Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot function for SimCi-objects
plot.SimCiR Documentation

Plot function for SimCi-objects


A plot of the results of SimCiDiff and SimCiRat, respectively.


## S3 method for class 'SimCi'
plot(x, xlim, xlab, ylim, ...)



an object of class "SimCi" as obtained by calling SimCiDiff or SimCiRat


a numeric vector of length 2, giving the x coordinate range


a title for the x axis


a numeric vector of length 2, giving the y coordinate range


arguments to be passed to plot


A plot of the confidence intervals of a "SimCi" object.


Christof Kluss and Mario Hasler

See Also

SimCiDiff, SimCiRat


# Example 1:
# Simultaneous confidence intervals related to a comparison of the groups
# B and H against the standard S, on endpoint Thromb.count, assuming unequal
# variances for the groups. This is an extension of the well-known Dunnett-
# intervals to the case of heteroscedasticity.


interv1 <- SimCiDiff(data=coagulation, grp="Group", resp="Thromb.count",
  type="Dunnett", base=3, alternative="greater", covar.equal=FALSE)

# Example 2:
# Simultaneous confidence intervals related to a comparisons of the groups
# B and H against the standard S, simultaneously on all endpoints, assuming
# unequal covariance matrices for the groups. This is an extension of the well-
# known Dunnett-intervals to the case of heteroscedasticity and multiple
# endpoints.


interv2 <- SimCiDiff(data=coagulation, grp="Group", resp=c("Thromb.count","ADP","TRAP"),
  type="Dunnett", base=3, alternative="greater", covar.equal=FALSE)
par(mfrow=c(1,3)); plot(interv2)

# Example 3:
# Simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of means, related to an all-pair
# comparison of the groups B, H and S, simultaneously on all endpoints, assuming unequal
# covariance matrices for the groups. This is an extension of the well-known Tukey-
# intervals to the case of heteroscedasticity and multiple endpoints, and in terms of
# ratios of means instead of differences.


interv3 <- SimCiRat(data=coagulation, grp="Group", resp=c("Thromb.count","ADP","TRAP"),
  type="Tukey", alternative="two.sided", covar.equal=FALSE)
par(mfrow=c(3,1)); plot(interv3)


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> library(SimComp)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SimComp/plot.SimCi.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.SimCi
> ### Title: Plot function for SimCi-objects
> ### Aliases: plot.SimCi
> ### Keywords: print
> ### ** Examples
> # Example 1:
> # Simultaneous confidence intervals related to a comparison of the groups
> # B and H against the standard S, on endpoint Thromb.count, assuming unequal
> # variances for the groups. This is an extension of the well-known Dunnett-
> # intervals to the case of heteroscedasticity.
> data(coagulation)
> interv1 <- SimCiDiff(data=coagulation, grp="Group", resp="Thromb.count",
+   type="Dunnett", base=3, alternative="greater", covar.equal=FALSE)
> interv1
Simultaneous 95% confidence intervals for differences of means of multiple endpoints 
Assumption: Heterogeneous covariance matrices for the groups 
  comparison     endpoint estimate lower.raw upper.raw   lower upper
1      B - S Thromb.count   0.1217   -0.0367       Inf -0.0681   Inf
2      H - S Thromb.count   0.0435   -0.1344       Inf -0.1695   Inf
> plot(interv1)
> # Example 2:
> # Simultaneous confidence intervals related to a comparisons of the groups
> # B and H against the standard S, simultaneously on all endpoints, assuming
> # unequal covariance matrices for the groups. This is an extension of the well-
> # known Dunnett-intervals to the case of heteroscedasticity and multiple
> # endpoints.
> data(coagulation)
> interv2 <- SimCiDiff(data=coagulation, grp="Group", resp=c("Thromb.count","ADP","TRAP"),
+   type="Dunnett", base=3, alternative="greater", covar.equal=FALSE)
> summary(interv2)
Contrast matrix: 

	 Multiple Comparisons of Means: Dunnett Contrasts

      B H  S
B - S 1 0 -1
H - S 0 1 -1
Estimated covariance matrices of the data: 
             Thromb.count    ADP    TRAP
Thromb.count       0.0626 0.0565 -0.0102
ADP                0.0565 0.0638  0.0054
TRAP              -0.0102 0.0054  0.0963

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       0.0943 0.0637 0.0663
ADP                0.0637 0.0518 0.0446
TRAP               0.0663 0.0446 0.1157

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       0.0318 0.0132 0.0598
ADP                0.0132 0.0079 0.0269
TRAP               0.0598 0.0269 0.1376

Estimated correlation matrices of the data: 
             Thromb.count    ADP    TRAP
Thromb.count       1.0000 0.8937 -0.1314
ADP                0.8937 1.0000  0.0687
TRAP              -0.1314 0.0687  1.0000

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       1.0000 0.9121 0.6348
ADP                0.9121 1.0000 0.5770
TRAP               0.6348 0.5770 1.0000

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       1.0000 0.8338 0.9033
ADP                0.8338 1.0000 0.8161
TRAP               0.9033 0.8161 1.0000

Estimated correlation matrix of the comparisons: 
       [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]
[1,] 1.0000 0.8494 0.3122 0.2833 0.1708 0.3755
[2,] 0.8494 1.0000 0.2387 0.1335 0.1158 0.1917
[3,] 0.3122 0.2387 1.0000 0.3417 0.2232 0.5550
[4,] 0.2833 0.1335 0.3417 1.0000 0.8869 0.7054
[5,] 0.1708 0.1158 0.2232 0.8869 1.0000 0.5818
[6,] 0.3755 0.1917 0.5550 0.7054 0.5818 1.0000
  comparison     endpoint estimate lower.raw upper.raw   lower upper
1      B - S Thromb.count   0.1217   -0.0367       Inf -0.1119   Inf
2      B - S          ADP   0.2121    0.0691       Inf  0.0067   Inf
3      B - S         TRAP   0.1053   -0.1395       Inf -0.2582   Inf
4      H - S Thromb.count   0.0435   -0.1344       Inf -0.2139   Inf
5      H - S          ADP   0.0842   -0.0398       Inf -0.0928   Inf
6      H - S         TRAP   0.0711   -0.1784       Inf -0.2941   Inf
> par(mfrow=c(1,3)); plot(interv2)
> # Example 3:
> # Simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of means, related to an all-pair
> # comparison of the groups B, H and S, simultaneously on all endpoints, assuming unequal
> # covariance matrices for the groups. This is an extension of the well-known Tukey-
> # intervals to the case of heteroscedasticity and multiple endpoints, and in terms of
> # ratios of means instead of differences.
> data(coagulation)
> interv3 <- SimCiRat(data=coagulation, grp="Group", resp=c("Thromb.count","ADP","TRAP"),
+   type="Tukey", alternative="two.sided", covar.equal=FALSE)
> summary(interv3)
Numerator contrast matrix: 
    B H S
H/B 0 1 0
S/B 0 0 1
S/H 0 0 1
Denominator contrast matrix: 
    B H S
H/B 1 0 0
S/B 1 0 0
S/H 0 1 0
Estimated covariance matrices of the data: 
             Thromb.count    ADP    TRAP
Thromb.count       0.0626 0.0565 -0.0102
ADP                0.0565 0.0638  0.0054
TRAP              -0.0102 0.0054  0.0963

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       0.0943 0.0637 0.0663
ADP                0.0637 0.0518 0.0446
TRAP               0.0663 0.0446 0.1157

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       0.0318 0.0132 0.0598
ADP                0.0132 0.0079 0.0269
TRAP               0.0598 0.0269 0.1376

Estimated correlation matrices of the data: 
             Thromb.count    ADP    TRAP
Thromb.count       1.0000 0.8937 -0.1314
ADP                0.8937 1.0000  0.0687
TRAP              -0.1314 0.0687  1.0000

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       1.0000 0.9121 0.6348
ADP                0.9121 1.0000 0.5770
TRAP               0.6348 0.5770 1.0000

             Thromb.count    ADP   TRAP
Thromb.count       1.0000 0.8338 0.9033
ADP                0.8338 1.0000 0.8161
TRAP               0.9033 0.8161 1.0000

Estimated correlation matrix of the comparisons: 
         [,1]    [,2]    [,3]    [,4]   [,5]    [,6]    [,7]    [,8]    [,9]
 [1,]  1.0000  0.8966  0.3141  0.4869 0.5076 -0.0492 -0.6719 -0.6593 -0.3202
 [2,]  0.8966  1.0000  0.3320  0.5023 0.6555  0.0297 -0.5467 -0.6448 -0.2596
 [3,]  0.3141  0.3320  1.0000 -0.0699 0.0426  0.4093 -0.4001 -0.3912 -0.4731
 [4,]  0.4869  0.5023 -0.0699  1.0000 0.8494  0.3781  0.3198  0.2025  0.4258
 [5,]  0.5076  0.6555  0.0426  0.8494 1.0000  0.2918  0.1697  0.1545  0.2448
 [6,] -0.0492  0.0297  0.4093  0.3781 0.2918  1.0000  0.3740  0.2566  0.6102
 [7,] -0.6719 -0.5467 -0.4001  0.3198 0.1697  0.3740  1.0000  0.8869  0.7084
 [8,] -0.6593 -0.6448 -0.3912  0.2025 0.1545  0.2566  0.8869  1.0000  0.5874
 [9,] -0.3202 -0.2596 -0.4731  0.4258 0.2448  0.6102  0.7084  0.5874  1.0000
  comparison     endpoint estimate lower.raw upper.raw  lower upper
1        H/B Thromb.count   0.9213    0.7046    1.1853 0.6276 1.309
2        H/B          ADP   0.8746    0.7020    1.0905 0.6415 1.194
3        H/B         TRAP   0.9589    0.6675    1.3617 0.5682 1.580
4        S/B Thromb.count   0.8775    0.7201    1.0803 0.6577 1.197
5        S/B          ADP   0.7921    0.6714    0.9547 0.6294 1.042
6        S/B         TRAP   0.8733    0.5726    1.2760 0.4497 1.532
7        S/H Thromb.count   0.9525    0.7584    1.2287 0.6888 1.395
8        S/H          ADP   0.9056    0.7701    1.0868 0.7227 1.183
9        S/H         TRAP   0.9107    0.5928    1.3566 0.4683 1.647
> par(mfrow=c(3,1)); plot(interv3)
null device 