Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Check names to comply to specific rules
checkNamesR Documentation

Check names to comply to specific rules


Similar to checkNamed but you can pass the names directly.


checkNames(x, type = "named")

check_names(x, type = "named")

assertNames(x, type = "named", = vname(x), add = NULL)

assert_names(x, type = "named", = vname(x), add = NULL)

testNames(x, type = "named")

test_names(x, type = "named")

expect_names(x, type = "named", info = NULL, label = vname(x))



[character || NULL]
Names to check using rules defined via type.


Select the check(s) to perform. “unnamed” checks x to be NULL. “named” (default) checks x for regular names which excludes names to be NA or empty (""). “unique” additionally tests for non-duplicated names. “strict” checks for unique names which comply to R's variable name restrictions. Note that you can use checkSubset to check for a specific set of names.

Name of the checked object to print in assertions. Defaults to the heuristic implemented in vname.


Collection to store assertion messages. See AssertCollection.


Extra information to be included in the message for the testthat reporter. See expect_that.


Name of the checked object to print in messages. Defaults to the heuristic implemented in vname.


Depending on the function prefix: If the check is successful, the functions return TRUE. If the check is not successful, assertNamed/assert_named throws an error message, testNamed/test_named returns FALSE, and checkNamed returns a string with the error message. The function expect_named always returns an expectation.


x = 1:3
testNames(x, "unnamed")
names(x) = letters[1:3]
testNames(x, "unique")
