Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Class '"Snapshot"'
Snapshot-classR Documentation

Class "Snapshot"


A Snapshot-class to visualize genomic data from BAM files with zoom and pan functionality.


Snapshot(files, range, ...)



A character() or BamFileList specifying the file(s) to be visualized.


A GRanges object specifying the range to be visualized.


Additional, optional, arguments to be passed to the Snapshot initialize function. Arguments include:


A SnapshotFunctionList of functions, in addition to built-in ‘fine_coverage’, ‘coarse_coverage’, ‘multifine_coverage’, to be used for visualization.


character(1) naming the function, from functions to be used for data input and visualization. The default chooses a function based on the scale at which the data is being visualized.


Annotation track. If built-in visualization functions are to be used, annTrack should be a GRanges instance and the first column of its elementMeatdata would be used to annotate the range.


Character(1) indicating which factor used for grouping the sample files. The factor should be included in the elementMetadata of files, otherwise ignored. Used only to visualize multiple files.


logical(1) indicating whether the visualization is to be updated when show is invoked.


logical(1) indicating whether debug messages are to be printed.



signature(x = "Snapshot"): Zoom (in or out) the current plot.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Pan (right or left) the current plot.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Toggle the current functions which imported records are to be immediately evaluated. Note that the active range will be changed to the current active window.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Toggle the panning effects.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Toggle the zooming effects.



signature(object = "Snapshot"): Display a Snapshot object.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Get the files field (object of class BamFileList) of a Snapshot object.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Get the functions field (object of SnapshotFunctionList) of a Snapshot object.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Get the view field (object of SpTrellis) of a Snapshot object.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Get the .range field (object of GRanges) of a Snapshot object.


signature(x = "Snapshot"): Get the trellis object, a field of the SpTrellis object.



Object of class function to display messages while in debug mode


Object of class logical to automatically display the coverage plot.


Object of class GRanges indicating which ranges of records to be imported from BAM fields.


Object of class logical indicating whether the current zooming effect is zoom in.


Object of class logical indicating whether the current panning effect is right.


Object of class data.frame containing coverage a position is represented for each strand and BAM file.


Object of class logical indicating whether to re-evaluate the imported records.


Object of class SnapshotFunctionList available by the Snapshot object.


Object of class character of the function the imported recorded are currently evaluated and visualized.


Default to NULL if not intended to visualize the annotation track. If default visualization function(s) is intended to be used to plot the annotation, annTrack has to be a GRanges instance.


Object of class SnapshotFunctionList of customized functions to evaluate and visualize the imported records.


Object of class BamFileList to be imported.


Object of class SpTrellis that is essentially a reference class wrapper of Trellis objects.

Class-Based Methods


Display the current Snapshot object.


Pan (right or left) the current plot.


Zoom (in or out) the current plot.

toggle(zoom, pan, currentFunction):

Toggle zooming, panning effects or the currentFuction in which the imported records are to be evaluated and visualized.


Martin Morgan and Chao-Jen Wong

See Also



## example 1: Importing specific ranges of records

file <- system.file("extdata", "SRR002051.chrI-V.bam",
which <-  GRanges("chrI", IRanges(1, 2e5))
s <- Snapshot(file, range=which)

## methods
zoom(s) # zoom in
## zoom in to a specific region
zoom(s, range=GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7e4, 7e4+8000)))
pan(s)  # pan right
togglez(s) # change effect of zooming
zoom(s) # zoom out
togglep(s) # change effect of panning

## accessors
view(s) ## extract the spTrellis object
getTrellis(s) ## extract the trellis object

## example 2: ignore strand
s <- Snapshot(file, range=which, ignore.strand=TRUE)

## example 3: visualizing annotation track


getAnnGR <- function(txdb, which) {
    ex <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
    seqlevels(ex, force=TRUE) <- seqlevels(which)
    r <- range(ex)
    gr <- unlist(r)
    values(gr)[["gene_id"]] <-, times=lengths(r))

txdbFile <- system.file("extdata", "sacCer2_sgdGene.sqlite",
# txdb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome="sacCer2", tablename="sgdGene")
txdb <- loadDb(txdbFile)
which <-  GRanges("chrI", IRanges(1, 2e5))
gr <- getAnnGR(txdb, which)
## note that the first column of the elementMetadata annotates of the
## range of the elements.

s <- Snapshot(file, range=which, annTrack=gr)
## zoom in to an interesting region
zoom(s, range=GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7e4, 7e4+8000)))

togglez(s) ## zoom out


## example 4, 5, 6: multiple BAM files with 'multicoarse_covarage'
## and 'multifine_coverage' view.

## Resolution does not automatically switch for views of multiple
## files. It is important to note if width(which) < 10,000, use
## multifine_coverage.  Otherwise use multicoarse_coverage
file <- system.file("extdata", "SRR002051.chrI-V.bam",
which <-  GRanges("chrI", IRanges(1, 2e5))
s <- Snapshot(c(file, file), range=which,

## grouping files and view by 'multicoarse_coverage'
bfiles <- BamFileList(c(a=file, b=file))
values(bfiles) <- DataFrame(sampleGroup=factor(c("normal", "tumor")))
s <- Snapshot(bfiles, range=which,
              currentFunction="multicoarse_coverage", fac="sampleGroup")

## grouping files and view by 'multifine_coverage'
which <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7e4, 7e4+8000))
s <- Snapshot(bfiles, range=which,
              currentFunction="multifine_coverage", fac="sampleGroup")


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> library(ShortRead)
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
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    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

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    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

Loading required package: BiocParallel
Loading required package: Biostrings
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Loading required package: stats4

Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    colMeans, colSums, expand.grid, rowMeans, rowSums

Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: XVector
Loading required package: Rsamtools
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: GenomicAlignments
Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment
Loading required package: Biobase
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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/ShortRead/Snapshot-class.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Snapshot-class
> ### Title: Class '"Snapshot"'
> ### Aliases: Snapshot-class trellis-class Snapshot
> ###   Snapshot,character,GRanges-method Snapshot,character,missing-method
> ###   Snapshot,BamFileList,GRanges-method files files,Snapshot-method
> ###   functions functions,Snapshot-method show,Snapshot-method view
> ###   view,Snapshot-method vrange vrange,Snapshot-method annTrack
> ###   annTrack,Snapshot-method fac fac,Snapshot-method getTrellis
> ###   getTrellis,Snapshot-method ignore.strand
> ###   ignore.strand,Snapshot-method pan pan,Snapshot-method togglefun
> ###   togglefun,Snapshot-method togglep togglep,Snapshot-method togglez
> ###   togglez,Snapshot-method zoom zoom,Snapshot-method
> ### Keywords: classes
> ### ** Examples
> ## example 1: Importing specific ranges of records
> file <- system.file("extdata", "SRR002051.chrI-V.bam",
+                     package="yeastNagalakshmi")
> which <-  GRanges("chrI", IRanges(1, 2e5))
> s <- Snapshot(file, range=which)
> ## methods
> zoom(s) # zoom in
> ## zoom in to a specific region
> zoom(s, range=GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7e4, 7e4+8000)))
> pan(s)  # pan right
> togglez(s) # change effect of zooming
> zoom(s) # zoom out
> togglep(s) # change effect of panning
> pan(s)
> ## accessors
> functions(s)
SnapshotFunctionList of length 4
names(4): fine_coverage coarse_coverage multifine_coverage multicoarse_coverage
> vrange(s)
GRanges object with 1 range and 0 metadata columns:
      seqnames         ranges strand
         <Rle>      <IRanges>  <Rle>
  [1]     chrI [50486, 74185]      *
  seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
> show(s)
class: Snapshot 
file(s): SRR002051.chrI-V.bam 
Orginal range: chrI:1-200000 
active range: chrI:50486-74185 
zoom (togglez() to change): out 
pan (togglep() to change): left 
fun (togglefun() to change): coarse_coverage 
functions: fine_coverage coarse_coverage multifine_coverage multicoarse_coverage
> ignore.strand(s)
> view(s) ## extract the spTrellis object
class: SpTrellis 
region: 48829.77 75841.23 
viewing window: 48829.77 75841.23 
> getTrellis(s) ## extract the trellis object
> ## example 2: ignore strand
> s <- Snapshot(file, range=which, ignore.strand=TRUE)
> ##
> ## example 3: visualizing annotation track
> ##
> library(GenomicFeatures)
Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
> getAnnGR <- function(txdb, which) {
+     ex <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
+     seqlevels(ex, force=TRUE) <- seqlevels(which)
+     r <- range(ex)
+     gr <- unlist(r)
+     values(gr)[["gene_id"]] <-, times=lengths(r))
+     gr
+ }
> txdbFile <- system.file("extdata", "sacCer2_sgdGene.sqlite",
+                     package="yeastNagalakshmi")
> # txdb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome="sacCer2", tablename="sgdGene")
> txdb <- loadDb(txdbFile)
> which <-  GRanges("chrI", IRanges(1, 2e5))
> gr <- getAnnGR(txdb, which)
> ## note that the first column of the elementMetadata annotates of the
> ## range of the elements.
> gr
GRanges object with 118 ranges and 1 metadata column:
          seqnames           ranges strand |     gene_id
             <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>
  YAL001C     chrI [147596, 151168]      - |     YAL001C
  YAL002W     chrI [143709, 147533]      + |     YAL002W
  YAL003W     chrI [142176, 143162]      + |     YAL003W
  YAL004W     chrI [140762, 141409]      + |     YAL004W
  YAL005C     chrI [139505, 141433]      - |     YAL005C
      ...      ...              ...    ... .         ...
  YAR068W     chrI [222397, 222882]      + |     YAR068W
  YAR069C     chrI [224002, 224295]      - |     YAR069C
  YAR070C     chrI [224554, 224853]      - |     YAR070C
  YAR071W     chrI [225451, 226854]      + |     YAR071W
  YAR073W     chrI [227733, 229308]      + |     YAR073W
  seqinfo: 1 sequence from sacCer2 genome
> s <- Snapshot(file, range=which, annTrack=gr)
> annTrack(s)
GRanges object with 118 ranges and 1 metadata column:
          seqnames           ranges strand |     gene_id
             <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>
  YAL001C     chrI [147596, 151168]      - |     YAL001C
  YAL002W     chrI [143709, 147533]      + |     YAL002W
  YAL003W     chrI [142176, 143162]      + |     YAL003W
  YAL004W     chrI [140762, 141409]      + |     YAL004W
  YAL005C     chrI [139505, 141433]      - |     YAL005C
      ...      ...              ...    ... .         ...
  YAR068W     chrI [222397, 222882]      + |     YAR068W
  YAR069C     chrI [224002, 224295]      - |     YAR069C
  YAR070C     chrI [224554, 224853]      - |     YAR070C
  YAR071W     chrI [225451, 226854]      + |     YAR071W
  YAR073W     chrI [227733, 229308]      + |     YAR073W
  seqinfo: 1 sequence from sacCer2 genome
> ## zoom in to an interesting region
> zoom(s, range=GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7e4, 7e4+8000)))
> togglez(s) ## zoom out
> zoom(s)
> pan(s)
> ## example 4, 5, 6: multiple BAM files with 'multicoarse_covarage'
> ## and 'multifine_coverage' view.
> ## Resolution does not automatically switch for views of multiple
> ## files. It is important to note if width(which) < 10,000, use
> ## multifine_coverage.  Otherwise use multicoarse_coverage
> file <- system.file("extdata", "SRR002051.chrI-V.bam",
+                     package="yeastNagalakshmi")
> which <-  GRanges("chrI", IRanges(1, 2e5))
> s <- Snapshot(c(file, file), range=which,
+               currentFunction="multicoarse_coverage")
> ## grouping files and view by 'multicoarse_coverage'
> bfiles <- BamFileList(c(a=file, b=file))
> values(bfiles) <- DataFrame(sampleGroup=factor(c("normal", "tumor")))
> values(bfiles)
DataFrame with 2 rows and 1 column
1      normal
2       tumor
> s <- Snapshot(bfiles, range=which,
+               currentFunction="multicoarse_coverage", fac="sampleGroup")
> ## grouping files and view by 'multifine_coverage'
> which <- GRanges("chrI", IRanges(7e4, 7e4+8000))
> s <- Snapshot(bfiles, range=which,
+               currentFunction="multifine_coverage", fac="sampleGroup")
null device 