Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes
adaptIntegrateR Documentation

Adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes


The function performs adaptive multidimensional integration (cubature) of (possibly) vector-valued integrands over hypercubes.


adaptIntegrate(f, lowerLimit, upperLimit, ..., tol = 1e-05, fDim = 1,
               maxEval = 0, absError=0, doChecking=FALSE)



The function (integrand) to be integrated


The lower limit of integration, a vector for hypercubes


The upper limit of integration, a vector for hypercubes


All other arguments passed to the function f


The maximum tolerance, default 1e-5.


The dimension of the integrand, default 1, bears no relation to the dimension of the hypercube


The maximum number of function evaluations needed, default 0 implying no limit


The maximum absolute error tolerated


A flag to be a bit anal about checking inputs to C routines. A FALSE value results in approximately 9 percent speed gain in our experiments. Your mileage will of course vary. Default value is FALSE.


The function merely calls Johnson's C code and returns the results. The original C code by Johnson was modified for use with R memory allocation functions and a helper function does the callback.

One can specify a maximum number of function evaluations (default is 0 for no limit). Otherwise, the integration stops when the estimated error is less than the absolute error requested, or when the estimated error is less than tol times the integral, in absolute value.


The returned value is a list of three items:


the value of the integral


the estimated relative error


the number of times the function was evaluated


the actual integer return code of the C routine


Balasubramanian Narasimhan




## Test function 0
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 2 1e-4 0 0
## 2-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 0: integral = 0.708073, est err = 1.70943e-05, true err = 7.69005e-09
## #evals = 17

testFn0 <- function(x) {

adaptIntegrate(testFn0, rep(0,2), rep(1,2), tol=1e-4)

M_2_SQRTPI <- 2/sqrt(pi)

## Test function 1
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 3 1e-4 1 0
## 3-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 1: integral = 1.00001, est err = 9.67798e-05, true err = 9.76919e-06
## #evals = 5115

testFn1 <- function(x) {
  scale = 1.0
  val = 0
  dim = length(x)
  val = sum (((1-x) / x)^2)
  scale = prod(M_2_SQRTPI/x^2)
  exp(-val) * scale

adaptIntegrate(testFn1, rep(0, 3), rep(1, 3), tol=1e-4)

## Test function 2
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 2 1e-4 2 0
## 2-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 2: integral = 0.19728, est err = 1.97261e-05, true err = 4.58316e-05
## #evals = 166141

testFn2 <- function(x) {
  ## discontinuous objective: volume of hypersphere
  radius = as.double(0.50124145262344534123412)
  ifelse(sum(x*x) < radius*radius, 1, 0)

adaptIntegrate(testFn2, rep(0, 2), rep(1, 2), tol=1e-4)

## Test function 3
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 3 1e-4 3 0
## 3-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 3: integral = 1, est err = 0, true err = 2.22045e-16
## #evals = 33

testFn3 <- function(x) {

adaptIntegrate(testFn3, rep(0,3), rep(1,3), tol=1e-4)

## Test function 4 (Gaussian centered at 1/2)
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 2 1e-4 4 0
## 2-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 4: integral = 1, est err = 9.84399e-05, true err = 2.78894e-06
## #evals = 1853

testFn4 <- function(x) {
  a = 0.1
  s = sum((x-0.5)^2)
  (M_2_SQRTPI / (2. * a))^length(x) * exp (-s / (a * a))

adaptIntegrate(testFn4, rep(0,2), rep(1,2), tol=1e-4)

## Test function 5 (double Gaussian)
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 3 1e-4 5 0
## 3-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 5: integral = 0.999994, est err = 9.98015e-05, true err = 6.33407e-06
## #evals = 59631

testFn5 <- function(x) {
  a = 0.1
  s1 = sum((x-1/3)^2)
  s2 = sum((x-2/3)^2)
  0.5 * (M_2_SQRTPI / (2. * a))^length(x) * (exp(-s1 / (a * a)) + exp(-s2 / (a * a)))

adaptIntegrate(testFn5, rep(0,3), rep(1,3), tol=1e-4)

## Test function 6 (Tsuda's example)
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 4 1e-4 6 0
## 4-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 6: integral = 0.999998, est err = 9.99685e-05, true err = 1.5717e-06
## #evals = 18753

testFn6 <- function(x) {
  a = (1+sqrt(10.0))/9.0

adaptIntegrate(testFn6, rep(0,4), rep(1,4), tol=1e-4)

## Test function 7
##   test integrand from W. J. Morokoff and R. E. Caflisch, "Quasi=
##   Monte Carlo integration," J. Comput. Phys 122, 218-230 (1995).
##   Designed for integration on [0,1]^dim, integral = 1. */
## Compare with original cubature result of
## ./cubature_test 3 1e-4 7 0
## 3-dim integral, tolerance = 0.0001
## integrand 7: integral = 1.00001, est err = 9.96657e-05, true err = 1.15994e-05
## #evals = 7887

testFn7 <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  p <- 1/n
  (1+p)^n * prod(x^p)

adaptIntegrate(testFn7, rep(0,3), rep(1,3), tol=1e-4)

## Example from web page
## f(x) = exp(-0.5(euclidean_norm(x)^2)) over the three-dimensional
## hyperbcube [-2, 2]^3
## Compare with original cubature result
testFnWeb <-  function(x) {

adaptIntegrate(testFnWeb, rep(-2,3), rep(2,3), tol=1e-4)

## Test function I.1d from
## Numerical integration using Wang-Landau sampling
## Y. W. Li, T. Wust, D. P. Landau, H. Q. Lin
## Computer Physics Communications, 2007, 524-529
## Compare with exact answer: 1.63564436296
I.1d <- function(x) {
  sin(4*x) *
    x * ((x * ( x * (x*x-4) + 1) - 1))

adaptIntegrate(I.1d, -2, 2, tol=1e-7)

## Test function I.2d from
## Numerical integration using Wang-Landau sampling
## Y. W. Li, T. Wust, D. P. Landau, H. Q. Lin
## Computer Physics Communications, 2007, 524-529
## Compare with exact answer: -0.01797992646
## Test function I.2d from
## Numerical integration using Wang-Landau sampling
## Y.W. Li, T. Wust, D.P. Landau, H.Q. Lin
## Computer Physics Communications, 2007 524-529
## Compare with exact answer: -0.01797992646
I.2d <- function(x) {
  x1 = x[1]
  x2 = x[2]
  sin(4*x1+1) * cos(4*x2) * x1 * (x1*(x1*x1)^2 - x2*(x2*x2 - x1) +2)

adaptIntegrate(I.2d, rep(-1, 2), rep(1, 2), maxEval=10000)

## Example of multivariate normal integration borrowed from
## package mvtnorm (on CRAN) to check ... argument
## Compare with output of
## pmvnorm(lower=rep(-0.5, m), upper=c(1,4,2), mean=rep(0, m), corr=sigma, alg=Miwa())
##     0.3341125.  Blazing quick as well!  Ours is, not unexpectedly, much slower.
dmvnorm <- function (x, mean, sigma, log = FALSE) {
    if (is.vector(x)) {
        x <- matrix(x, ncol = length(x))
    if (missing(mean)) {
        mean <- rep(0, length = ncol(x))
    if (missing(sigma)) {
        sigma <- diag(ncol(x))
    if (NCOL(x) != NCOL(sigma)) {
        stop("x and sigma have non-conforming size")
    if (!isSymmetric(sigma, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
        check.attributes = FALSE)) {
        stop("sigma must be a symmetric matrix")
    if (length(mean) != NROW(sigma)) {
        stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
    distval <- mahalanobis(x, center = mean, cov = sigma)
    logdet <- sum(log(eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values))
    logretval <- -(ncol(x) * log(2 * pi) + logdet + distval)/2
    if (log)

m <- 3
sigma <- diag(3)
sigma[2,1] <- sigma[1, 2] <- 3/5 ; sigma[3,1] <- sigma[1, 3] <- 1/3
sigma[3,2] <- sigma[2, 3] <- 11/15
adaptIntegrate(dmvnorm, lower=rep(-0.5, m), upper=c(1,4,2),
                        mean=rep(0, m), sigma=sigma, log=FALSE,
