Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Genetic Algorithm setup
GAPermR Documentation

Genetic Algorithm setup


Setup a GAPerm object that can be used to perform a permutation-based optimization.


  GAPerm(FUN, n, popSize = 100, mutRate = 0.1,
    cxRate = 0.9, eliteRate = 0.4,
    selection = c("fitness", "uniform"),
    crossover = c("pmx"), mutation = c("swap"))



The fitness function, which should take a vector as argument and return a numeric value (See details).


The number of elements to permutate.


The population size.


The mutation rate, a numeric value between 0 and 1. When implementing a custom mutation function, this value should be one of the parameters (see details and examples).


The crossover rate, a numeric value between 0 and 1. This parameter specifies the probability of two individuals effectively exchange DNA during crossover. In case the individuals didn't crossover, the offspring is a exact copy of the parents. When implementing a custom crossover function, this value should be one of the arguments (see details and examples).


A numeric value between 0 and 1. The eliteRate * popSize best-fitted individuals will automatically be selected for the next generation.


The selection operator to be used. You can also implement a custom selection function (see details and examples).


The crossover operator to be used. You can also implement a custom crossover function (see details and examples).


The mutation operator to be used. You can also implement a custom mutation function (see details and examples).


This is the function used to configure and fine-tune a permutation-based optimization. The basic usage requires only the FUN parameter (function to be maximized), together with n (the number of elements to permutate), all the other parameters have sensible defaults.

The parameters selection, crossover and mutation can also take a custom function as argument, which needs to be in the appropriate format (see the examples). The text below explains the default behaviour for these parameters, which will be usefull if you want to override one or more genetic operators.

  • selection: The fitness option performs a fitness-proportionate selection, so that the fittest individuals will have greater chances of being selected. If you choose this option, the value returned by FUN (the fitness value) should be non-negative. The uniform option will randomly sample the individuals to mate, regardless of their fitness value. See the examples if you want to implement a custom selection function.

  • crossover: The pmx option will perform a 'partially mapped crossover' of the individuals DNA. See the references and examples if you need to implement a custom crossover function. The trick with permutation crossover is to make sure that the resulting children are valid permutations.

  • mutation: The swap option will perform a simple swap between specific gene positions, according to the mutation rate specified.


An object of class GAPerm, which you can pass as an argument to plot or summary. This object is a list with the following accessor functions:

bestFit: Returns a vector with the best fitness achieved in each generation.
meanFit: Returns a vector with the mean fitness achieved in each generation.
bestIndividual: Returns a vector with the best solution found.
evolve(h): This is the function you call to evolve your population.
You also need to specify the number of generations to evolve.
population: Returns the current population matrix.


Even, S. Algorithmic Combinatorics. The Macmillan Company, NY 1973.

Michalewicz, Zbigniew. Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs - 3rd ed.


# TSP with 10 cities around a circular pattern
 n = 10
 R = 10
 angs = seq(0, 2*pi, length = n)
 xp = R * cos(angs) + rnorm(n)
 yp = R * sin(angs) + rnorm(n)
 xp = c(xp, xp[1])
 yp = c(yp, yp[1])

 base.M = matrix(c(xp, yp), ncol = 2)
 dist.FUN = function(p)
   p = c(p, p[1])
   M.diff = diff(base.M[p, ])
   dists = apply(M.diff, 1, function(x)x[1]^2 + x[2]^2)

 ga1 = GAPerm(dist.FUN, n, popSize = 100, mutRate = 0.3)
 plot(xp, yp, type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '')
 res = ga1$bestIndividual()
 res = c(res, res[1])

 i = 1:n
 xi = base.M[res[i], 1]
 yi = base.M[res[i], 2]
 xf = base.M[res[i + 1], 1]
 yf = base.M[res[i + 1], 2]

 arrows(xi, yi, xf, yf, col = 'red', angle = 10)
 text(base.M[res, 1], base.M[res, 2], 1:n, cex = 0.9, col = 'gray20')

 # Euro tour problem (See ?optim)
 eurodistmat = as.matrix(eurodist)

 # This function will be used for the remaining examples
 distance = function(sq)
   sq = c(sq, sq[1])
   sq2 <- embed(sq, 2)
   1/sum(eurodistmat[cbind(sq2[,2], sq2[,1])])

 loc = -cmdscale(eurodist, add = TRUE)$points
 x = loc[, 1]
 y = loc[, 2]
 n = nrow(eurodistmat)

 ga2 = GAPerm(distance, n, popSize = 100, mutRate = 0.3)
 best = ga2$bestIndividual()
 best = c(best, best[1])
 best.dist = 1/max(ga2$bestFit())
 res = loc[best, ]
 i = 1:n

 plot(x, y, type = 'n', axes = FALSE, ylab = '', xlab = '')
 title ('Euro tour: TSP with 21 cities')
 mtext(paste('Best distance found:', best.dist))
 arrows(res[i, 1], res[i, 2], res[i + 1, 1], res[i + 1, 2], col = 'red', angle = 10)
 text(x, y, labels(eurodist), cex = 0.8, col = 'gray20')

 # Euro tour with custom selection
 selec.FUN = function(population, fitnessVec, nLeft)
   # Chance of being select proportional to fitness sqrt
   idxs = sample(nrow(population), nLeft, prob = sqrt(fitnessVec))

   # Just return the nLeft selected row indexes

 ga3 = GAPerm(distance, n, mutRate = 0.3, selection = selec.FUN)
 best.dist = 1/max(ga3$bestFit())
 plot(ga3, main = 'Euro tour: TSP with 21 cities')
 mtext(paste('Best distance found:', best.dist))

 # Euro tour with custom crossover
 # This is the default pmx implementation
 crossover.FUN = function(vec1, vec2, prob)
   # prob is the crossover rate
   if (runif(1) > prob)
     return(matrix(c(vec1, vec2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))

   idxs = sample(1:length(vec1), 2)
   vec1.cp = vec1

   for (i in idxs)
     other.val = vec2[i]
     vec.idx = which(vec1 == other.val)
     vec1[vec.idx] = vec1[i]
     vec1[i] = other.val

   for (i in idxs)
     other.val = vec1.cp[i]
     vec.idx = which(vec2 == other.val)
     vec2[vec.idx] = vec2[i]
     vec2[i] = other.val

   matrix(c(vec1, vec2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

 ga4 = GAPerm(distance, n, mutRate = 0.3, crossover = crossover.FUN)
 best.dist = 1/max(ga4$bestFit())
 plot(ga4, main = 'Euro tour: TSP with 21 cities')
 mtext(paste('Best distance found:', best.dist))

 # Euro tour with custom mutation
 # This is the default implementation
 mutation.FUN = function(M, mutations)
   # M - The population matrix to apply mutation
   # mutations - The number of mutations you supposed to apply, according to mutRate

   rows = sample(1:nrow(M), mutations, replace = FALSE)
   cols = t(replicate(mutations, sample(1:n, 2)))
   col1 = cols[, 1]
   col2 = cols[, 2]
   extM1 = matrix(c(rows, col1), ncol = 2)
   extM2 = matrix(c(rows, col2), ncol = 2)
   tempCol = M[extM1]
   M[extM1] = M[extM2]
   M[extM2] = tempCol

 ga5 = GAPerm(distance, n, mutRate = 0.3, mutation = mutation.FUN)
 best.dist = 1/max(ga5$bestFit())
 plot(ga5, main = 'Euro tour: TSP with 21 cities')
 mtext(paste('Best distance found:', best.dist))
