Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate the posterior average for indicators of concordant...
calculatePosteriorAvgR Documentation

Calculate the posterior average for indicators of concordant and discordant differential expression


This function calculates the posterior average for indicators of concordant and discordant differential expression from the saved log files. See details.


calculatePosteriorAvg(object, NCONC=2, NDIFF=1, burnin=0)



Object of class XdeMcmc


Integer: number of studies for which the gene must be differentially expressed (in the same direction) to be classified as concordant differential expression


Integer: number of studies for which a gene must be up- or down-regulated to be classified as differentially expressed. It is the union of concordant and discordant differential expression.


Integer: number of MCMC iterations for the burnin. Posterior means are computed from the MCMC samples following burnin.


For each iteration,

1. calculate the sign of delta * Delta

2. For each gene, compute the number of positive signs (P) and the number of negative signs (N) (a G x 2 matrix, where G is the number of genes in common across all studies). P + N is <= S, where S is the number of studies.

3. for a given gene, the discordant indicator is simply when P * N is nonzero.

4. The concordant indicator requires P * N = 0 AND P + N >= NCONC, where NCONC is specified by the user.

5. differential expression is simply | P | + | N | >= NDIFF. By default, NDIFF is 1 but can be user-specified.

The posterior average is then computed from the mean over all MCMC iterations.


A G x 3 matrix.



See Also

