Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Make an incidence plot from simulated data.
plot_simuDataR Documentation

Make an incidence plot from simulated data.


Create an incidence plot ordered by follow-up time from a survival data simulated.


plot_simuData(data, title="Sample Survival Data")



A dataframe of survival data containing the following columns: id, start, stop, status, x


Title of the graph


This makes the incidence plot of the survival data based on the input dataframe from the tdSim.method1 or tdSim.method2 function. More generally, this function would also works with a dataframe containing survival data with the same columns name as indicated above.


Danyi Xiong, Teeranan Pokaprakarn, Hiroto Udagawa, Nusrat Rabbee
Maintainer: Nusrat Rabbee <>


dat <- tdSim.method2(500, duration=24,lambda12=1.3,lambda23=0.04, 
    lambda13=0.03, exp.prop=0.2,rateC=0.05, min.futime=4, min.postexp.futime=4)
plot_simuData(dat, title='method2_filter')


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> library(SimHaz)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/SimHaz/plot_simuData.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot_simuData
> ### Title: Make an incidence plot from simulated data.
> ### Aliases: plot_simuData
> ### Keywords: Plot
> ### ** Examples
> dat <- tdSim.method2(500, duration=24,lambda12=1.3,lambda23=0.04, 
+     lambda13=0.03, exp.prop=0.2,rateC=0.05, min.futime=4, min.postexp.futime=4)
> plot_simuData(dat, title='method2_filter')
null device 