Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Set (/update) features to a dendrogram
setR Documentation

Set (/update) features to a dendrogram


a master function for updating various attributes and features of dendrogram objects.


set(dend, ...)

## S3 method for class 'dendrogram'
   what = c("labels",
   value, ...)
## S3 method for class 'dendlist'
set(dend, ..., which)

## S3 method for class 'data.table'



a tree (dendrogram, or dendlist)


passed to the specific function for more options.


a character indicating what is the property of the tree that should be set/updated. (see the usage and the example section for the different options)


an object with the value to set in the dendrogram tree. (the type of the value depends on the "what")


an integer vector indicating, in the case "dend" is a dendlist, on which of the trees should the modification be performed. If missing - the change will be performed on all of dends in the dendlist.


This is a wrapper function for many of the main tasks we might wish to perform on a dendrogram before plotting.

The options of by_labels_branches_col, by_labels_branches_lwd, by_labels_branches_lty have extra parameters: type, attr, TF_value. You can read more about them here: branches_attr_by_labels

The "what" parameter" can accept the following options:

  • labels - set the labels (labels<-.dendrogram)

  • labels_colors - set the labels' colors (color_labels)

  • labels_cex - set the labels' size (assign_values_to_leaves_nodePar)

  • labels_to_character - set the labels' to be characters

  • leaves_pch - set the leaves' point type (assign_values_to_leaves_nodePar)

  • leaves_cex - set the leaves' point size (assign_values_to_leaves_nodePar)

  • leaves_col - set the leaves' point color (assign_values_to_leaves_nodePar)

  • nodes_pch - set the nodes' point type (assign_values_to_nodes_nodePar)

  • nodes_cex - set the nodes' point size (assign_values_to_nodes_nodePar)

  • nodes_col - set the nodes' point color (assign_values_to_nodes_nodePar)

  • hang_leaves - hang the leaves (hang.dendrogram)

  • branches_k_color - color the branches (color_branches), a k parameter needs to be supplied.

  • branches_k_lty - updates the lwd of the branches (similar to branches_k_color), a k parameter needs to be supplied.

  • branches_col - set the color of branches (assign_values_to_branches_edgePar)

  • branches_lwd - set the line width of branches (assign_values_to_branches_edgePar)

  • branches_lty - set the line type of branches (assign_values_to_branches_edgePar)

  • by_labels_branches_col - set the color of branches with specific labels (branches_attr_by_labels)

  • by_labels_branches_lwd - set the line width of branches with specific labels (branches_attr_by_labels)

  • by_labels_branches_lty - set the line type of branches with specific labels (branches_attr_by_labels)

  • clear_branches - clear branches' attributes (remove_branches_edgePar)

  • clear_leaves - clear leaves' attributes (remove_branches_edgePar)


An updated dendrogram (or dendlist), with some change to the parameters of it

See Also

labels<-.dendrogram, labels_colors<-, hang.dendrogram, color_branches, assign_values_to_leaves_nodePar, assign_values_to_branches_edgePar, remove_branches_edgePar, remove_leaves_nodePar, noded_with_condition, branches_attr_by_labels, dendrogram


## Not run: 

ss <- sample(1:150, 10 )

# Getting the dend object
dend <- iris[ss,-5] %>% dist %>% hclust %>% as.dendrogram
dend %>% plot

dend %>% labels
dend %>% set("labels", 1:10) %>% labels
dend %>% set("labels", 1:10) %>% plot 
dend %>% set("labels_color") %>% plot 
dend %>% set("labels_col", c(1,2)) %>% plot # Works also with partial matching :)
dend %>% set("labels_cex", c(1, 1.2)) %>% plot 
dend %>% set("leaves_pch", NA) %>% plot 
dend %>% set("leaves_pch", c(1:5)) %>% plot    
dend %>% set("leaves_pch", c(19,19, NA)) %>% 
   set("leaves_cex", c(1,2)) %>% plot 
dend %>% set("leaves_pch", c(19,19, NA)) %>% 
   set("leaves_cex", c(1,2)) %>%
   set("leaves_col", c(1,1,2,2)) %>% 
dend %>% set("hang") %>% plot 

dend %>% set("branches_k_col") %>% plot 
dend %>% set("branches_k_col", c(1,2)) %>% plot 
dend %>% set("branches_k_col", c(1,2,3), k=3) %>% plot
dend %>% set("branches_k_col", k=3) %>% plot 

dend %>% set("branches_k_lty", k=3) %>% plot 
dend %>% set("branches_k_col", k=3) %>% set("branches_k_lty", k=3) %>% plot 

dend %>% set("branches_col", c(1,2, 1, 2, NA)) %>% plot
dend %>% set("branches_lwd", c(2,1,2)) %>% plot
dend %>% set("branches_lty", c(1,2,1)) %>% plot

#    clears all of the things added to the leaves
dend %>% 
   set("labels_color", c(19,19, NA)) %>% 
   set("leaves_pch", c(19,19, NA))  %>%  # plot  
   set("clear_leaves") %>% # remove all of what was done until this point
# Different order
dend %>% 
   set("leaves_pch", c(19,19, NA)) %>% 
   set("labels_color", c(19,19, NA)) %>% 
   set("clear_leaves") %>% plot

# doing this without chaining (%>%) will NOT be fun:
dend %>% 
   set("labels", 1:10) %>%
   set("labels_color") %>%
   set("branches_col", c(1,2, 1, 2, NA)) %>%
   set("branches_lwd", c(2,1,2)) %>%
   set("branches_lty", c(1,2,1)) %>%
   set("hang") %>%

# Examples for: by_labels_branches_col, by_labels_branches_lwd, by_labels_branches_lty

old_labels <- labels(dend)
dend %>% 
   set("labels", seq_len(nleaves(dend))) %>% 
   set("by_labels_branches_col", c(1:4, 7)) %>% 
   set("by_labels_branches_lwd", c(1:4, 7)) %>% 
   set("by_labels_branches_lty", c(1:4, 7)) %>% 
   set("labels", old_labels) %>% 

dend %>% 
   set("labels", seq_len(nleaves(dend))) %>% 
   set("by_labels_branches_col", c(1:4, 7), type = "any", TF_values = c(4,2)) %>% 
   set("by_labels_branches_lwd", c(1:4, 7), type = "all", TF_values = c(4,1)) %>% 
   set("by_labels_branches_lty", c(1:4, 7), TF_values = c(4,1)) %>% 

# A few dendlist examples:
dendlist(dend,dend) %>% set("hang") %>% plot
dendlist(dend,dend) %>% set("branches_k_col", k=3) %>% plot
dendlist(dend,dend) %>% set("labels_col", c(1,2)) %>% plot

dendlist(dend,dend) %>% 
   set("hang") %>%
   set("labels_col", c(1,2), which = 1) %>% 
   set("branches_k_col", k=3, which = 2) %>%
   set("labels_cex", 1.2) %>%

# example of modifying the dendrogram in a heatmap:

x  <- as.matrix(mtcars)
rc <- rainbow(nrow(x), start=0, end=.3)
cc <- rainbow(ncol(x), start=0, end=.3)

##' demonstrate the effect of row and column dendrogram options
Rowv_dend <- x %>% dist %>% hclust %>% 
   as.dendrogram %>% 
   set("branches_k", k = 3) %>% 
   set("branches_lwd", 2) %>%  ladderize # rotate_DendSer
Colv_dend <- t(x) %>% dist %>% hclust %>% 
   as.dendrogram %>% 
   set("branches_k", k = 3) %>% 
   set("branches_lwd", 2) %>%  ladderize # rotate_DendSer
heatmap.2(x, Rowv = Rowv_dend, Colv = Colv_dend)  

## End(Not run)
