Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Creates an object of class "ROC" which can be plotted as a...
ROCR Documentation

Creates an object of class "ROC" which can be plotted as a ROC curve


The function ROC construct an object of S3 class ROC, which represents a receiver-operator-characteristic curve, from the data of the annotated positive and negative controls in a scored cellHTS object.


ROC(x, positives, negatives)
## S3 method for class 'ROC'
plot(x, col="darkblue", type="l", main = "ROC curve", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ROC'
lines(x, ...)



a cellHTS object that has already been scored (see details).


a list or vector of regular expressions specifying the name of the positive controls. See the details for the argument posControls of writeReport function.


a vector of regular expressions specifying the name of the negative controls. See the details for the argument negControls of writeReport function.


the graphical parameter for color; see par for details.


the graphical parameter giving the type of plot desired; see par for details.


the graphical parameter giving the desired title of plot; see par for details.


other graphical parameters as in par may be also passed as arguments.


The cellHTS object x must contain a slot called score, and selection proceeds from large to small values of this score. Furthermore, x is expected to contain positive and negative controls annotated in the slot wellAnno with the values of the arguments positives and negatives, respectively. If the assay is a two-way experiment, positives should be a list with components act and inh, specifying the name of the activators, and inhibitors, respectively. In this case, the ROC cureve is constructed based on the absolute values of x$score.


An S3 object of class ROC. There are methods plot.ROC and lines.ROC.


Ligia P. Bras


    ## Not run: 
    x <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, normalizationMethod="median", zscore="-")
    x <- summarizeReplicates(x)
    y <- ROC(x)
## End(Not run)


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> library(cellHTS)
Loading required package: grid
Warning message:
Package 'cellHTS' is deprecated and will be removed from Bioconductor
  version 3.4. Please consider using 'cellHTS2' which offers better
  functionality for working with multiple screens and with
  multi-channel screens. 
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/cellHTS/ROC.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ROC
> ### Title: Creates an object of class "ROC" which can be plotted as a ROC
> ###   curve
> ### Aliases: ROC plot.ROC lines.ROC
> ### Keywords: univar
> ### ** Examples
>     data(KcViabSmall)
>     ## Not run: 
> ##D     x <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, normalizationMethod="median", zscore="-")
> ##D     x <- summarizeReplicates(x)
> ##D     y <- ROC(x)
> ##D     plot(y)
> ##D     lines(y)
> ##D     
> ## End(Not run)
null device 