Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Analytic model solutions for fluorescence intensity
analyticSolutionsR Documentation

Analytic model solutions for fluorescence intensity


Time-dependent and steady-state analytic solution to one-step model for number of mature fluorophores. Where f is given as a parameter the returned value is transformed from a molecular population into a fluorescence intensity. For the function names, 0 refers to the dark population of non-mature fluorophores, and 1 to the mature, fluorescent population. 'ss' indicates steady-state solutions. tss is the time required to reach steady-state.


tss(m, k)
x0ss(p, m, k)
x1(p, m, k, t, f=1)
x1ss(p, m, k, f=1)
x1fretFP1(p, m1, m2, k, t, E=0, f=1)
x1fretFP1ss(p, m1, m2, k, E=0, f=1)



Protein production rate (molecules produced per unit time).


Maturation rate of fluorophore, which can be for either FP1 or FP2 (convert to maturation time with log(2)/m).


Maturation rate of FP1.


Maturation rate of FP2.


Protein degradation rate (convert to half-life with log(2)/k).


Time (must be non-negative).


FRET coefficient representing energy transfer from FP1 to FP2.


Proportionality factor relating intensity to the number of molecules. When equal to one then the readout is number of molecules directly.


A numeric specifying the model solution for the given parameters.


Joseph D. Barry


t0 <- seq(0.001, 1000, by=0.1)
plot(t0, x1(p=10, m=log(2)/5, k=log(2)/100, t=t0), type="l", col="darkgreen", 
    lwd=2, xlab="Time (min)", ylab="Number of mature fluorophores", cex.lab=1.4)


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> library(TimerQuant)
Loading required package: shiny
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/TimerQuant/x1.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: analyticSolutions
> ### Title: Analytic model solutions for fluorescence intensity
> ### Aliases: tss x0ss x1 x1ss x1fretFP1 x1fretFP1ss
> ### Keywords: x1
> ### ** Examples
> t0 <- seq(0.001, 1000, by=0.1)
> plot(t0, x1(p=10, m=log(2)/5, k=log(2)/100, t=t0), type="l", col="darkgreen", 
+     lwd=2, xlab="Time (min)", ylab="Number of mature fluorophores", cex.lab=1.4)
null device 