Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Get timestamp lags for a Sensus data frame.
sensus.get.all.timestamp.lagsR Documentation

Get timestamp lags for a Sensus data frame.


Get timestamp lags for a Sensus data frame.





Data to plot lags for (e.g., the result of read.sensus.json).


List of lags organized by datum type.


data.path = system.file("extdata", "example_data", package="SensusR")
data =
lags = sensus.get.all.timestamp.lags(data)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(SensusR)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SensusR/sensus.get.all.timestamp.lags.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: sensus.get.all.timestamp.lags
> ### Title: Get timestamp lags for a Sensus data frame.
> ### Aliases: sensus.get.all.timestamp.lags
> ### ** Examples
> data.path = system.file("extdata", "example_data", package="SensusR")
> data =
[1] "Parsing JSON file 1 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/AccelerometerDatum/0abb894e-09ec-435d-a27e-e2dbb51f618a.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 2 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/AltitudeDatum/077bf1ee-6717-47ee-9df6-dfa4dfd2ea3e.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 3 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/19505fb1-a6f6-427f-99b9-e423c2459814.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 4 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/23011a08-beb4-4026-8d51-b0287119e045.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 5 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/35f1a72f-65ab-4151-b2a3-ec9ec5e015e0.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 6 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/431bcb62-cd3a-478d-ae61-52788c1e4888.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 7 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/44c0cc40-1978-4b7b-8aae-eaff5a41e303.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 8 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/5fca3a91-e4a6-4e7a-b638-52cef8308c58.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 9 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/637caa2f-f500-4ce6-8f51-8a1f1de994a5.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 10 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/68cbc7d8-4ec5-40a3-894c-d724262619a4.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 11 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/73b942c4-8de7-4913-a5d2-3c9b6b5daba3.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 12 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/7fc63183-4bdf-407c-b7c9-9aef0cf034bd.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 13 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/8503ec62-2a4a-43dc-8f82-8f9adbd5ec0b.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 14 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/9d2d7151-8333-49c8-86bf-e242f4b442b7.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 15 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/ae0821a2-7b11-4e2b-82d1-d08e1b13cd61.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 16 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/b19d6d1f-3f94-4c4a-9b36-0541eab0b4a3.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 17 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/ce578c87-46c2-4f4a-b144-ea5812315c51.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 18 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/BatteryDatum/ddce766c-8a69-42d1-b340-070b7570e57a.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 19 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/CellTowerDatum/bdae5ac9-8f44-4808-959a-fc3e9662fec5.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 20 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/CompassDatum/178341a6-6876-4dc7-93d4-eed7b6239440.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 21 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/FacebookDatum/9b43f82a-04c5-40bf-8031-4d42f9de18aa.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 22 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/FacebookDatum/c00a323b-6bd0-4b88-8f8b-b3c2381995b8.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 23 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/LightDatum/023e6aa8-d899-4f9e-a20a-1a2336af1a39.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 24 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/LocationDatum/06f6acfd-3698-4eed-83be-7384b56f06b5.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 25 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ParticipationRewardDatum/b030bd5c-0798-4991-b815-e393e8a9757c.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 26 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/2ac633c3-d6cd-4c32-aaee-1f06af1c1907.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 27 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/2c837d1f-6064-492e-9bcc-d28a0020b672.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 28 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/2d490060-6779-45c3-96c8-d35000a6210e.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 29 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/37ee957f-2907-4e6f-8e82-9829bf36461e.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 30 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/3f537cba-d7c9-4edb-b59e-220caf134503.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 31 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/44a69bad-ae16-42b8-a2e0-ae6230a2f823.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 32 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/5947e9ed-ce93-466f-a3cf-c1de336a1b40.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 33 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/6d0b059a-99fe-41f6-a0e2-e7b4fccfbc32.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 34 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/723388e6-f204-4a3d-954f-773e4649a4e5.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 35 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/9f7e7b7b-bd78-4d03-a751-7e82a59321bb.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 36 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/a3399392-2d93-4fd2-b716-4a89cf629556.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 37 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/b0c8e6f3-ea8d-49b8-bb72-fd73e5f078eb.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 38 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/beec1b81-4053-4388-b99e-17099199ae3a.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 39 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/c496d0e1-3319-416b-970e-5502312f715b.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 40 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/dc830f6f-4ea5-411d-b1c3-a093e54df780.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 41 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ProtocolReportDatum/f79f90d5-3b6f-4e07-b2f9-14f9b13c8b96.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 42 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ScreenDatum/02889229-132e-4874-8553-0f8e404a88c7.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 43 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ScriptDatum/286f2d74-e6b5-4380-9c0b-5cb03b8ae97c.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 44 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ScriptDatum/9b4efdfa-c423-4e33-a48c-7629d42f6ed0.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 45 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ScriptRunDatum/3614f708-57c1-4f5a-a3f8-99c74b2f3ede.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 46 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/ScriptRunDatum/e99587fe-d012-4556-ad61-f77cc90ee824.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 47 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/054b5cec-9b17-4e17-a71f-bf37e59408bd.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 48 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/17ebfdb3-c131-4275-a9d2-f9ae870214c8.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 49 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/270e868d-a7d0-4fb3-8e1d-8d8e5265b562.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 50 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/44ebf584-81bf-4346-89eb-862c97655716.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 51 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/46ee58f9-006c-4b4e-8220-d6c53871d60b.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 52 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/56c6773f-5a13-41b9-a7b8-5cb9af91ecc5.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 53 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/6b755363-4107-4c15-8c0b-97be564fc1a8.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 54 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/727e7935-7c26-4dd6-b04b-690b44c32524.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 55 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/734659cf-b1f3-4b54-b6cf-024d5eee4e7f.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 56 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/8143a55d-e3cf-4e6b-80ac-5afa8b5b9adf.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 57 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/8c8e7a17-df11-4088-8048-fbc3c3e83c83.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 58 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/9582d3e5-bada-4229-9b12-a78552d6efdd.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 59 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/9b49e76b-5c7e-4e07-a466-6fd39575ec3c.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 60 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/be041b85-e98e-42e0-8e2f-fde1d08fb776.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 61 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/c14206c0-4731-439e-a5dd-e28084e905cd.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 62 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SoundDatum/f6b5c979-7ddb-468c-865d-5790cd747ef8.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 63 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/0ae8a25e-22f7-4803-89f1-abf538fee456.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 64 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/1e450891-5407-4b06-ba17-0cc612be136c.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 65 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/220a732b-a23e-403c-84b2-ae7fc54f0bee.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 66 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/3146c27c-df91-4faa-90c0-aff8a848a29a.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 67 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/4202cee5-86d2-45dc-83ee-624c4492bd4f.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 68 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/4a06efdb-2208-4205-b708-2e34a340f8f1.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 69 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/5672875b-1e90-4f40-87b8-80de2113aafe.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 70 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/5d8292b0-e97f-4451-a197-99d5957c5774.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 71 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/60becc13-d4bc-4b41-9098-d3d4fbf9c63a.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 72 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/6b8b89e4-6546-4735-83ae-6bef2f1c7b0e.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 73 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/895c683e-b928-406d-875f-3642f41c94d4.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 74 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/96087f84-9d30-40af-ba8b-e1466cef35be.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 75 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/b02a95e8-62a2-4bc2-b287-a4f87796036f.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 76 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/c96a7ea0-6894-45da-ac76-1c4773d7b391.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 77 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/eabffd58-9675-4904-a305-dbf06a9ed3a0.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 78 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/SpeedDatum/eb9465cd-42d1-4521-9716-dea427831951.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 79 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/TelephonyDatum/35227031-7dfb-429b-85eb-da5259f64616.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 80 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/2415cb34-549b-498d-927e-ba09aff826c1.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 81 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/480e3d44-d661-43ee-914e-6282a605d22f.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 82 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/49db77a7-d84f-4a46-bc93-7e7c3232a735.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 83 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/511b2cb1-3975-4375-ad96-180c93bb0224.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 84 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/a1dac492-2913-4e94-8c29-945e152240d2.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 85 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/b129fff8-2a9f-41fb-a571-62f8eb26e2f2.json"
[1] "Parsing JSON file 86 of 86:  /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/SensusR/extdata/example_data/WlanDatum/ef18b04c-1b15-4bfd-b266-9e00b5881e85.json"
[1] "100% done merging data for AccelerometerDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for AccelerometerDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for AltitudeDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for AltitudeDatum."
[1] "6% done merging data for BatteryDatum (1 of 16)."
[1] "12% done merging data for BatteryDatum (2 of 16)."
[1] "18% done merging data for BatteryDatum (3 of 16)."
[1] "25% done merging data for BatteryDatum (4 of 16)."
[1] "31% done merging data for BatteryDatum (5 of 16)."
[1] "37% done merging data for BatteryDatum (6 of 16)."
[1] "43% done merging data for BatteryDatum (7 of 16)."
[1] "50% done merging data for BatteryDatum (8 of 16)."
[1] "56% done merging data for BatteryDatum (9 of 16)."
[1] "62% done merging data for BatteryDatum (10 of 16)."
[1] "68% done merging data for BatteryDatum (11 of 16)."
[1] "75% done merging data for BatteryDatum (12 of 16)."
[1] "81% done merging data for BatteryDatum (13 of 16)."
[1] "87% done merging data for BatteryDatum (14 of 16)."
[1] "93% done merging data for BatteryDatum (15 of 16)."
[1] "100% done merging data for BatteryDatum (16 of 16)."
[1] "Creating data frame for BatteryDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for CellTowerDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for CellTowerDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for CompassDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for CompassDatum."
[1] "50% done merging data for FacebookDatum (1 of 2)."
[1] "100% done merging data for FacebookDatum (2 of 2)."
[1] "Creating data frame for FacebookDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for LightDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for LightDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for LocationDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for LocationDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for ParticipationRewardDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for ParticipationRewardDatum."
[1] "6% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (1 of 16)."
[1] "12% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (2 of 16)."
[1] "18% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (3 of 16)."
[1] "25% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (4 of 16)."
[1] "31% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (5 of 16)."
[1] "37% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (6 of 16)."
[1] "43% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (7 of 16)."
[1] "50% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (8 of 16)."
[1] "56% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (9 of 16)."
[1] "62% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (10 of 16)."
[1] "68% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (11 of 16)."
[1] "75% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (12 of 16)."
[1] "81% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (13 of 16)."
[1] "87% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (14 of 16)."
[1] "93% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (15 of 16)."
[1] "100% done merging data for ProtocolReportDatum (16 of 16)."
[1] "Creating data frame for ProtocolReportDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for ScreenDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for ScreenDatum."
[1] "50% done merging data for ScriptDatum (1 of 2)."
[1] "100% done merging data for ScriptDatum (2 of 2)."
[1] "Creating data frame for ScriptDatum."
[1] "50% done merging data for ScriptRunDatum (1 of 2)."
[1] "100% done merging data for ScriptRunDatum (2 of 2)."
[1] "Creating data frame for ScriptRunDatum."
[1] "6% done merging data for SoundDatum (1 of 16)."
[1] "12% done merging data for SoundDatum (2 of 16)."
[1] "18% done merging data for SoundDatum (3 of 16)."
[1] "25% done merging data for SoundDatum (4 of 16)."
[1] "31% done merging data for SoundDatum (5 of 16)."
[1] "37% done merging data for SoundDatum (6 of 16)."
[1] "43% done merging data for SoundDatum (7 of 16)."
[1] "50% done merging data for SoundDatum (8 of 16)."
[1] "56% done merging data for SoundDatum (9 of 16)."
[1] "62% done merging data for SoundDatum (10 of 16)."
[1] "68% done merging data for SoundDatum (11 of 16)."
[1] "75% done merging data for SoundDatum (12 of 16)."
[1] "81% done merging data for SoundDatum (13 of 16)."
[1] "87% done merging data for SoundDatum (14 of 16)."
[1] "93% done merging data for SoundDatum (15 of 16)."
[1] "100% done merging data for SoundDatum (16 of 16)."
[1] "Creating data frame for SoundDatum."
[1] "6% done merging data for SpeedDatum (1 of 16)."
[1] "12% done merging data for SpeedDatum (2 of 16)."
[1] "18% done merging data for SpeedDatum (3 of 16)."
[1] "25% done merging data for SpeedDatum (4 of 16)."
[1] "31% done merging data for SpeedDatum (5 of 16)."
[1] "37% done merging data for SpeedDatum (6 of 16)."
[1] "43% done merging data for SpeedDatum (7 of 16)."
[1] "50% done merging data for SpeedDatum (8 of 16)."
[1] "56% done merging data for SpeedDatum (9 of 16)."
[1] "62% done merging data for SpeedDatum (10 of 16)."
[1] "68% done merging data for SpeedDatum (11 of 16)."
[1] "75% done merging data for SpeedDatum (12 of 16)."
[1] "81% done merging data for SpeedDatum (13 of 16)."
[1] "87% done merging data for SpeedDatum (14 of 16)."
[1] "93% done merging data for SpeedDatum (15 of 16)."
[1] "100% done merging data for SpeedDatum (16 of 16)."
[1] "Creating data frame for SpeedDatum."
[1] "100% done merging data for TelephonyDatum (1 of 1)."
[1] "Creating data frame for TelephonyDatum."
[1] "14% done merging data for WlanDatum (1 of 7)."
[1] "28% done merging data for WlanDatum (2 of 7)."
[1] "42% done merging data for WlanDatum (3 of 7)."
[1] "57% done merging data for WlanDatum (4 of 7)."
[1] "71% done merging data for WlanDatum (5 of 7)."
[1] "85% done merging data for WlanDatum (6 of 7)."
[1] "100% done merging data for WlanDatum (7 of 7)."
[1] "Creating data frame for WlanDatum."
> lags = sensus.get.all.timestamp.lags(data)
> plot(lags[["AccelerometerDatum"]])
null device 