Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generate a heatmap showing log2 odds ratios and P-values.
plotConCubR Documentation

Generate a heatmap showing log2 odds ratios and P-values.


The function generates a heatmap by calling the heatmap.2-function from the gplots-package. Each cell shows the log2 odds ratio of the test for the corresponding variables. In addition, stars indicate the P-value for this test.


plotConCub(obj, filter, = 1, show=list(), dontshow=list(),
	args_heatmap.2 = list(), col = list(range = NULL),
	alt.names = list(), t = FALSE)



An object with class concub


An object with class concubfilter

The heatmap can only visualize a two-dimensional table. In case of three-dimensions, one dimension (category) must be fixed.


A named list. The names are the names of the categories. Each item is a character vector of variables that should be shown in the plot.


A named list. The names are the names of the categories. Each item is a character vector of variables that should not be shown in the plot.


Arguments passed to ‘heatmap.2’. Can be used to change size of fonts etc.


A vector of colors, for instance from heat.colors


Substitute variables by alternative terms. For instance, if variables are artificial ids, they can be substituted by descriptive text for the heatmap.


logical; transpose matrix for heatmap. Default FALSE.


## a completely artificial example run
## through the routines of the package
R <- 500
#generate R random gene-ids
ID <- sapply(1:R, function(r){paste( sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse="" ) } )
ID <- unique(ID)

#assign artificial differentially expressed genes randomly
category1 <- list( deg.smallFC=sample(ID, 100, rep=FALSE),
	deg.hughFC=sample(ID, 100, rep=FALSE) )
#assign artificial GO terms of genes randomly
category2 <- list( go1=sample(ID, 50, replace=FALSE),
	go2=sample(ID, 166, replace=FALSE),
	go3=sample(ID, 74, replace=FALSE),
	go4=sample(ID, 68, replace=FALSE) )
#assign artificial sequence length of genes randomly
LEN <- setNames(sample(seq(100, 1000, 100), length(ID), replace=TRUE), ID)
category3 <- split( ID, f=factor(LEN, levels=seq(100, 1000, 100)) )
CatList <- list(deg=category1, go=category2, len=category3)

ConCubFilter.obj <- new("concubfilter", names=names(CatList))
ConCub.obj <- new("concub", fact=CatList)
ConCub.obj.2 <- runConCub( obj=ConCub.obj, filter=ConCubFilter.obj, nthreads=1 )
ConCub.obj.3 <- filterConCub( obj=ConCub.obj.2, filter=ConCubFilter.obj )
plotConCub( obj=ConCub.obj.3, filter=ConCubFilter.obj )


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> library(geecc)
geecc 1.6.0 loaded
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/geecc/plotConCub.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotConCub
> ### Title: Generate a heatmap showing log2 odds ratios and P-values.
> ### Aliases: plotConCub
> ### ** Examples
> ##
> ## a completely artificial example run
> ## through the routines of the package
> ##
> R <- 500
> #generate R random gene-ids
> ID <- sapply(1:R, function(r){paste( sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse="" ) } )
> ID <- unique(ID)
> #assign artificial differentially expressed genes randomly
> category1 <- list( deg.smallFC=sample(ID, 100, rep=FALSE),
+ 	deg.hughFC=sample(ID, 100, rep=FALSE) )
> #assign artificial GO terms of genes randomly
> category2 <- list( go1=sample(ID, 50, replace=FALSE),
+ 	go2=sample(ID, 166, replace=FALSE),
+ 	go3=sample(ID, 74, replace=FALSE),
+ 	go4=sample(ID, 68, replace=FALSE) )
> #assign artificial sequence length of genes randomly
> LEN <- setNames(sample(seq(100, 1000, 100), length(ID), replace=TRUE), ID)
> category3 <- split( ID, f=factor(LEN, levels=seq(100, 1000, 100)) )
> CatList <- list(deg=category1, go=category2, len=category3)
> ConCubFilter.obj <- new("concubfilter", names=names(CatList))
> ConCub.obj <- new("concub", fact=CatList)
> ConCub.obj.2 <- runConCub( obj=ConCub.obj, filter=ConCubFilter.obj, nthreads=1 )
Testing: counts ~ deg + go + len (mi)

> ConCub.obj.3 <- filterConCub( obj=ConCub.obj.2, filter=ConCubFilter.obj )
Dimension before filtering: deg=2, go=4, len=10
Dimension after filtering: deg=2, go=4, len=10
> plotConCub( obj=ConCub.obj.3, filter=ConCubFilter.obj )
null device 