Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: First Passage Time in 3-Dim SDE
fptsde3dR Documentation

First Passage Time in 3-Dim SDE


The (S3) generic function fptsde3d for simulate first-passage-time (f.p.t) in 3-dim stochastic differential equations.


fptsde3d(N, ...)
## Default S3 method:
fptsde3d(N = 1000, M = 100, x0 = 0, y0 = 0, z0 = 0, t0 = 0, T = 1, Dt, 
   boundary, driftx, diffx, drifty, diffy, driftz, diffz, alpha = 0.5, mu = 0.5, 
   type = c("ito", "str"), method = c("euler", "milstein", "predcorr", 
   "smilstein", "taylor", "heun", "rk1", "rk2", "rk3"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
summary(object, ...)	
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
mean(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
median(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
quantile(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
kurtosis(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
skewness(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
moment(x, order = 2, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
bconfint(x, level=0.95, ...)	
## S3 method for class 'fptsde3d'
plot(x, ...)						   



size of sde.


size of fpt.

x0, y0, z0

initial value of the process X(t), Y(t) and Z(t) at time t0.


initial time.


final time.


time step of the simulation (discretization). If it is missing a default Dt = (T-t0)/N.


an expression of a constant or time-dependent boundary.

driftx, drifty, driftz

drift coefficient: an expression of four variables t, x, y and z for process X(t), Y(t) and Z(t).

diffx, diffy, diffz

diffusion coefficient: an expression of four variables t, x, y and z for process X(t), Y(t) and Z(t).

alpha, mu

weight of the predictor-corrector scheme; the default alpha = 0.5 and mu = 0.5.


sde of the type Ito or Stratonovich.


numerical methods of simulation, the default method = "euler"; see snssde3d.

x, object

an object inheriting from class "fptsde3d".


order of moment.


the confidence level required.


further arguments for (non-default) methods.


The function fptsde3d returns a random variable (tau(X(t),S(t)),tau(Y(t),S(t)),tau(Z(t),S(t))) "first passage time", is defined as :

tau(X(t),S(t))={t>=0; X(t) >= S(t)}, if X(t0) < S(t0)

tau(Y(t),S(t))={t>=0; Y(t) >= S(t)}, if Y(t0) < S(t0)

tau(Z(t),S(t))={t>=0; Z(t) >= S(t)}, if Z(t0) < S(t0)


tau(X(t),S(t))={t>=0; X(t) <= S(t)}, if X(t0) > S(t0)

tau(Y(t),S(t))={t>=0; Y(t) <= S(t)}, if Y(t0) > S(t0)

tau(Z(t),S(t))={t>=0; Z(t) <= S(t)}, if Z(t0) > S(t0)

with S(t) is through a continuous boundary (barrier).


fptsde3d returns an object inheriting from class "fptsde3d".

fptx, fpty, fptz

a vector of triplet 'fpt' (tau(X(t),S(t)),tau(Y(t),S(t)),tau(Z(t),S(t))).


A.C. Guidoum, K. Boukhetala.


Argyrakisa, P. and G.H. Weiss (2006). A first-passage time problem for many random walkers. Physica A. 363, 343–347.

Aytug H., G. J. Koehler (2000). New stopping criterion for genetic algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 126, 662–674.

Boukhetala, K. (1996) Modelling and simulation of a dispersion pollutant with attractive centre. ed by Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton ,U.K and Computational Mechanics Inc, Boston, USA, 245–252.

Boukhetala, K. (1998a). Estimation of the first passage time distribution for a simulated diffusion process. Maghreb Math.Rev, 7(1), 1–25.

Boukhetala, K. (1998b). Kernel density of the exit time in a simulated diffusion. les Annales Maghrebines De L ingenieur, 12, 587–589.

Ding, M. and G. Rangarajan. (2004). First Passage Time Problem: A Fokker-Planck Approach. New Directions in Statistical Physics. ed by L. T. Wille. Springer. 31–46.

Roman, R.P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008). First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 52, 4132–4146.

Roman, R.P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2012). An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

Gardiner, C. W. (1997). Handbook of Stochastic Methods. Springer-Verlag, New York.

See Also

fptsde1d for simulation fpt in sde 1-dim.

FPTL for computes values of the first passage time location (FPTL) function, and Approx.fpt.density for approximate first-passage-time (f.p.t.) density in package fptdApprox.


## dX(t) = 4*(-1-X(t))*Y(t) dt + 0.2 * dW1(t) 
## dY(t) = 4*(1-Y(t)) *X(t) dt + 0.2 * dW2(t) 
## dZ(t) = 4*(1-Z(t)) *Y(t) dt + 0.2 * dW3(t) 
## x0 = 0, y0 = -2, z0 = 0, and barrier -3+5*t.       
## W1(t), W2(t) and W3(t) three independent Brownian motion      

fx <- expression(4*(-1-x)*y)
gx <- expression(0.2)
fy <- expression(4*(1-y)*x)
gy <- expression(0.2)
fz <- expression(4*(1-z)*y)
gz <- expression(0.2)

St <- expression(-3+5*t)

res <- fptsde3d(driftx=fx,diffx=gx,drifty=fy,diffy=gy,driftz=fz,diffz=gz,boundary=St,

fptx <- res$fptx
fpty <- res$fpty
fptz <- res$fptz
X1 <- cbind(fptx,fpty,fptz)
## library(sm)
## sm.density(X1,display="rgl")


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> library(Sim.DiffProc)
Package 'Sim.DiffProc' version 3.2 loaded.
help(Sim.DiffProc) for summary information.
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Sim.DiffProc/fptsde3d.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: fptsde3d
> ### Title: First Passage Time in 3-Dim SDE
> ### Aliases: fptsde3d fptsde3d.default summary.fptsde3d mean.fptsde3d
> ###   median.fptsde3d quantile.fptsde3d kurtosis.fptsde3d skewness.fptsde3d
> ###   moment.fptsde3d bconfint.fptsde3d plot.fptsde3d
> ### Keywords: fpt sde ts mts
> ### ** Examples
> ## dX(t) = 4*(-1-X(t))*Y(t) dt + 0.2 * dW1(t) 
> ## dY(t) = 4*(1-Y(t)) *X(t) dt + 0.2 * dW2(t) 
> ## dZ(t) = 4*(1-Z(t)) *Y(t) dt + 0.2 * dW3(t) 
> ## x0 = 0, y0 = -2, z0 = 0, and barrier -3+5*t.       
> ## W1(t), W2(t) and W3(t) three independent Brownian motion      
> set.seed(1234)
> fx <- expression(4*(-1-x)*y)
> gx <- expression(0.2)
> fy <- expression(4*(1-y)*x)
> gy <- expression(0.2)
> fz <- expression(4*(1-z)*y)
> gz <- expression(0.2)
> St <- expression(-3+5*t)
> res <- fptsde3d(driftx=fx,diffx=gx,drifty=fy,diffy=gy,driftz=fz,diffz=gz,boundary=St,
+                 x0=2,y0=-2,z0=0,M=50)
> res
Ito Sde 3D:
	| dX(t) = 4 * (-1 - X(t)) * Y(t) * dt + 0.2 * dW1(t)
	| dY(t) = 4 * (1 - Y(t)) * X(t) * dt + 0.2 * dW2(t)
	| dZ(t) = 4 * (1 - Z(t)) * Y(t) * dt + 0.2 * dW3(t)
	| Euler scheme of order 0.5
	| Size of process	| N  = 1000.
	| Number of simulation	| M  = 50.
	| Initial values	| (x0,y0,z0) = (2,-2,0).
	| Time of process	| t in [0,1].
	| Discretization	| Dt = 0.001.

-3 + 5 * t

 [1] 0.5760063 0.5832781 0.5795617 0.5931902 0.5791569 0.5725338 0.5762656
 [8] 0.5878879 0.5679412 0.5874620 0.5781744 0.5718304 0.5827081 0.5722382
[15] 0.5736284 0.5814066 0.5752476 0.5732806 0.5885270 0.5769123 0.5797888
[22] 0.5698742 0.5997994 0.5853098 0.5834944 0.5790055 0.5773006 0.5910663
[29] 0.5921050 0.5846778 0.5817661 0.5902033 0.5753017 0.5814413 0.5942903
[36] 0.5757611 0.5882927 0.5773588 0.5804145 0.5868764 0.5779249 0.5785095
[43] 0.5887054 0.5850905 0.5842715 0.5868127 0.5682496 0.5871819 0.5863559
[50] 0.5770388

 [1] 0.7994094 0.8226149 0.7468067 0.7998463 0.7522640 0.7917487 0.7860098
 [8] 0.7864210 0.7175875 0.8348322 0.7857938 0.8550556 0.7894133 0.8169060
[15] 0.8655540 0.7847123 0.8178045 0.9250828 0.7887015 0.7801047 0.7352194
[22] 0.7425373 0.8022543 0.7466123 0.7723577 0.7676493 0.8106421 0.7359943
[29] 0.8069275 0.7889495 0.8233341 0.7755564 0.8140864 0.7373236 0.7908124
[36] 0.7547203 0.7902368 0.7726842 0.7478743 0.7457673 0.7989163 0.7725229
[43] 0.7885825 0.7404833 0.7895216 0.7766209 0.7539435 0.8036853 0.8253030
[50] 0.7890954

 [1] 0.7861733 0.7956446 0.7414119 0.7785966 0.7476102 0.7843249 0.7773501
 [8] 0.7595979 0.7350067 0.7966396 0.7819250 0.8029107 0.7654809 0.7923767
[15] 0.8033168 0.7689548 0.7871758 0.8213037 0.7660745 0.7668914 0.7354981
[22] 0.7460324 0.7802632 0.7442508 0.7655039 0.7509376 0.7836662 0.7207627
[29] 0.7691037 0.7638728 0.7935643 0.7559995 0.7927764 0.7277230 0.7775181
[36] 0.7551167 0.7709414 0.7624840 0.7448931 0.7368079 0.7759685 0.7651244
[43] 0.7788589 0.7298758 0.7488274 0.7532690 0.7640534 0.7851165 0.7916897
[50] 0.7671621

[1] "fptsde3d"
> summary(res)

	Monte-Carlo Statistics for the F.P.T of (X(t),Y(t),Z(t))
| T(S,X) = inf{t >=  0  : X(t) <=  -3 + 5 * t }
| T(S,Y) = inf{t >=  0  : Y(t) <=  -3 + 5 * t }
| T(S,Z) = inf{t >=  0  : Z(t) <=  -3 + 5 * t }

                       fpt(x)   fpt(y)    fpt(z)
NA's                        0        0         0
Mean                 0.581430 0.786938  0.767929
Variance             0.000051 0.001400  0.000492
Median               0.580911 0.788642  0.767027
First quartile       0.576427 0.757953  0.751520
Third quartile       0.586860 0.803328  0.784160
Skewness             0.223249 0.956670 -0.050127
Kurtosis             2.495032 5.137701  2.410876
Moment of order 2    0.000050 0.001372  0.000482
Moment of order 3    0.000000 0.000050 -0.000001
Moment of order 4    0.000000 0.000010  0.000001
Moment of order 5    0.000000 0.000001  0.000000
Bound conf Inf (95%) 0.568615 0.735394  0.728207
Bound conf Sup (95%) 0.594043 0.863192  0.803225
> plot(res,union=TRUE)
Error in : no suitable unused file name for pdf()
Execution halted