Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Class '"siminf_model"'
siminf_model-classR Documentation

Class "siminf_model"


Class to handle the siminf data model



Dependency graph that indicates the transition rates that need to be updated after a given state transition has occured. A non-zero entry in element G[i, i] indicates that transition rate i needs to be recalculated if the state transition j occurs. Sparse matrix (Nt \times Nt) of object class "dgCMatrix".


Each column corresponds to a state transition, and execution of state transition j amounts to adding the S[, j] column to the state vector u[, i] of node i where the transition occurred. Sparse matrix (Nc \times Nt) of object class "dgCMatrix".


The result matrix with the number of individuals in each compartment in every node. U[, j] contains the number of individuals in each compartment at tspan[j]. U[1:Nc, j] contains the number of individuals in node 1 at tspan[j]. U[(Nc + 1):(2 * Nc), j] contains the number of individuals in node 2 at tspan[j] etc. Integer matrix (N_n N_c \times length(tspan)).


The result matrix for the real-valued continous state. V[, j] contains the real-valued state of the system at tspan[j]. Numeric matrix (N_ndim(ldata)[1] \times length(tspan)).


A matrix with local data for the nodes. The column ldata[, j] contains the local data vector for the node j. The local data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


A numeric vector with global data that is common to all nodes. The global data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


Each node can be assigned to a sub-domain. Integer vector of length Nn.


A vector of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned.


The initial state vector (N_c \times N_n) with the number of individuals in each compartment in every node.


The initial value for the real-valued continuous state. Numeric matrix (dim(ldata)[1] \times N_n).


Scheduled events "scheduled_events"
