Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Tidying methods for a qvalue object
qvalue_tidiersR Documentation

Tidying methods for a qvalue object


These are methods for turning a qvalue object, from the qvalue package for false discovery rate control, into a tidy data frame. augment returns a data.frame of the original p-values combined with the computed q-values and local false discovery rates, tidy constructs a table showing how the estimate of pi0 (the proportion of true nulls) depends on the choice of the tuning parameter lambda, and glance returns a data.frame with only the chosen pi0 value.


## S3 method for class 'qvalue'
tidy(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'qvalue'
augment(x, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'qvalue'
glance(x, ...)



qvalue object


extra arguments (not used)


Original data


All tidying methods return a data.frame without rownames. The structure depends on the method chosen.

tidy returns one row for each choice of the tuning parameter lambda that was considered (argument lambda to qvalue), containing


the tuning parameter


corresponding estimate of pi0


whether the estimate has been spline-smoothed)

If pi0.method="smooth", the pi0 estimates and smoothed values both appear in the table. If pi0.method="bootstrap", smoothed is FALSE for all entries.

augment returns a data.frame with


the original p-values given to qvalue


the computed q-values


the local false discovery rate

glance returns a one-row data.frame containing


the estimated pi0 (proportion of nulls)


lambda used to compute pi0. Note that if pi0 is 1, this may be NA since it can be ambiguous which lambda was used


if (require("qvalue")) {

# generate p-values from many one sample t-tests: half of them null
oracle <- rep(c(0, .5), each=1000)
pvals <- sapply(oracle, function(mu) t.test(rnorm(15, mu))$p.value)

q <- qvalue(pvals)


# use augmented data to compare p-values to q-values
ggplot(augment(q), aes(p.value, q.value)) + geom_point()

# use tidy see how pi0 estimate changes with lambda, comparing
# to smoothed version
g <- ggplot(tidy(q), aes(lambda, pi0, color=smoothed)) + geom_line()

# show the chosen value
g + geom_hline(yintercept=q$pi0, lty=2)


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> library(biobroom)
Loading required package: broom
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/biobroom/qvalue_tidiers.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: qvalue_tidiers
> ### Title: Tidying methods for a qvalue object
> ### Aliases: augment.qvalue glance.qvalue qvalue_tidiers tidy.qvalue
> ### ** Examples
> library(ggplot2)
> if (require("qvalue")) {
+ set.seed(2014)
+ # generate p-values from many one sample t-tests: half of them null
+ oracle <- rep(c(0, .5), each=1000)
+ pvals <- sapply(oracle, function(mu) t.test(rnorm(15, mu))$p.value)
+ qplot(pvals)
+ q <- qvalue(pvals)
+ tidy(q)
+ head(augment(q))
+ glance(q)
+ # use augmented data to compare p-values to q-values
+ ggplot(augment(q), aes(p.value, q.value)) + geom_point()
+ # use tidy see how pi0 estimate changes with lambda, comparing
+ # to smoothed version
+ g <- ggplot(tidy(q), aes(lambda, pi0, color=smoothed)) + geom_line()
+ g
+ # show the chosen value
+ g + geom_hline(yintercept=q$pi0, lty=2)
+ }
Loading required package: qvalue
null device 