Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Locally-Weighted Polynomial Regression Smoother
locally.weighted.polynomialR Documentation

Locally-Weighted Polynomial Regression Smoother


Smoothes the given bivariate data using kernel regression.


locally.weighted.polynomial(x, y, h = NA, x.grid = NA, 
	degree = 1, kernel.type = "Normal")



Vector of data for the independent variable


Vector of data for the dependent variable


The bandwidth for the kernel


What x-values should the value of the smoother be calculated at.


The degree of the polynomial to be fit at each x-value. The default is to fit a linear regression, ie degree=1.


What kernel to use. Valid choices are 'Normal', 'Epanechnikov', 'biweight', and 'triweight'


The confidence intervals are created using the row-wise method of Hannig and Marron (2006).

Notice that the derivative to be estimated must be less than or equal to the degree of the polynomial initially fit to the data.

If the bandwidth is not given, the Sheather-Jones bandwidth selection method is used.


Returns a LocallyWeightedPolynomial object that has the following elements:


A structure of the data used to generate the smoothing curve


The bandwidth used to generate the smoothing curve.


The grid of x-values that we have estimated function value and derivative(s) for.


The effective sample size at each grid point


A matrix of estimated beta values. The number of rows is degrees+1, while the number of columns is the same as the length of x.grid. Notice that

hat{f}(x_i) = β[1,i]

hat{f'}(x_i) = β[2,i]*1!

hat{f''}(x_i) = β[3,i]*2!

and so on...


Matrix of estimated variances for Beta. Same structure as Beta.


Derek Sonderegger


Chaudhuri, P., and J. S. Marron. 1999. SiZer for exploration of structures in curves. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 807-823.

Hannig, J., and J. S. Marron. 2006. Advanced distribution theory for SiZer. Journal of the American Statistical Association 101 484-499.

Sonderegger, D.L., Wang, H., Clements, W.H., and Noon, B.R. 2009. Using SiZer to detect thresholds in ecological data. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:190-195

See Also

SiZer, plot.LocallyWeightedPolynomial, spm in package 'SemiPar', loess, smooth.spline, interpSpline


x <- Arkansas$year
y <- Arkansas$sqrt.mayflies

model <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y)
plot(model, main='Smoothed Function', xlab='Year', ylab='Sqrt.Mayflies')

model2 <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y,h=.5)
plot(model2, main='Smoothed Function', xlab='Year', ylab='Sqrt.Mayflies')

model3 <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y, degree=1)
plot(model3, derv=1, main='First Derivative', xlab='Year', ylab='1st Derivative')


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> library(SiZer)
Loading required package: splines
Loading required package: boot
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SiZer/locally.weighted.polynomial.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: locally.weighted.polynomial
> ### Title: Locally-Weighted Polynomial Regression Smoother
> ### Aliases: locally.weighted.polynomial calc.CI.LocallyWeightedPolynomial
> ###   find.state find.state.changes find.states kernel.h positive.part
> ###   x.grid.create
> ### Keywords: smooth
> ### ** Examples
> data(Arkansas)
> x <- Arkansas$year
> y <- Arkansas$sqrt.mayflies
> layout(cbind(1,2,3))
> model <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y)
> plot(model, main='Smoothed Function', xlab='Year', ylab='Sqrt.Mayflies')
> model2 <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y,h=.5)
> plot(model2, main='Smoothed Function', xlab='Year', ylab='Sqrt.Mayflies')
> model3 <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y, degree=1)
> plot(model3, derv=1, main='First Derivative', xlab='Year', ylab='1st Derivative')
null device 