Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate the log likelihood of a smoothing spline given the...
likelihood.smooth.splineR Documentation

Calculate the log likelihood of a smoothing spline given the data


Calculate the (log) likelihood of a spline given the data used to fit the spline, g. The likelihood consists of two main parts: 1) (weighted) residuals sum of squares, and 2) a penalty term. The penalty term consists of a smoothing parameter lambda and a roughness measure of the spline J(g) = int g''(t) dt. Hence, the overall log likelihood is

log L(g|x) = (y-g(x))'W(y-g(x)) + λ J(g)

In addition to the overall likelihood, all its seperate components are also returned.

Note: when fitting a smooth spline with (x,y) values where the x's are not unique, smooth.spline will replace such (x,y)'s with a new pair (x,y') where y' is a reweighted average on the original y's. It is important to be aware of this. In such cases, the resulting smooth.spline object does not contain all (x,y)'s and therefore this function will not calculate the weighted residuals sum of square on the original data set, but on the data set with unique x's. See examples below how to calculate the likelihood for the spline with the original data.


## S3 method for class 'smooth.spline'
likelihood(object, x=NULL, y=NULL, w=NULL, base=exp(1),
  rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^(1/8), ...)



The smooth.spline object.

x, y

The x and y values for which the (weighted) likelihood will be calculated. If x is of type xy.coords any value of argument y will be omitted. If x==NULL, the x and y values of the smoothing spline will be used.


The weights for which the (weighted) likelihood will be calculated. If NULL, weights equal to one are assumed.


The base of the logarithm of the likelihood. If NULL, the non-logged likelihood is returned.


The relative tolerance used in the call to integrate.


Not used.


The roughness penalty for the smoothing spline, g, fitted from data in the interval [a,b] is defined as

J(g) = int_a^b g''(t) dt

which is the same as

J(g) = g'(b) - g'(a)

The latter is calculated internally by using predict.smooth.spline.


Returns the overall (log) likelihood of class SmoothSplineLikelihood, a class with the following attributes:


the (weighted) residual sum of square


the penalty which is equal to -lambda*roughness.


the smoothing parameter


the value of the roughness functional given the specific smoothing spline and the range of data


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

smooth.spline and robustSmoothSpline().


# Define f(x)
f <- expression(0.1*x^4 + 1*x^3 + 2*x^2 + x + 10*sin(2*x))

# Simulate data from this function in the range [a,b]
a <- -2; b <- 5
x <- seq(a, b, length=3000)
y <- eval(f)

# Add some noise to the data
y <- y + rnorm(length(y), 0, 10)

# Plot the function and its second derivative
plot(x,y, type="l", lwd=4)

# Fit a cubic smoothing spline and plot it
g <- smooth.spline(x,y, df=16)
lines(g, col="yellow", lwd=2, lty=2)

# Calculating the (log) likelihood of the fitted spline
l <- likelihood(g)

cat("Log likelihood with unique x values:\n")

# Note that this is not the same as the log likelihood of the
# data on the fitted spline iff the x values are non-unique
x[1:5] <- x[1]  # Non-unique x values
g <- smooth.spline(x,y, df=16)
l <- likelihood(g)

cat("\nLog likelihood of the *spline* data set:\n");

# In cases with non unique x values one has to proceed as
# below if one want to get the log likelihood for the original
# data.
l <- likelihood(g, x=x, y=y)
cat("\nLog likelihood of the *original* data set:\n");


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> library(aroma.light)
aroma.light v3.2.0 (2016-01-06) successfully loaded. See ?aroma.light for help.
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/aroma.light/likelihood.smooth.spline.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: likelihood.smooth.spline
> ### Title: Calculate the log likelihood of a smoothing spline given the
> ###   data
> ### Aliases: likelihood.smooth.spline
> ### Keywords: methods smooth internal
> ### ** Examples
> # Define f(x)
> f <- expression(0.1*x^4 + 1*x^3 + 2*x^2 + x + 10*sin(2*x))
> # Simulate data from this function in the range [a,b]
> a <- -2; b <- 5
> x <- seq(a, b, length=3000)
> y <- eval(f)
> # Add some noise to the data
> y <- y + rnorm(length(y), 0, 10)
> # Plot the function and its second derivative
> plot(x,y, type="l", lwd=4)
> # Fit a cubic smoothing spline and plot it
> g <- smooth.spline(x,y, df=16)
> lines(g, col="yellow", lwd=2, lty=2)
> # Calculating the (log) likelihood of the fitted spline
> l <- likelihood(g)
> cat("Log likelihood with unique x values:\n")
Log likelihood with unique x values:
> print(l)
Likelihood of smoothing spline: -293865.1 
 Log base: 2.718282 
 Weighted residuals sum of square: 293865.2 
 Penalty: -0.1210083 
 Smoothing parameter lambda: 0.0009257147 
 Roughness score: 130.7187 
> # Note that this is not the same as the log likelihood of the
> # data on the fitted spline iff the x values are non-unique
> x[1:5] <- x[1]  # Non-unique x values
> g <- smooth.spline(x,y, df=16)
> l <- likelihood(g)
> cat("\nLog likelihood of the *spline* data set:\n");

Log likelihood of the *spline* data set:
> print(l)
Likelihood of smoothing spline: -293228.5 
 Log base: 2.718282 
 Weighted residuals sum of square: 293228.6 
 Penalty: -0.1210751 
 Smoothing parameter lambda: 0.0009261969 
 Roughness score: 130.7229 
> # In cases with non unique x values one has to proceed as
> # below if one want to get the log likelihood for the original
> # data.
> l <- likelihood(g, x=x, y=y)
> cat("\nLog likelihood of the *original* data set:\n");

Log likelihood of the *original* data set:
> print(l)
Likelihood of smoothing spline: -293864.2 
 Log base: 2.718282 
 Weighted residuals sum of square: 293864.3 
 Penalty: -0.1210758 
 Smoothing parameter lambda: 0.0009261969 
 Roughness score: 130.7236 
null device 