Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Random Number Generators for 2-Dim SDE
rsde2dR Documentation

Random Number Generators for 2-Dim SDE


The (S3) generic function rsde2d for simulate random number generators to generate 2-dim sde.


rsde2d(N, ...)
## Default S3 method:
rsde2d(N = 1000, M = 100, x0 = 0, y0 = 0, t0 = 0, T = 1, Dt, tau = 0.5, 
   driftx, diffx, drifty, diffy, alpha = 0.5, mu = 0.5, type = c("ito", "str"), 
   method = c("euler", "milstein", "predcorr", "smilstein", "taylor", 
   "heun", "rk1", "rk2", "rk3"), ...)				 
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
mean(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
median(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
quantile(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
kurtosis(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
skewness(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
moment(x, order = 2, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
bconfint(x, level=0.95, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rsde2d'
plot(x, ...)



size of sde.


number of random numbers to be geneated.

x0, y0

initial value of the process X(t) and Y(t) at time t0.


initial time.


final time.


time step of the simulation (discretization). If it is missing a default Dt = (T-t0)/N.


moment (time) between t0 and T. Random number generated at time=tau.

driftx, drifty

drift coefficient: an expression of three variables t, x and y for process X(t) and Y(t).

diffx, diffy

diffusion coefficient: an expression of three variables t, x and y for process X(t) and Y(t).

alpha, mu

weight of the predictor-corrector scheme; the default alpha = 0.5 and mu = 0.5.


sde of the type Ito or Stratonovich.


numerical methods of simulation, the default method = "euler"; see snssde2d.

x, object

an object inheriting from class "rsde2d".


order of moment.


the confidence level required.


further arguments for (non-default) methods.


The function rsde2d returns a two random variables (x(tau),y(tau)) realize at time t=tau defined by :

x(tau)={t>=0; x = X(tau)}

y(tau)={t>=0; y = Y(tau)}

with tau is a fixed time between t0 and T.


rsde2d returns an object inheriting from class "rsde2d".

x, y

a vector of random numbers of 2-dim sde realize at time time t=tau, the couple (x(tau),y(tau)).


A.C. Guidoum, K. Boukhetala.

See Also

rsde1d simulation RNs in sde 1-dim.

rng random number generators in yuima package.

rcBS, rcCIR, rcOU and rsOU in package sde.


## Example 1:
## random numbers of two standard Brownian motion W1(t) and W2(t) at time = 1

fx <- expression(0)
gx <- expression(1)
fy <- expression(0)
gy <- expression(1)
res1 <- rsde2d(driftx=fx,diffx=gx,drifty=fy,diffy=gy,tau=1)
X <- cbind(res1$x,res1$y)
## library(sm)
## sm.density(X,display="persp")

## Example 2: 
## dX(t) = 5*(-1-Y(t))*X(t) * dt + 0.5 * dW1(t)          
## dY(t) = 5*(-1-X(t))*Y(t) * dt + 0.5 * dW2(t)
## W1(t) and W2(t) two independent Brownian motion

fx <- expression(5*(-1-y)*x)
gx <- expression(0.5)
fy <- expression(5*(-1-x)*y)
gy <- expression(0.5)
res2 <- rsde2d(driftx=fx,diffx=gx,drifty=fy,diffy=gy,tau=0.4876
X <- cbind(res2$x,res2$y)
## sm.density(X,display="persp")


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Sim.DiffProc)
Package 'Sim.DiffProc' version 3.2 loaded.
help(Sim.DiffProc) for summary information.
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Sim.DiffProc/rsde2d.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: rsde2d
> ### Title: Random Number Generators for 2-Dim SDE
> ### Aliases: rsde2d rsde2d.default summary.rsde2d mean.rsde2d median.rsde2d
> ###   quantile.rsde2d kurtosis.rsde2d skewness.rsde2d moment.rsde2d
> ###   bconfint.rsde2d plot.rsde2d
> ### Keywords: sde ts mts random generators
> ### ** Examples
> ## Example 1:
> ## random numbers of two standard Brownian motion W1(t) and W2(t) at time = 1
> set.seed(1234)
> fx <- expression(0)
> gx <- expression(1)
> fy <- expression(0)
> gy <- expression(1)
> res1 <- rsde2d(driftx=fx,diffx=gx,drifty=fy,diffy=gy,tau=1)
> res1
Ito Sde 2D:
	| dX(t) = 0 * dt + 1 * dW1(t)
	| dY(t) = 0 * dt + 1 * dW2(t)
	| Euler scheme of order 0.5
	| Size of process	| N  = 1000.
	| Number of simulation	| M  = 100.
	| Initial values	| (x0,y0) = (0,0).
	| Time of process	| t in [0,1].
	| Discretization	| Dt = 0.001.

[1] 1

  [1] -0.752480843  1.702508137 -0.886742315  1.102104818 -0.072030515
  [6]  0.690516597  1.250107590  0.336372924  1.890800159  0.109238964
 [11]  0.099397754 -0.637768773 -1.347715323 -2.440436791  0.909373295
 [16]  0.836954108  0.526877871  0.284616553  2.733666268  1.192575060
 [21] -1.665951693 -1.324730493 -0.365312965  0.006597265  0.904601706
 [26]  0.402344080 -0.951783158  0.607011758  0.577166109 -1.688961042
 [31] -1.217521278  1.871545948 -0.521119439  1.325818238  0.285569020
 [36]  0.421780885  1.994326282 -1.050162417  0.552445149  0.206196169
 [41] -1.070028554 -0.315776716  0.756446587 -0.369655616  0.629929557
 [46] -0.311790467 -0.857326695 -0.570031127  0.192493894 -1.039283215
 [51]  0.544427675 -0.528700758 -0.810824784 -1.347182044  0.466129652
 [56]  0.528125966  1.773809511 -0.463832732  0.432883872  1.442536907
 [61]  0.910333558 -0.421111647  0.434936145  1.468225095  0.554064864
 [66] -0.061054415  0.354880902 -0.255413407  0.544084923 -0.744957932
 [71]  0.446529741  2.333070081 -1.029377983  0.121452880 -0.114991379
 [76]  0.503900038  1.098777909 -0.530587598 -0.024000252 -0.608981619
 [81]  0.140523756  0.499919675  1.572362867  2.356740424 -0.235453842
 [86]  0.177443346  0.414325908 -0.883922171 -0.319481616  0.167257016
 [91]  0.255289435 -0.336055142  1.469777758  0.429926441  0.122399389
 [96]  0.819122320  0.295999038 -0.949693068 -0.491286273  2.152657224

  [1]  0.50667148 -0.96360037 -0.32068759 -1.02845604  0.11419805  0.79195738
  [7]  0.80923953  0.84248818 -0.34221365  0.43938815  0.36861426 -0.49791714
 [13] -1.58097598 -1.41807390 -0.09193726  1.50024399 -0.91115708 -0.19324185
 [19]  1.26212073 -1.12776770  0.26550537  0.75268083 -0.73995138  1.28352488
 [25] -0.29790765  0.66369237 -0.08150428 -0.02660853 -1.60906884  0.89637653
 [31]  0.20016235 -0.01808949 -0.21559015  0.74908918 -0.59886326 -0.03648556
 [37] -0.82987985  1.64760794  1.01975432  0.33085089 -2.30629103  1.13496302
 [43] -1.06537708 -0.27594047 -1.07943124 -0.29387762  2.01770803  0.53843675
 [49]  0.73067729  0.50170097 -0.20272859  0.74783627  1.22412106  0.88100868
 [55]  1.37145009 -0.42355719 -0.74806384 -0.68381214  0.24044379 -0.98884966
 [61] -1.27127987 -0.66405976 -0.14360769  0.02681467  0.56160040  1.58960893
 [67] -0.30683514 -0.57384290 -0.33813803 -0.04289656  0.16139669  0.04550287
 [73] -0.12226641 -0.91142192 -0.71865725 -0.08089410  1.24669966  0.10357728
 [79] -0.64647203  0.07614455 -0.72978126  0.12103374  0.32459263  1.57242143
 [85] -0.31042552 -1.73227711  0.13327040 -0.29184858  0.87328694 -1.12755055
 [91] -1.24015472  0.68576181 -0.21097617  1.09578779  0.22431963 -0.29951479
 [97]  0.59530819 -0.79143416 -0.69461776  0.76865006

[1] "rsde2d"
> summary(res1)

    Monte-Carlo Statistics for X(t) and Y(t) at t = 1

                             x         y
Mean                  0.196178 -0.002086
Variance              0.959849  0.724598
Median                0.230743 -0.039691
First quartile       -0.498745 -0.650869
Third quartile        0.645076  0.669210
Skewness              0.166416 -0.012700
Kurtosis              2.942410  2.620024
Moment of order 2     0.950251  0.717352
Moment of order 3     0.156495 -0.007833
Moment of order 4     2.710874  1.375625
Moment of order 5     0.800026 -0.258054
Bound conf Inf (95%) -1.514789 -1.595725
Bound conf Sup (95%)  2.247374  1.581445
> X <- cbind(res1$x,res1$y)
> ## library(sm)
> ## sm.density(X,display="persp")
> ## Example 2: 
> ## dX(t) = 5*(-1-Y(t))*X(t) * dt + 0.5 * dW1(t)          
> ## dY(t) = 5*(-1-X(t))*Y(t) * dt + 0.5 * dW2(t)
> ## W1(t) and W2(t) two independent Brownian motion
> set.seed(1234)
> fx <- expression(5*(-1-y)*x)
> gx <- expression(0.5)
> fy <- expression(5*(-1-x)*y)
> gy <- expression(0.5)
> res2 <- rsde2d(driftx=fx,diffx=gx,drifty=fy,diffy=gy,tau=0.4876
+                ,x0=2,y0=-2,M=50)
> res2
Ito Sde 2D:
	| dX(t) = 5 * (-1 - Y(t)) * X(t) * dt + 0.5 * dW1(t)
	| dY(t) = 5 * (-1 - X(t)) * Y(t) * dt + 0.5 * dW2(t)
	| Euler scheme of order 0.5
	| Size of process	| N  = 1000.
	| Number of simulation	| M  = 50.
	| Initial values	| (x0,y0) = (2,-2).
	| Time of process	| t in [0,1].
	| Discretization	| Dt = 0.001.

[1] 0.4876

 [1]  0.37045552  0.52300479  0.08369982  0.28796583  0.25915916  0.23919130
 [7]  0.34059663  0.77575169  0.32267635  0.50306037  0.59706326  0.57773318
[13]  0.54614539  0.59442533  0.18566895  0.40655062  0.41854655  0.24183743
[19]  0.56001159  0.25042614  0.14825070  0.54434343  0.31354847  0.53183272
[25]  0.37875266  0.15298765  0.09969632  0.48721758  0.38654370  0.18791596
[31] -0.07168162  0.22393001  0.42480426  0.33881001  0.16476811  0.19151850
[37]  0.67748695  0.16934174  0.47200220  0.39271166  0.44638779  0.25307664
[43]  0.27497295  0.45441872  0.49790286  0.41883353  0.45537985 -0.13282119
[49]  0.21242166  0.46013589

 [1]  0.08576661 -0.07231530 -0.07169320 -0.04497045  0.22615801 -0.06443680
 [7] -0.10454925 -0.11699850  0.08153500 -0.12291282 -0.09796212 -0.10531677
[13]  0.03880450 -0.14027926  0.07586430  0.12449890 -0.03415597 -0.15423662
[19] -0.05868709  0.11265533  0.12442072  0.05346850 -0.02095579  0.05879950
[25] -0.17410546  0.15276767  0.03557542  0.04474690 -0.23673402  0.05061763
[31] -0.01266982  0.29053100  0.21046903 -0.01561020 -0.04888774  0.05779271
[37]  0.03093737  0.03127232  0.05133502  0.01186592 -0.18423635  0.17584998
[43] -0.08324319 -0.03013000 -0.07323272 -0.22485228 -0.05276285  0.27190322
[49]  0.15889527 -0.06292103

[1] "rsde2d"
> summary(res2)

    Monte-Carlo Statistics for X(t) and Y(t) at t = 0.4876

                             x         y
Mean                  0.352789  0.002954
Variance              0.033810  0.015042
Median                0.374604 -0.014140
First quartile        0.227745 -0.073003
Third quartile        0.483414  0.071598
Skewness             -0.260806  0.301220
Kurtosis              2.935137  2.601741
Moment of order 2     0.033133  0.014741
Moment of order 3    -0.001621  0.000556
Moment of order 4     0.003355  0.000589
Moment of order 5    -0.000479  0.000053
Bound conf Inf (95%) -0.036721 -0.215714
Bound conf Sup (95%)  0.659392  0.261611
> plot(res2,union=TRUE)
Error in : no suitable unused file name for pdf()
Execution halted