Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Copy Number Aberration
genoCNAR Documentation

Copy Number Aberration


extract genotype and copy number calls for copy number aberrations, which are often observed in tumor tissues


genoCNA(snpNames, chr, pos, LRR, BAF, pBs, sampleID, 
  Para=NULL, fixPara=FALSE, cnv.only=NULL, estimate.pi.r=TRUE, 
  estimate.pi.b=TRUE, estimate.trans.m=TRUE, outputSeg = TRUE, 
  outputSNP=3, outputTag=sampleID, outputViterbi=FALSE, 
  Ds=c(1e10, 1e10, rep(1e8, 7)), pBs.alpha=0.001, contamination=TRUE, 
  normalGtp=NULL, geno.error=0.01,, max.diff=0.1, 
  distThreshold=1e6, transB=c(0.5,.05,.05,0.1,0.1,.05,.05,.05,.05), 
  epsilon=0.005, K=5, maxIt=200, seg.nSNP=3, traceIt=5)



a vector of SNP names. SNPs must be ordered by chromosme locations


chromosomes of all the SNPs specified in snpNames


positions of all the SNPs specified in snpNames


Log R Ratio of all the SNPs specified in snpNames


B Allele Frequency of all the SNPs specified in snpNames


population frequency of of all the SNPs specified in snpNames


symbol/name of the studied sample. Only one sample is studied each time


a list of initial parameters for the HMM. If Para is NULL, The default initial parameters: init.Para.CNA is used


if fixPara is TRUE, the parameters in Para are fixed, and are used directly to calculate posterior probabilities. It is not recommended to set fixPara as TRUE for CNA studies.


a vector indicating those CNV-only probes, for which we only consider their Log R ratio. If it is NULL, there is no CNV-only probes


to estimate pi.r (proportion of uniform component for LRR) or not. By default, estimate.pi.r=FALSE, and the initial value of pi.r is used to estimate other parameters


to estimate pi.b (proportion of uniform component for BAF) or not. By default, estimate.pi.b=FALSE, and the initial value of pi.b is used to estimate other parameters


to estimate transition probability matrix or not. By default, estimate.trans.m=FALSE, and the initial value of estimate.trans.m is used to estimate other parameters


wether to output the information of copy number altered segments


if outputSNP is 0, do not output SNP specific information; if outputSNP is 1, output the most likely copy number and genotype state of the SNPs that are within copy number altered regions; if outputSNP is 2, output the most likely copy number and genotype state of all the SNPs (whether it is within CNV regions or not), if outputSNP is 3, output the posterior probability for all the copy number and genotype states for the SNPs.


the prefix of the output files, output of copy number altered segments is written into file outputTag_segment.txt, and output of SNP information is written into file outputTag_SNP.txt


whether to output the copy altered regions identified by the viterbi algorithm. see details


Parameter to for transition probability of the HMM. A vector of length N, where N is the number of states in the HMM


pBs.alpha is the lower limit of population B allele frequency, and the upper limit is 1 - pBs.alpha


whether tissue contamination is considered


normalGtp is specified only if paired tumor-normal SNP array is availalble. It is the normal tissue genotype for all the SNPs specified in snpNames, which can only take four different values: -1, 0, 1, and 2. Values 0, 1, 2 correspond to the number of B alleles, and value -1 indicates the normal genotype is missing. By default, it is NULL, then all the normal genotype are set missing (-1)


probability of genotyping error in normal tissue genotypes

the minimum of transition probability.


Due to normalization procedure, the BAF may not be symmetric. Let's use state (AAA, AAB, ABB, BBB) as an example. Ideally, mean values of normal components AAB and ABB, denoted by mu1 and mu2, respectively, should have the relation mu1 = 1-mu2 if BAF is symmetric. However, this may not be true due to normalization procedures. We restrict the difference of mu1 and (1-mu2) by this parameter max.diff.


If distance between adjacent probes is larger than distThreshold, restart the transition probability by the default values in transB.


The default transition probability.


see explanation of K


epsilon and K are used to specify the convergence criteria. We say the estimate.para is converged if for K consecutive updates, the maximum change of parameter estimates in every adjacent step is smaller than epsilon


the maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm to estimate parameters


the minimum number of SNPs per segment


if traceIt is a integer n, then the running time is printed out in every n iterations of the EM algorithm. if traceIt is 0 or negative, no tracing information is printed out.


results are written into output files


Copy number altered regions are identified, by default, based on the SNP level copy number calls. A CNA region boundary is declared simply when the adjacent SNPs have different copy numbers. An alternative approach is to use viterbi algorithm to output the “best path”. Most time the results based on the SNP level copy number calls are the same as the results from viterbi algorithm. For the following up association studies, the SNP level information is more relevant if we examine the association SNP by SNP.


Wei Sun and Zhengzheng Tang






plotCN(pos=snpInfo$Position, LRR=snpData$LRR, BAF=snpData$BAF, 
main = "simulated data on Chr22")

snpNames = snpInfo$Name
chr = snpInfo$Chr
pos = snpInfo$Position
LRR = snpData$LRR
BAF = snpData$BAF
pBs = snpInfo$PFB

# Note this simulated data is more of CNV rather than CNA. 
# For example, there is no tissue contamination. 
# We just use it to illustrate the usage of genoCNA. 

Theta = genoCNA(snpNames, chr, pos, LRR, BAF, pBs, contamination=TRUE, 
  normalGtp=NULL, sampleID, cnv.only=cnv.only, outputSeg = TRUE, 
            outputSNP = 1, outputTag = "simu1")


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> library(genoCN)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/genoCN/genoCNA.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: genoCNA
> ### Title: Copy Number Aberration
> ### Aliases: genoCNA
> ### Keywords: methods
> ### ** Examples
> data(snpData)
> data(snpInfo)
> dim(snpData)
[1] 17348     3
> dim(snpInfo)
[1] 17348     4
> snpData[1:2,]
       Name        LRR         BAF
1 rs2334386 -0.2440655 1.000000000
2 rs9617528 -0.1422038 0.007824231
> snpInfo[1:2,]
             Name Chr Position   PFB
1075853 rs2334386  22 14430353 0.956
1075854 rs9617528  22 14441016 0.176
> snpInfo[c(1001,1100,10001,10200),]
              Name Chr Position   PFB
1076853  rs1934895  22 17460150 0.140
1076952  rs1206549  22 17595860 0.740
1085853 rs17750152  22 35827972 0.856
1086052  rs8141057  22 36007895 0.780
> plotCN(pos=snpInfo$Position, LRR=snpData$LRR, BAF=snpData$BAF, 
+ main = "simulated data on Chr22")
> snpNames = snpInfo$Name
> chr = snpInfo$Chr
> pos = snpInfo$Position
> LRR = snpData$LRR
> BAF = snpData$BAF
> pBs = snpInfo$PFB
> cnv.only=(snpInfo$PFB>1)
> sampleID="simu1"
> # Note this simulated data is more of CNV rather than CNA. 
> # For example, there is no tissue contamination. 
> # We just use it to illustrate the usage of genoCNA. 
> Theta = genoCNA(snpNames, chr, pos, LRR, BAF, pBs, contamination=TRUE, 
+   normalGtp=NULL, sampleID, cnv.only=cnv.only, outputSeg = TRUE, 
+             outputSNP = 1, outputTag = "simu1")
5 Wed Jul  6 16:20:37 2016 
10 Wed Jul  6 16:20:42 2016 
15 Wed Jul  6 16:20:47 2016 
20 Wed Jul  6 16:20:52 2016 
converges after 20 iterations
estimate copy number states for chromosome:


null device 