y ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4), 
                          data = dataSim, BivD = "N", margins = c("N", "P")) 

out2 <- SemiParSampleSel(list(y.probit ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4, y ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4), 
                         data = dataSim, BivD = "N", margins = c("N", "NB")) 

# Model comparison

VuongClarke(out1, out2)

# Model diagnostics

summary(out2, cm.plot = TRUE)
plot(out2, eq = 1)
plot(out2, eq = 2)
aver(out2, univariate = TRUE)
aver(out2, univariate = FALSE)


## End(Not run)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(SemiParSampleSel)
Loading required package: copula
Loading required package: mgcv
Loading required package: nlme
This is mgcv 1.8-12. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: gamlss.dist
Loading required package: MASS

This is SemiParSampleSel 1.3.
For overview type 'help("SemiParSampleSel-package")'.

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SemiParSampleSel/SemiParSampleSel.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: SemiParSampleSel
> ### Title: Semiparametric Sample Selection Modelling with Continuous or
> ###   Discrete Response
> ### Aliases: SemiParSampleSel
> ### Keywords: copula sample selection semiparametric sample selection
> ###   modelling sample selection model smooth regression spline shrinkage
> ###   smoother variable selection
> ### ** Examples
> library(SemiParSampleSel)
> ######################################################################
> ## Generate data
> ## Correlation between the two equations and covariate correlation 0.5 
> ## Sample size 2000 
> ######################################################################
> set.seed(0)
> n <- 2000
> rhC <- rhU <- 0.5      
> SigmaU <- matrix(c(1, rhU, rhU, 1), 2, 2)
> U      <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0,2), SigmaU)
> SigmaC <- matrix(rhC, 3, 3); diag(SigmaC) <- 1
> cov    <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0,3), SigmaC, method = "svd")
> cov    <- pnorm(cov)
> bi <- round(cov[,1]); x1 <- cov[,2]; x2 <- cov[,3]
> f11 <- function(x) -0.7*(4*x + 2.5*x^2 + 0.7*sin(5*x) + cos(7.5*x))
> f12 <- function(x) -0.4*( -0.3 - 1.6*x + sin(5*x))  
> f21 <- function(x) 0.6*(exp(x) + sin(2.9*x)) 
> ys <-  0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + U[, 1] > 0
> y  <- -0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1) +         + U[, 2]
> yo <- y*(ys > 0)
> dataSim <- data.frame(ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)
> ## the first equation MUST be the selection equation
> out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + x1 + x2, 
+                              yo ~ bi + x1), 
+                         data = dataSim)
> conv.check(out)

Largest absolute gradient value: 2.505222e-09
Observed information matrix is positive definite
Eigenvalue range: [17.62329,2509.637]

Trust region iterations: 4 

> summary(out)


Family: Bernoulli
Link function: probit
Formula: ys ~ bi + x1 + x2

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  0.01756    0.07206   0.244    0.807    
bi           2.30297    0.10621  21.683   <2e-16 ***
x1          -3.99821    0.20360 -19.638   <2e-16 ***
x2           1.69695    0.14950  11.351   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Family: Gaussian
Link function: identity
Formula: yo ~ bi + x1

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   0.3753     0.1011   3.712 0.000206 ***
bi           -1.6488     0.1279 -12.890  < 2e-16 ***
x1            1.1208     0.1687   6.645 3.03e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

n = 2000  n.sel = 1022  sigma = 0.997(0.943,1.057)
theta = 0.418(0.221,0.586)  total edf = 9

> AIC(out)
[1] 4589.734
> BIC(out)
[1] 4640.142
> aver(out)

Estimated average with 95% confidence interval:

0.0828 (-0.0164,0.1819)

> ## "cr" cubic regression spline basis      - "cs" shrinkage version of "cr"
> ## "tp" thin plate regression spline basis - "ts" shrinkage version of "tp"
> ## for smooths of one variable, "cr/cs" and "tp/ts" achieve similar results 
> ## k is the basis dimension - default is 10
> ## m is the order of the penalty for the specific term - default is 2
> out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1, bs = "tp", k = 10, m = 2) + s(x2), 
+                              yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
+                         data = dataSim)
> conv.check(out)                        

Largest absolute gradient value: 5.166329e-06
Observed information matrix is positive definite
Eigenvalue range: [0.7221395,7718.65]

Trust region iterations before smoothing parameter estimation: 4
Loops for smoothing parameter estimation: 4
Trust region iterations within smoothing loops: 7 

> AIC(out)
[1] 4453.923
> aver(out)

Estimated average with 95% confidence interval:

0.0451 (-0.0386,0.1287)

> ## compare the two summary outputs
> ## the second output produces a summary of the results obtained when only 
> ## the outcome equation is fitted, i.e. selection bias is not accounted for
> summary(out)


Family: Bernoulli
Link function: probit
Formula: ys ~ bi + s(x1, bs = "tp", k = 10, m = 2) + s(x2)

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -1.26575    0.07143  -17.72   <2e-16 ***
bi           2.63268    0.13290   19.81   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Smooth components' approximate significance:
        edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value    
s(x1) 5.299  6.427  383.3  <2e-16 ***
s(x2) 3.630  4.501  156.5  <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Family: Gaussian
Link function: identity
Formula: yo ~ bi + s(x1)

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   0.8695     0.1243   6.993 2.69e-12 ***
bi           -1.6369     0.1178 -13.896  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Smooth components' approximate significance:
        edf Ref.df Chi.sq  p-value    
s(x1) 3.452  4.297  79.44 6.95e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

n = 2000  n.sel = 1022  sigma = 0.996(0.944,1.051)
theta = 0.476(0.308,0.62)  total edf = 18.381

> summary(out$gam2)

Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

yo ~ bi + s(x1)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  1.41565    0.06659   21.26   <2e-16 ***
bi          -2.08466    0.07957  -26.20   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
       edf Ref.df     F p-value    
s(x1) 3.83  4.743 32.31  <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.404   Deviance explained = 40.7%
GCV = 0.93013  Scale est. = 0.92483   n = 1022
> ## estimated smooth function plots
> ## the red line is the true curve
> ## the blue line is the naive curve not accounting for selection bias
> x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
> f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)] - mean(f21(x1.s))
> plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1, 0.8)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col = "red")
> par(new = TRUE)
> plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 0.8), ylab = "", rug = FALSE)
> ## Not run: 
> ##D  
> ##D 
> ##D ## SEMIPARAMETRIC SAMPLE SELECTION MODEL with association and dispersion parameters 
> ##D ## depending on covariates as well
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
> ##D                              yo ~ bi + s(x1),
> ##D                                 ~ bi, 
> ##D                                 ~ bi + x1), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim)
> ##D conv.check(out)                        
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D out$sigma
> ##D out$theta
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D ###################################################
> ##D ## example using Clayton copula with normal margins
> ##D ###################################################
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D theta <- 5
> ##D sig  <- 1.5
> ##D 
> ##D myCop <- archmCopula(family = "clayton", dim = 2, param = theta)
> ##D 
> ##D # other copula options are for instance: "amh", "frank", "gumbel", "joe"
> ##D # for FGM use the following code:
> ##D # myCop <- fgmCopula(theta, dim=2)
> ##D 
> ##D bivg  <- mvdc(copula = myCop, c("norm", "norm"), 
> ##D               list(list(mean = 0, sd = 1), 
> ##D               list(mean = 0, sd = sig)))
> ##D er    <- rMvdc(n, bivg)
> ##D 
> ##D ys <-  0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + er[, 1] > 0
> ##D y  <- -0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1) +         + er[, 2]
> ##D yo <- y*(ys > 0)
> ##D   
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
> ##D                              yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim, BivD = "C0")
> ##D conv.check(out)
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D aver(out)
> ##D 
> ##D x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
> ##D f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)] - mean(f21(x1.s))
> ##D 
> ##D plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1.1, 1.6)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col = "red")
> ##D par(new = TRUE)
> ##D plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1.1, 1.6), ylab = "", rug = FALSE)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D ########################################################
> ##D ## example using Gumbel copula with normal-gamma margins
> ##D ########################################################
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D k <- 2                                # shape of gamma distribution
> ##D miu  <- exp(-0.68 - 1.5*bi + f21(x1)) # mean values of y's (log m = Xb)
> ##D lambda <- k/miu	                      # rate of gamma distribution
> ##D 
> ##D theta <- 6
> ##D 
> ##D # Two-dimensional Gumbel copula with unif margins
> ##D gumbel.cop <- onacopula("Gumbel", C(theta, 1:2))
> ##D 
> ##D # Random sample from two-dimensional Gumbel copula with uniform margins
> ##D U <- rnacopula(n = n, gumbel.cop)		  
> ##D 
> ##D # Margins: normal and gamma
> ##D er <- cbind(qnorm(U[,1], 0, 1), qgamma(U[, 2], shape = k, rate = lambda))
> ##D 
> ##D ys <- 0.58 + 2.5*bi + f11(x1) + f12(x2) + er[, 1] > 0
> ##D y  <- er[, 2]
> ##D yo <- y*(ys > 0)
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim <- data.frame(ys, yo, bi, x1, x2)
> ##D 
> ##D out <- SemiParSampleSel(list(ys ~ bi + s(x1) + s(x2), 
> ##D                              yo ~ bi + s(x1)), 
> ##D                         data = dataSim, BivD = "G0", margins = c("N", "G"))
> ##D conv.check(out)
> ##D summary(out)
> ##D aver(out)
> ##D 
> ##D x1.s <- sort(x1[dataSim$ys>0])
> ##D f21.x1 <- f21(x1.s)[order(x1.s)] - mean(f21(x1.s))
> ##D 
> ##D plot(out, eq = 2, ylim = c(-1.1, 1)); lines(x1.s, f21.x1, col = "red")
> ##D par(new = TRUE)
> ##D plot(out$gam2, se = FALSE, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1.1, 1), ylab = "", rug = FALSE)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D ########################################################
> ##D ## Example for discrete margins and normal copula
> ##D ########################################################
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Creating simulation function
> ##D bcds <- function(n, s.tau = 0.2, s.sigma = 1, = 0.5, 
> ##D                 rhC = 0.2, outcome.margin = "PO", copula = "FGM")  {
> ##D   
> ##D # Generating covariates     
> ##D   SigmaC <- matrix( c(1,rhC,rhC,rhC,rhC,1,rhC,rhC,rhC,rhC,1,rhC,rhC,rhC,rhC,1), 4 , 4)
> ##D   covariates    <- rmvnorm(n,rep(0,4),SigmaC, method="svd")
> ##D   covariates    <- pnorm(covariates)
> ##D   x1 <- covariates[,1]
> ##D   x2 <- covariates[,2]
> ##D   x3 <- round(covariates[,3])
> ##D   x4 <- round(covariates[,4])
> ##D   
> ##D   # Establishing copula object
> ##D   if (copula == "FGM") {
> ##D       Cop <- fgmCopula(dim = 2, param = iTau(fgmCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     } else if (copula == "N") {
> ##D       Cop <- ellipCopula(family = "normal", dim = 2, param = iTau(normalCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     } else if (copula == "AMH") {
> ##D       Cop <- archmCopula(family = "amh", dim = 2, param = iTau(amhCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     } else if (copula == "C0") {
> ##D       Cop <- archmCopula(family = "clayton", dim = 2, param = iTau(claytonCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     } else if (copula == "F") {
> ##D       Cop <- archmCopula(family = "frank", dim = 2, param = iTau(frankCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     } else if (copula == "G0") {
> ##D       Cop <- archmCopula(family = "gumbel", dim = 2, param = iTau(gumbelCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     } else if (copula == "J0") {
> ##D       Cop <- archmCopula(family = "joe", dim = 2, param = iTau(joeCopula(), s.tau))
> ##D     }  
> ##D   
> ##D   # Setting up equations
> ##D   f1 <- function(x) 0.4*(-4 - (5.5*x-2.9) + 3*(4.5*x-2.3)^2 - (4.5*x-2.3)^3)
> ##D   f2 <- function(x) x*sin(8*x)
> ##D   mu_s  <- 1.0 + f1(x1) - 2.0*x2 + 3.1*x3 - 2.2*x4
> ##D   mu_o  <-  exp(1.3 + f2(x1) - 1.9*x2 + 2.4*x3 - 0.1*x4)
> ##D   
> ##D   # Creating margin dependent object
> ##D   if (outcome.margin == "P") {
> ##D         speclist <- list(mu = mu_o)
> ##D         outcome.margin2 <- "PO"
> ##D      } else if (outcome.margin == "NB") {
> ##D         speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma)
> ##D         outcome.margin2 <- "NBI"
> ##D      } else if (outcome.margin == "D") {
> ##D         speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma, nu =
> ##D         outcome.margin2 <- "DEL"
> ##D      } else if (outcome.margin == "PIG") {
> ##D         speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma)
> ##D         outcome.margin2 <- "PIG"
> ##D      } else if (outcome.margin == "S") {
> ##D         speclist  <- list(mu = mu_o, sigma = s.sigma, nu =
> ##D         outcome.margin2 <- "SICHEL"
> ##D    }
> ##D   spec  <- mvdc(copula = Cop, c("norm", outcome.margin2), 
> ##D                 list(list(mean = mu_s, sd = 1), speclist))  
> ##D   
> ##D   # Simulating data
> ##D   simGen <- rMvdc(n, spec)
> ##D   y <- ifelse(simGen[,1]>0, simGen[,2], -99)
> ##D   
> ##D   dataSim <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3, x4)  
> ##D   dataSim  
> ##D }
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Creating plots of the true functional form of x1 in both equations
> ##D xt1  <- seq(0, 1, length.out=200)
> ##D xt2  <- seq(0,1, length.out=200)
> ##D f1t <- function(x) 0.4*(-4 - (5.5*x-2.9) + 3*(4.5*x-2.3)^2 - (4.5*x-2.3)^3)
> ##D f2t <- function(x) x*sin(8*x)
> ##D plot(xt1, f1t(xt1))
> ##D plot(xt2, f2t(xt2))
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Simulating 1000 deviates
> ##D 
> ##D set.seed(0)
> ##D 
> ##D dataSim<- bcds(1000, s.tau = 0.6, s.sigma = 0.1, = 0.5, 
> ##D                 rhC = 0.5, outcome.margin = "NB", copula = "N")
> ##D dataSim$y.probit<-ifelse(dataSim$y >= 0, 1, 0)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Estimating SemiParSampleSel
> ##D 
> ##D out1 <- SemiParSampleSel(list(y.probit ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4, y ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4), 
> ##D                           data = dataSim, BivD = "N", margins = c("N", "P")) 
> ##D conv.check(out1)
> ##D 
> ##D out2 <- SemiParSampleSel(list(y.probit ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4, y ~ s(x1) + x2 + x3 + x4), 
> ##D                          data = dataSim, BivD = "N", margins = c("N", "NB")) 
> ##D conv.check(out2)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Model comparison
> ##D 
> ##D AIC(out1)
> ##D AIC(out2)
> ##D VuongClarke(out1, out2)
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ##D # Model diagnostics
> ##D 
> ##D summary(out2, cm.plot = TRUE)
> ##D plot(out2, eq = 1)
> ##D plot(out2, eq = 2)
> ##D aver(out2, univariate = TRUE)
> ##D aver(out2, univariate = FALSE)
> ##D 
> ##D #
> ##D #
> ##D 
> ##D 
> ## End(Not run)
null device 