Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: 'probNonEquiv' performs a Bayesian hypothesis test for...
probNonEquivR Documentation

probNonEquiv performs a Bayesian hypothesis test for equivalence between group means. It returns the posterior probability that |mu1-mu2|>logfc. pvalTreat is a wrapper to treat in package limma, which returns P-values for the same hypothesis test.


probNonEquiv computes v_i=P(|theta_i| > logfc | data), where theta_i is the difference between group means for gene i. This posterior probability is based on the NNGCV model from package EBarrays, which has a formulation similar to limma in an empirical Bayes framework. Notice that the null hypothesis here is that |theta_i|<logfc, e.g. isoforms with small fold changes are regarded as uninteresting.

Subsequent differential expression calls are based on selecting large v_i. For instance, selecting v_i >= 0.95 guarantees that the posterior expected false discovery proportion (a Bayesian FDR analog) is below 0.05.


probNonEquiv(x, groups, logfc = log(2), minCount, method = "plugin", mc.cores=1)

pvalTreat(x, groups, logfc = log(2), minCount, p.adjust.method='none', mc.cores = 1) 



ExpressionSet containing expression levels, or list of ExpressionSets


Variable in fData(x) indicating the two groups to compare (the case with more than 2 groups is not implemented).


Biologically relevant threshold for the log fold change, i.e. difference between groups means in log-scale


If specified, probabilities are only computed for rows with fData(x)$readCount >= minCount


Set to 'exact' for exact posterior probabilities (slower), 'plugin' for plug-in approximation (much faster). Typically both give very similar results.


Number of parallel processors to use. Ignored unless x is a list.


P-value adjustment method, passed on to p.adjust


If x is a single ExpressionSet, probNonEquiv returns a vector with posterior probabilities (NA for rows with less than minCount reads). pvalTreat returns TREAT P-values instead.

If x is a list of ExpressionSet, the function is applied to each element separately and results are returned as columns in the output matrix.


Victor Pena, David Rossell


Rossell D, Stephan-Otto Attolini C, Kroiss M, Stocker A. Quantifying Alternative Splicing from Paired-End RNA-sequencing data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 8(1):309-330

McCarthy DJ, Smyth GK. Testing significance relative to a fold-change threshold is a TREAT. Bioinformatics, 25(6):765-771

See Also

treat in package limma, p.adjust


  #Simulate toy data
  p <- 50; n <- 10
  x <- matrix(rnorm(p*2*n),nrow=p)
  x[(p-10):p,1:n] <- x[(p-10):p,1:n] + 1.5
  x <- new("ExpressionSet",exprs=x)
  x$group <- rep(c('group1','group2'),each=n)

  #Posterior probabilities
  pp <- probNonEquiv(x, groups='group', logfc=0.5)
  d <- rowMeans(exprs(x[,1:n])) - rowMeans(exprs(x[,-1:-n]))
  plot(d,pp,xlab='Observed log-FC')

  #Check false positives
  truth <- rep(c(FALSE,TRUE),c(p-11,11))
  getRoc(truth, pp>.9)
  getRoc(truth, pp>.5)


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    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

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    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
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Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    colMeans, colSums, expand.grid, rowMeans, rowSums

Loading required package: GenomicRanges
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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/casper/probNonEquiv.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: probNonEquiv
> ### Title: 'probNonEquiv' performs a Bayesian hypothesis test for
> ###   equivalence between group means.  It returns the posterior
> ###   probability that |mu1-mu2|>logfc. 'pvalTreat' is a wrapper to 'treat'
> ###   in package 'limma', which returns P-values for the same hypothesis
> ###   test.
> ### Aliases: probNonEquiv probNonEquiv,ExpressionSet-method
> ###   probNonEquiv,list-method pvalTreat pvalTreat,ExpressionSet-method
> ###   pvalTreat,list-method
> ### Keywords: models htest
> ### ** Examples
>   #Simulate toy data
>   p <- 50; n <- 10
>   x <- matrix(rnorm(p*2*n),nrow=p)
>   x[(p-10):p,1:n] <- x[(p-10):p,1:n] + 1.5
>   x <- new("ExpressionSet",exprs=x)
>   x$group <- rep(c('group1','group2'),each=n)
>   #Posterior probabilities
>   pp <- probNonEquiv(x, groups='group', logfc=0.5)
>   d <- rowMeans(exprs(x[,1:n])) - rowMeans(exprs(x[,-1:-n]))
>   plot(d,pp,xlab='Observed log-FC')
>   abline(v=c(-.5,.5))
>   #Check false positives
>   truth <- rep(c(FALSE,TRUE),c(p-11,11))
>   getRoc(truth, pp>.9)
  tp fp tn fn p fdr       pow
1  6  0 39  5 6   0 0.5454545
>   getRoc(truth, pp>.5)
  tp fp tn fn  p  fdr       pow
1  9  3 36  2 12 0.25 0.8181818
null device 