Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Dirichlet Prior Bayesian Estimators of Entropy, Mutual...
entropy.DirichletR Documentation

Dirichlet Prior Bayesian Estimators of Entropy, Mutual Information and Other Related Quantities


freqs.Dirichlet computes the Bayesian estimates of the bin frequencies using the Dirichlet-multinomial pseudocount model.

entropy.Dirichlet estimates the Shannon entropy H of the random variable Y from the corresponding observed counts y by plug-in of Bayesian estimates of the bin frequencies using the Dirichlet-multinomial pseudocount model.

KL.Dirichlet computes a Bayesian estimate of the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence from counts y1 and y2.

chi2.Dirichlet computes a Bayesian version of the chi-squared statistic from counts y1 and y2.

mi.Dirichlet computes a Bayesian estimate of mutual information of two random variables.

chi2indep.Dirichlet computes a Bayesian version of the chi-squared statistic of independence from a table of counts y2d.


freqs.Dirichlet(y, a)
entropy.Dirichlet(y, a, unit=c("log", "log2", "log10"))
KL.Dirichlet(y1, y2, a1, a2, unit=c("log", "log2", "log10"))
chi2.Dirichlet(y1, y2, a1, a2, unit=c("log", "log2", "log10"))
mi.Dirichlet(y2d, a, unit=c("log", "log2", "log10"))
chi2indep.Dirichlet(y2d, a, unit=c("log", "log2", "log10"))



vector of counts.


vector of counts.


vector of counts.


matrix of counts.


pseudocount per bin.


pseudocount per bin for first random variable.


pseudocount per bin for second random variable.


the unit in which entropy is measured. The default is "nats" (natural units). For computing entropy in "bits" set unit="log2".


The Dirichlet-multinomial pseudocount entropy estimator is a Bayesian plug-in estimator: in the definition of the Shannon entropy the bin probabilities are replaced by the respective Bayesian estimates of the frequencies, using a model with a Dirichlet prior and a multinomial likelihood.

The parameter a is a parameter of the Dirichlet prior, and in effect specifies the pseudocount per bin. Popular choices of a are:

  • a=0:maximum likelihood estimator (see entropy.empirical)

  • a=1/2:Jeffreys' prior; Krichevsky-Trovimov (1991) entropy estimator

  • a=1:Laplace's prior

  • a=1/length(y):Schurmann-Grassberger (1996) entropy estimator

  • a=sqrt(sum(y))/length(y):minimax prior

The pseudocount a can also be a vector so that for each bin an individual pseudocount is added.


freqs.Dirichlet returns the Bayesian estimates of the frequencies .

entropy.Dirichlet returns the Bayesian estimate of the Shannon entropy.

KL.Dirichlet returns the Bayesian estimate of the KL divergence.

chi2.Dirichlet returns the Bayesian version of the chi-squared statistic.

mi.Dirichlet returns the Bayesian estimate of the mutual information.

chi2indep.Dirichlet returns the Bayesian version of the chi-squared statistic of independence.


Korbinian Strimmer (


Agresti, A., and D. B. Hitchcock. 2005. Bayesian inference for categorical data analysis. Stat. Methods. Appl. 14:297–330.

Krichevsky, R. E., and V. K. Trofimov. 1981. The performance of universal encoding. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 27: 199-207.

Schurmann, T., and P. Grassberger. 1996. Entropy estimation of symbol sequences. Chaos 6:41-427.

See Also

entropy, entropy.shrink, entropy.empirical, entropy.plugin, mi.plugin, KL.plugin, discretize.


# load entropy library 

# a single variable

# observed counts for each bin
y = c(4, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1)  

# Dirichlet estimate of frequencies with a=1/2
freqs.Dirichlet(y, a=1/2)

# Dirichlet estimate of entropy with a=0
entropy.Dirichlet(y, a=0)

# identical to empirical estimate

# Dirichlet estimate with a=1/2 (Jeffreys' prior)
entropy.Dirichlet(y, a=1/2)

# Dirichlet estimate with a=1 (Laplace prior)
entropy.Dirichlet(y, a=1)

# Dirichlet estimate with a=1/length(y)
entropy.Dirichlet(y, a=1/length(y))

# Dirichlet estimate with a=sqrt(sum(y))/length(y)
entropy.Dirichlet(y, a=sqrt(sum(y))/length(y))

# example with two variables

# observed counts for two random variables
y1 = c(4, 2, 3, 1, 10, 4)
y2 = c(2, 3, 7, 1, 4, 3)

# Bayesian estimate of Kullback-Leibler divergence (a=1/6)
KL.Dirichlet(y1, y2, a1=1/6, a2=1/6)

# half of the corresponding chi-squared statistic
0.5*chi2.Dirichlet(y1, y2, a1=1/6, a2=1/6)

## joint distribution example

# contingency table with counts for two discrete variables
y2d = rbind( c(1,2,3), c(6,5,4) )

# Bayesian estimate of mutual information (a=1/6)
mi.Dirichlet(y2d, a=1/6)

# half of the Bayesian chi-squared statistic of independence
0.5*chi2indep.Dirichlet(y2d, a=1/6)
