Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Add guards to a function to define the conditions when a...
%when%R Documentation

Add guards to a function to define the conditions when a child function will execute


The '%when%' operator defines the conditions for execution for the given function. To use a function within futile.paradigm, a guard must be defined for each child function, even if it's a default guard using TRUE. Each '%when%' clause indicates a new function variant for a given function.

The '%also%' operator specifies additional clauses that must be met to execute the given function variant. It is provided as a syntactic convenience to shorten long guards.

'%as%' is used to assign the function variant definition to the function

'%default%' is used to specify a fallback if necessary

The '%isa%' operator performs type checking.

The '%hasa%' operator checks whether an object contains a named value.

The '%hasall%' function is like '%hasa%' but returns the conjunction of the '%hasa%' results.

The 'guards' function provides introspection and displays guards defined for a function hierarchy.

To access a specific function variant, use the 'variant' function. This function takes a name as an argument, returning a function reference. The primary purpose of this is for debugging.


fn.ref %when% condition
fn.ref %also% condition
fn.ref %as% fn.def

argument %isa% type
argument %hasa% property
argument %hasall% property

guards(fn.ref, inherits = TRUE)



The function for which a guard is applied. It does not need to exist yet


An actual function definition to associate with the function variant


The conditions for dispatching to this function. This can either be an expression, a function, or vector of functions. See Details for more information


If a function is passed that has no guards, whether to search for a parent function. Typically this is safe to leave as the default


A symbol or character describing the type to match


The argument to match the type or properties with


The property or properties to look for within the object


A function name that references a specific function variant


Guards provide a mechanism for dispatching function variants consistent with the declarative style of functional programming. Using guards for dispatching has many benefits: function variants are self-contained and focus on a single task (separation of concerns), design-by-contract is inherent, data manipulation is separate from computational logic, self-documenting.

The futile.paradigm makes adoption of guards simple. A function is decorated with declarative statements, and futile.paradigm performs the necessary wiring. Any number of function variants can be attached to a given function, with each variant starting with the '%when%' operator:

<function> %when% (<logical expression>)

The guard statement tells futile.paradigm under what conditions this particular function variant should be called. This is defined by passing an expression to the guard function that operates on the arguments of the concrete function (see Examples). This expression is dynamically bound to an actual function at run-time. Guards are naturally scoped based on the number of arguments in a function. Hence only functions with the same number of arguments as were passed into the parent function will be considered for dispatching.

Named arguments passed into the parent function must match the named arguments defined in the child function. Hence, dispatching is defined by both the number of arguments and the matching named arguments, which introduces a greater level of control in dispatching than otherwise possible. In general, the built-in argument matching will Do the Right Thing w.r.t. unnamed arguments, although the first match will be the one applied, which could result in unexpected behavior if one is careless.

Each function variant has exactly one '%when%' clause. For convenience, additional conjunctive clauses (i.e. they all must resolve to true) can be attached to the variant with the '%also%' operator:

<function> %also% (<logical expression>)

The order that the function guards are defined determines the order that functions are evaluated for satisfaction of guard criteria. This behavior is typically called top-to-bottom, left-to-right evaluation. The left-to-right evaluation only applies to the explicit form when multiple function guards are defined in a vector. These details are important to understand as default functions defined too early will be greedy and no other criteria will be evaluated.

Binding an actual function definition to this particular guard sequence is done by using the %as% operator. Each variant needs at minimum a %when% statement and an %as% statement to succesfully bind a new variant to the given function.

In addition to variants with guards, the %default% operator can be used to specify a default function that is used if no function variants match when calling the function.

Another important consideration is that using the ellipsis argument is not supported in futile.paradigm. This is by design as the functional programming approach intentionally makes function arguments explicit, such that the ellipsis argument should never be needed in a child function definition.

The ' whether 'argument' is a 'type'. This is more than syntactic sugar in guard sequences as it adds a level of protective indirection when accessing type information. Note that the preferred format is to supply a raw symbol to the syntax without undue clutter.

The ' a particular named property. This operator also supports raw symbols as the argument.

Deprecated Functions The below functions are for version 1 of the futile.paradigm and are officially deprecated. They will be removed in future versions.

The 'isStrict' function is an introspective function that indicates whether the given child function has strict guards or not.

When strict guards are disabled, then only argument length will be applied as a precondition plus any conditions defined by the guards. In certain circumstances this may be desired, although in general strict guards provides greater control. Note that this feature is deprecated.


No value is returned for '%when%' nor '%also%' since these operators are used purely for their side-effects.

The 'guards' function returns a list of guard functions for each child function defined. This essentially shows the evaluation path that UseFunction will take.

The 'variant' function returns a function reference if found.

'%isa%' returns a logical value indicating whether a variable is an instance of class.

'%hasa%' returns a logical value indicating whether a property exists in an object.

'%hasall%' returns the conjunction of all '%hasa%' results for an object. This is useful if a set of properties are required for execution.


In general functions in FP do not have side-effects. This principle does not apply here since this function is used to implement the framework itself.


Brian Lee Yung Rowe

See Also

UseFunction, %must%


# Note that these are trivial examples for pedagogical purposes. Due to their
# trivial nature, most of these examples can be implemented more concisely
# using built-in R features.

# The expression must operate on arguments declared in the concrete function.
logarithm %when% is.numeric(x)
logarithm %as% function(x) logarithm(x, exp(1))

# Defaults are applied on a per-argument length basis
logarithm %when% TRUE
logarithm %as% function(x) logarithm(as.numeric(x))

logarithm %when% is.numeric(x)
logarithm %also% is.numeric(y)
logarithm %as% function(x,y) log(x, base=y)

logarithm %when% TRUE
logarithm %as% function(x,y) logarithm(as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y))

logarithm %default% function(...) cat("This is the default function\n")


# View the function variants for this abstract function

# In the futile.paradigm, the convention is to name types in PascalCase
a <- create(Apple, seeds=103)
