Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Box plot of group of values with corresponding jittered...
boxplotplus2R Documentation

Box plot of group of values with corresponding jittered points


This function allows for display a boxplot with jittered points.


boxplotplus2(x, .jit = 0.25, .las = 1, .ylim, box.col = "lightgrey",
  pt.col = "blue", pt.cex = 0.5, pt.pch = 16, med.line = FALSE,
  med.col = "goldenrod", ...)



x could be a list of group values or a matrix (each group is a row).


Amount of jittering noise.


Numeric in 0,1,2,3; the style of axis labels.


Range for y axis.


Color for boxes.


Color for groups (jittered points).


A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting jittered points should be magnified relative to the default.


Either an integer specifying a symbol or a single character to be used as the default in plotting jittered points. See points for possible values and their interpretation.


TRUE if a line should link the median of each group, FALSE otherwise.


Color of med.line.


Additional parameters for boxplot function.


Number of samples in each group.


2.21.2006 - Christos Hatzis, Nuvera Biosciences


Christos Hatzis

See Also

boxplot, jitter


dd <- list("G1"=runif(20), "G2"=rexp(30) * -1.1, "G3"=rnorm(15) * 1.3)
boxplotplus2(x=dd, .las=3, .jit=0.75, .ylim=c(-3,3), pt.cex=0.75,
  pt.col=c(rep("darkred", 20), rep("darkgreen", 30), rep("darkblue", 15)),
  pt.pch=c(0, 9, 17))


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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/genefu/boxplotplus2.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: boxplotplus2
> ### Title: Box plot of group of values with corresponding jittered points
> ### Aliases: boxplotplus2
> ### ** Examples
> dd <- list("G1"=runif(20), "G2"=rexp(30) * -1.1, "G3"=rnorm(15) * 1.3)
> boxplotplus2(x=dd, .las=3, .jit=0.75, .ylim=c(-3,3), pt.cex=0.75,
+   pt.col=c(rep("darkred", 20), rep("darkgreen", 30), rep("darkblue", 15)),
+   pt.pch=c(0, 9, 17))
G1 G2 G3 
20 30 15 
null device 