Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: cluster assembled transcripts and plot the results
plotLatentTranscriptsR Documentation

cluster assembled transcripts and plot the results


This is an experimental, first-pass function that clusters assembled transcripts based on their overlap percentage, then plots and colors the transcript clusters.


plotLatentTranscripts(gene, gown, method = c("hclust", "kmeans"), k = NULL,
  choosek = c("var90", "thumb"), returncluster = TRUE,
  labelTranscripts = TRUE, ...)



string, name of gene whose transcripts should be clustered (e.g., "XLOC_000001")


object of class ballgown being used for analysis


clustering method to use. Currently can choose from hierarchical clustering (hclust) or K-means (kmeans). More methods are in development.


number of transcripts clusters to use. By default, k is NULL and thus is chosen using a rule of thumb, but providing k overrides those rules of thumb.


if k is not provided, how should the number of clusters be chosen? Must be one of "var90" (choose a k that explains 90 percent of the observed variation) or "thumb" (k is set to be approximately sqrt(n), where n is the total number of transcripts for gene)


if TRUE (as it is by default), return the results of the call to clusterTrancsripts so the data is available for later use. Nothing is returned if FALSE.


if TRUE (as it is by default), print transcript IDs on the y-axis


other arguments to pass to plotTranscripts


if returncluster is TRUE, the transcript clusters are returned as described in clusterTranscripts. A plot of the transcript clusters is also produced, in the style of plotTranscripts.


Alyssa Frazee

See Also

clusterTranscripts, plotTranscripts


plotLatentTranscripts('XLOC_000454', bg, method='kmeans', k=2)


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> library(ballgown)

Attaching package: 'ballgown'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/ballgown/plotLatentTranscripts.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotLatentTranscripts
> ### Title: cluster assembled transcripts and plot the results
> ### Aliases: plotLatentTranscripts
> ### ** Examples
> ## No test: 
> data(bg)
> plotLatentTranscripts('XLOC_000454', bg, method='kmeans', k=2)
  cluster t_id
1       1 1294
2       2 1297
3       1 1301

[1] 0.9117737

> ## End(No test)
null device 