Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Create a table count of clonotypes or other features.
clonotype_tableR Documentation

Create a table count of clonotypes or other features.


Using a clonotype data frame loaded with read_clonotypes, clonotype_table will create a table counting how many times each clonotypes have been seen in each libraries. By default, the unproductive rearrangements are filtered out.


clonotype_table(libs, feats=c("V","pep","J"), data, filter=(data$unproductive | data$ambiguous), minscore=0, minqual=1, sample=FALSE)



A character vector containing the name of one or many libraries. Same names must not appear twice. If no library names are provided, all the libraries present in the clonotypes data frame will be used.


What to count. By default, it counts clonotypes, defined as c("V","pep","J"). But it can also count single features, such as the V or J segments.


Data frame as loaded by read_clonotypes.


Logical vector to filter out clonotypes. By default it relies on the clonotypes data frame to provide a “unproductive” column that indicates clonotypes with a stop codon or a frame shift, and a “ambiguous” column that indicates clonotypes where the DNA sequences has ambiguous (“N”) nucleotides.


Minimum alignment score. Clonotypes with an alignment score lower than this value are discarded.


Minimum mapping quality. Clonotypes with a mapping quality lower than this value are discarded.


Indicate the number of clonotypes to randomly sample from the library (no replacement). Default: no subsampling.


clonotype_table returns a data frame, where row names are features (clonotypes, segment names, ...), column names are libraries, and values are number of times each feature was found in each library.


Charles Plessy

See Also



# Read the package's example data
clonotypes <- read_clonotypes(system.file('extdata', 'clonotypes.txt.gz', package = "clonotypeR"))

# Inspect the alignment scores

# Count J segments
j <- clonotype_table(levels(clonotypes$lib), "J", data=clonotypes)

# Normalise counts in parts per million
J <- data.frame(prop.table(as.matrix(j),2) * 1000000)


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> library(clonotypeR)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/clonotypeR/clonotype_table.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: clonotype_table
> ### Title: Create a table count of clonotypes or other features.
> ### Aliases: clonotype_table
> ### Keywords: clonotype
> ### ** Examples
> # Read the package's example data
> clonotypes <- read_clonotypes(system.file('extdata', 'clonotypes.txt.gz', package = "clonotypeR"))
> # Inspect the alignment scores
> hist(clonotypes$score)
> # Count J segments
> j <- clonotype_table(levels(clonotypes$lib), "J", data=clonotypes)
> # Normalise counts in parts per million
> J <- data.frame(prop.table(as.matrix(j),2) * 1000000)
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