Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Manage layouts within the 'futile.logger' sub-system
flog.layoutR Documentation

Manage layouts within the 'futile.logger' sub-system


Provides functions for managing layouts. Typically 'flog.layout' is only used when manually creating a logging configuration.



Used internally by lambda.r


# Get the layout function for the given logger
flog.layout(name) %::% character : Function

# Set the layout function for the given logger
flog.layout(fn, name='ROOT')

# Decorate log messages with a standard format
layout.simple(level, msg, ...)

# Generate log messages as JSON
layout.json(level, msg, ...)

# Decorate log messages using a custom format
layout.format(format, datetime.fmt="

# Show the value of a single variable layout.tracearg(level, msg, ...)


Layouts are responsible for formatting messages so they are human-readable. Similar to an appender, a layout is assigned to a logger by calling flog.layout. The flog.layout function is used internally to get the registered layout function. It is kept visible so user-level introspection is possible.

layout.simple is a pre-defined layout function that prints messages in the following format:
LEVEL [timestamp] message

This is the default layout for the ROOT logger.

layout.format allows you to specify the format string to use in printing a message. The following tokens are available.


Log level






The calling function


The message

layout.json converts the message and any additional objects provided to a JSON structure. E.g.:"Hello, world", cat='asdf')

yields something like

{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2015-03-06 19:16:02 EST","message":"Hello, world","func":"(shell)","cat":["asdf"]}

layout.tracearg is a special layout that takes a variable and prints its name and contents.


Brian Lee Yung Rowe

See Also

flog.logger flog.appender


# Set the layout for 'my.package'
flog.layout(layout.simple, name='my.package')

# Update the ROOT logger to use a custom layout
layout <- layout.format('[~l] [~t] [~n.~f] ~m')

# Create a custom logger to trace variables
flog.layout(layout.tracearg, name='tracer')
x <- 5, name='tracer')
