Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Quantile forecasts at observation locations
quantileForecastR Documentation

Quantile forecasts at observation locations


Computes quantiles for the probability distribution function (PDF) for ensemble forecasting models.


quantileForecast(fit, ensembleData, quantiles = 0.5, dates = NULL, ...)



A model fit to ensemble forecasting data.


An ensembleData object that includes ensemble forecasts, verification observations and possibly dates. Missing values (indicated by NA) are allowed. This need not be the data used for the model fit, although it must include the same ensemble members.


The vector of desired quantiles for the PDF of the EMOS model.


The dates for which the quantile forecasts will be computed. These dates must be consistent with fit and ensembleData. The default is to use all of the dates in fit. If ensembleData does not include dates, they will be inferred from fit and dates.


Included for generic function compatibility.


This method is generic, and can be applied to any ensemble forecasting model.
Note the model may have been applied to a power transformation of the data, but that information is included in the input fit, and the output is transformed appropriately.
This can be used to compute prediction intervals for the PDF.


A matrix of forecasts corresponding to the desired quantiles.


T. Gneiting, A. E. Raftery, A. H. Westveld and T. Goldman, Calibrated probabilistic forecasting using ensemble model output statistics and minimum CRPS estimation. Monthly Weather Review 133:1098–1118, 2005.

See Also

ensembleMOS, fitMOS, cdf



  ensMemNames <- c("gfs","cmcg","eta","gasp","jma","ngps","tcwb","ukmo")

  tempTestData <- ensembleData( forecasts = ensMOStest[,ensMemNames],
                                dates = ensMOStest[,"vdate"],
                                observations = ensMOStest[,"obs"],
                                station = ensMOStest[,"station"],
                                forecastHour = 48,
                                initializationTime = "00")

  tempTestFit <- ensembleMOSnormal( tempTestData, trainingDays = 30)

  tempTestForc <- quantileForecast( tempTestFit, tempTestData)

## Not run:  # R check


  labels <- c("CMCG","ETA","GASP","GFS","JMA","NGPS","TCWB","UKMO")

  srftData <- ensembleData( forecasts = srft[ ,labels],
                            dates = srft$date,
                            observations = srft$obs,
                            latitude = srft$lat,
                            longitude = srft$lon,
                            forecastHour = 48,
                            initializationTime = "00")

  srftFit <- ensembleMOSnormal(srftData, date = "2004012900",
                               trainingDays = 25)


  srftGridData <- ensembleData(forecasts = srftGrid[ ,labels],
                               latitude = srftGrid$lat,
                               longitude = srftGrid$lon,
                               forecastHour = 48,
                               initializationTime = "00")

  srftGridForc <- quantileForecast( srftFit, srftGridData,
                     date = "2004012900")

## End(Not run)
