Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Density regions based on normal distributions
densregion.normalR Documentation

Density regions based on normal distributions


Adds a density region to an existing plot of a normally-distributed quantity with continuously-varying mean and standard deviation, such as a time series forecast. Automatically computes a reasonable set of ordinates to evaluate the density at, which span the whole forecast space.


## S3 method for class 'normal'
densregion(x, mean, sd, ny=20, ...)



Suppose the continuously-varying quantity varies over a space S. x is a vector of the points in S at which the posterior / predictive / fiducial distribution will be evaluated.


Vector of normal means at each point in x.


Vector of standard deviations at each point in x.


Minimum number of points to calculate the density at for each x. The density is calculated for at least ny equally spaced normal quantiles for each point. The density is actually calculated at the union over x of all such points, for each x.


Further arguments passed to densregion.


The plot is shaded by interpolating the value of the density between grid points, using the algorithm described by Cleveland (1993) as implemented in the filled.contour function.


Christopher Jackson <>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

Cleveland, W. S. (1993) Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit, New Jersey.

See Also

densregion, densregion.survfit, denstrip


## Time series forecasting

(fit <- arima(USAccDeaths, order = c(0,1,1),
              seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1))))
pred <- predict(fit, n.ahead = 36)
plot(USAccDeaths, xlim=c(1973, 1982), ylim=c(5000, 15000))

## Compute normal forecast densities automatically (slow)

densregion.normal(time(pred$pred), pred$pred, pred$se, 
                  pointwise=TRUE, colmax="darkgreen")
lines(pred$pred, lty=2)
lines(pred$pred + qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)
lines(pred$pred - qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)

## Compute forecast densities by hand (more efficient) 

nx <- length(pred$pred)
y <- seq(5000, 15000, by=100)
z <- matrix(nrow=nx, ncol=length(y))
for(i in 1:nx)
    z[i,] <- dnorm(y, pred$pred[i], pred$se[i])
plot(USAccDeaths, xlim=c(1973, 1982), ylim=c(5000, 15000))
densregion(time(pred$pred), y, z, colmax="darkgreen", pointwise=TRUE)
lines(pred$pred, lty=2)
lines(pred$pred + qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)
lines(pred$pred - qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)

densregion(time(pred$pred), y+2000, z, colmax="darkblue", pointwise=TRUE)
