Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Contingency Table Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis
CTcrqaR Documentation

Contingency Table Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis


Recurrence is calculated by means of contingency tables, and it can only be used on categorical time-series. First, it finds the common state, or categories, shared by the two-times series, then it builds up a contingency table counting the co-occurrences of stateA-stateB between the two-series. The diagonal of the CT is where the recurrence profile is calculated, as along the diagonal, the states are identical.


 CTcrqa(ts1, ts2, par) 



First time-series


Second time-series


A list of arguments to pass to the function: datatype = a string specifying whether the time-series is 'numerical' or 'categorical'. thrshd = a constant indicating the maximum difference between time-series lenghts that is tollerated. lags = a numerical vector for the delays, e.g., seq(1,100, 1)


A cross-recurrence profile of the two time-series with length equal to the number of delays considered


For every delay, a full co-occurence matrices of the states of the two-series is obtained. At the moment, only the diagonal is used. However, the function could also be used to track the probability of encountering states for the different delays.


Moreno I. Coco (


Dale, R., Warlaumont, A. S. and Richardson, D. C. (2011). Nominal cross recurrence as a generalized lag sequential analysis for behavioral streams. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 21, 1153-1161. (special issue on recurrence)

See Also



## simulate two dichotomous series
tS = simts(0.25, 0.05, 0.2, 0.2, 0.25, 50)
ts1 = tS[1,]; ts2 = tS[2,]

## check data(crqa) for alternative data
## (e.g., RDts1, RDts2)

par = list(lags = seq(1, 40, 1), datatype = "categorical", thrshd = 8);
res = CTcrqa(ts1, ts2, par)

## show profile

plot(seq(1,length(res),1), res, xlab = "Delays",
ylab = "Recurrence", type = "l", lwd = 3)
